# encoding: utf-8 # copyright: 2015, Vulcano Security GmbH module Inspec::Resources class Apache < Inspec.resource(1) name 'apache' supports platform: 'unix' desc 'Use the apache InSpec audit resource to retrieve Apache environment settings.' example " describe apache do its ('service') { should cmp 'apache2' } end describe apache do its ('conf_dir') { should cmp '/etc/apache2' } end describe apache do its ('conf_path') { should cmp '/etc/apache2/apache2.conf' } end describe apache do its ('user') { should cmp 'www-data' } end " attr_reader :service, :conf_dir, :conf_path, :user def initialize warn '[DEPRECATED] The `apache` resource is deprecated and will be removed in InSpec 4.0' if inspec.os.debian? @service = 'apache2' @conf_dir = '/etc/apache2/' @conf_path = File.join @conf_dir, 'apache2.conf' @user = 'www-data' else @service = 'httpd' @conf_dir = '/etc/httpd/' @conf_path = File.join @conf_dir, '/conf/httpd.conf' @user = 'apache' end end def to_s 'Apache Environment' end end end