# encoding: utf-8 # author: Adam Leff require 'inspec/profile_vendor' require 'mixlib/shellout' require 'toml' module Habitat class Profile # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength attr_reader :options, :path, :profile def self.create(path, options = {}) creator = new(path, options) hart_file = creator.create creator.copy(hart_file) ensure creator.delete_work_dir end def self.upload(path, options = {}) uploader = new(path, options) uploader.upload ensure uploader.delete_work_dir end def initialize(path, options = {}) @path = path @options = options log_level = options.fetch('log_level', 'info') Habitat::Log.level(log_level.to_sym) end def create Habitat::Log.info("Creating a Habitat artifact for profile: #{path}") validate_habitat_installed validate_habitat_origin create_profile_object verify_profile vendor_profile_dependencies copy_profile_to_work_dir create_plan create_run_hook create_settings_file create_default_config # returns the path to the .hart file in the work directory build_hart rescue => e Habitat::Log.debug(e.backtrace.join("\n")) exit_with_error( 'Unable to generate Habitat artifact.', "#{e.class} -- #{e.message}", ) end def copy(hart_file) validate_output_dir Habitat::Log.info("Copying artifact to #{output_dir}...") copy_hart(hart_file) end def upload validate_habitat_auth_token hart_file = create upload_hart(hart_file) rescue => e Habitat::Log.debug(e.backtrace.join("\n")) exit_with_error( 'Unable to upload Habitat artifact.', "#{e.class} -- #{e.message}", ) end def delete_work_dir Habitat::Log.debug("Deleting work directory #{work_dir}") FileUtils.rm_rf(work_dir) if Dir.exist?(work_dir) end private def create_profile_object @profile = Inspec::Profile.for_target( path, backend: Inspec::Backend.create(target: 'mock://'), ) end def verify_profile Habitat::Log.info('Checking to see if the profile is valid...') unless profile.check[:summary][:valid] exit_with_error('Profile check failed. Please fix the profile before creating a Habitat artifact.') end Habitat::Log.info('Profile is valid.') end def vendor_profile_dependencies profile_vendor = Inspec::ProfileVendor.new(path) if profile_vendor.lockfile.exist? && profile_vendor.cache_path.exist? Habitat::Log.info("Profile's dependencies are already vendored, skipping vendor process.") else Habitat::Log.info("Vendoring the profile's dependencies...") profile_vendor.vendor! Habitat::Log.info('Ensuring all vendored content has read permissions...') profile_vendor.make_readable # refresh the profile object since the profile now has new files create_profile_object end end def validate_habitat_installed Habitat::Log.info('Checking to see if Habitat is installed...') cmd = Mixlib::ShellOut.new('hab --version') cmd.run_command if cmd.error? exit_with_error('Unable to run Habitat commands.', cmd.stderr) end end def validate_habitat_origin if habitat_origin.nil? exit_with_error( 'Unable to determine Habitat origin name.', 'Run `hab setup` or set the HAB_ORIGIN environment variable.', ) end end def validate_habitat_auth_token if habitat_auth_token.nil? exit_with_error( 'Unable to determine Habitat auth token for publishing.', 'Run `hab setup` or set the HAB_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable.', ) end end def validate_output_dir exit_with_error("Output directory #{output_dir} is not a directory or does not exist.") unless File.directory?(output_dir) end def work_dir return @work_dir if @work_dir @work_dir ||= Dir.mktmpdir('inspec-habitat-exporter') Dir.mkdir(File.join(@work_dir, 'src')) Dir.mkdir(File.join(@work_dir, 'habitat')) Dir.mkdir(File.join(@work_dir, 'habitat', 'config')) Dir.mkdir(File.join(@work_dir, 'habitat', 'hooks')) Habitat::Log.debug("Generated work directory #{@work_dir}") @work_dir end def copy_profile_to_work_dir Habitat::Log.info('Copying profile contents to the work directory...') profile.files.each do |f| src = File.join(profile.root_path, f) dst = File.join(work_dir, 'src', f) if File.directory?(f) Habitat::Log.debug("Creating directory #{dst}") FileUtils.mkdir_p(dst) else Habitat::Log.debug("Copying file #{src} to #{dst}") FileUtils.cp_r(src, dst) end end end def create_plan plan_file = File.join(work_dir, 'habitat', 'plan.sh') Habitat::Log.info("Generating Habitat plan at #{plan_file}...") File.write(plan_file, plan_contents) end def create_run_hook run_hook_file = File.join(work_dir, 'habitat', 'hooks', 'run') Habitat::Log.info("Generating a Habitat run hook at #{run_hook_file}...") File.write(run_hook_file, run_hook_contents) end def create_settings_file settings_file = File.join(work_dir, 'habitat', 'config', 'settings.sh') Habitat::Log.info("Generating a settings file at #{settings_file}...") File.write(settings_file, "SLEEP_TIME={{cfg.sleep_time}}\n") end def create_default_config default_toml = File.join(work_dir, 'habitat', 'default.toml') Habitat::Log.info("Generating Habitat's default.toml configuration...") File.write(default_toml, 'sleep_time = 300') end def build_hart Habitat::Log.info('Building our Habitat artifact...') env = { 'TERM' => 'vt100', 'HAB_ORIGIN' => habitat_origin, 'HAB_NONINTERACTIVE' => 'true', } env['RUST_LOG'] = 'debug' if Habitat::Log.level == :debug # TODO: Would love to use Mixlib::ShellOut here, but it doesn't # seem to preserve the STDIN tty, and docker gets angry. Dir.chdir(work_dir) do unless system(env, 'hab pkg build .') exit_with_error('Unable to build the Habitat artifact.') end end hart_files = Dir.glob(File.join(work_dir, 'results', '*.hart')) if hart_files.length > 1 exit_with_error('More than one Habitat artifact was created which was not expected.') elsif hart_files.empty? exit_with_error('No Habitat artifact was created.') end hart_files.first end def copy_hart(working_dir_hart) hart_basename = File.basename(working_dir_hart) dst = File.join(output_dir, hart_basename) FileUtils.cp(working_dir_hart, dst) dst end def upload_hart(hart_file) Habitat::Log.info('Uploading the Habitat artifact to our Depot...') env = { 'TERM' => 'vt100', 'HAB_AUTH_TOKEN' => habitat_auth_token, 'HAB_NONINTERACTIVE' => 'true', } env['HAB_DEPOT_URL'] = ENV['HAB_DEPOT_URL'] if ENV['HAB_DEPOT_URL'] cmd = Mixlib::ShellOut.new("hab pkg upload #{hart_file}", env: env) cmd.run_command if cmd.error? exit_with_error( 'Unable to upload Habitat artifact to the Depot.', cmd.stdout, cmd.stderr, ) end Habitat::Log.info('Upload complete!') end def habitat_origin ENV['HAB_ORIGIN'] || habitat_cli_config['origin'] end def habitat_auth_token ENV['HAB_AUTH_TOKEN'] || habitat_cli_config['auth_token'] end def habitat_cli_config return @cli_config if @cli_config config_file = File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.hab', 'etc', 'cli.toml') return {} unless File.exist?(config_file) @cli_config = TOML.load_file(config_file) end def output_dir options[:output_dir] || Dir.pwd end def exit_with_error(*errors) errors.each do |error_msg| Habitat::Log.error(error_msg) end exit 1 end def package_name "inspec-profile-#{profile.name}" end def plan_contents plan = <<-EOL pkg_name=#{package_name} pkg_version=#{profile.version} pkg_origin=#{habitat_origin} pkg_deps=(chef/inspec core/ruby core/hab) pkg_svc_user=root EOL plan += "pkg_license='#{profile.metadata.params[:license]}'\n\n" if profile.metadata.params[:license] plan += <<-EOL do_build() { cp -vr $PLAN_CONTEXT/../src/* $HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH/$pkg_dirname } do_install() { local profile_contents local excludes profile_contents=($(ls)) excludes=(habitat results *.hart) for item in ${excludes[@]}; do profile_contents=(${profile_contents[@]/$item/}) done cp -r ${profile_contents[@]} ${pkg_prefix}/dist/ } EOL plan end def run_hook_contents <<-EOL #!/bin/sh # InSpec will try to create a .cache directory in the user's home directory # so this needs to be someplace writeable by the hab user export HOME={{pkg.svc_var_path}} PROFILE_IDENT="{{pkg.origin}}/{{pkg.name}}" RESULTS_DIR="{{pkg.svc_var_path}}/inspec_results" RESULTS_FILE="${RESULTS_DIR}/{{pkg.name}}.json" ERROR_FILE="{{pkg.svc_var_path}}/inspec.err" # Create a directory for inspec formatter output mkdir -p {{pkg.svc_var_path}}/inspec_results while true; do echo "Executing InSpec for ${PROFILE_IDENT}" hab pkg exec chef/inspec inspec exec {{pkg.path}}/dist --format=json > ${RESULTS_FILE} 2>${ERROR_FILE} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "InSpec run completed successfully." elsif [ -s ${ERROR_FILE} ] echo "InSpec run did NOT complete successfully. Error:" cat ${ERROR_FILE} else echo "InSpec run completed successfully, but there were control failures." echo "Check the output at ${RESULTS_FILE} for details." fi source {{pkg.svc_config_path}}/settings.sh echo "sleeping for ${SLEEP_TIME} seconds" sleep ${SLEEP_TIME} done EOL end end end