import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, EventEmitter, SimpleChange } from '@angular/core'; declare var Terminal: any; @Component({ selector: 'xterm-terminal', templateUrl: 'app/xterm-terminal/xterm-terminal.component.html', styleUrls: ['app/xterm-terminal/xterm-terminal.component.css'] }) export class XtermTerminalComponent implements OnInit { @Input() response: string; @Input() shell: string; @Output() command: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); // handle up/down arrow functionality previousCommands: any = []; poppedCommands: any = []; last: number; // handle user input buffer: string = ''; // the buffer is our string of user input blockCmd: string = ''; // handle describe and control blocks // xterm variables terminalContainer: any; term: any; optionElements: any; cols: string; rows: string; ngOnInit() { // set up Xterm terminal ( this.terminalContainer = document.getElementById('terminal-container'); this.cols = '70'; this.rows = '70'; this.createTerminal(); } // watch for changes on the value of response and call printResponse ngOnChanges(changes: {[propertyName: string]: SimpleChange}) { if (changes['response'] && this.term) { let currentResponse = changes['response'].currentValue; this.printResponse(currentResponse); } } // create Xterm terminal ( createTerminal() { while (this.terminalContainer.children.length) { this.terminalContainer.removeChild(this.terminalContainer.children[0]); } this.term = new Terminal({ cursorBlink: true });;; var initialGeometry = this.term.proposeGeometry(), cols = initialGeometry.cols, rows = initialGeometry.rows; this.cols = cols; this.rows = rows; this.runFakeTerminal() } // more Xterm terminal stuff. we're faking it. faking it can be a good thing ;) runFakeTerminal() { if (this.term._initialized) { return; } this.term._initialized = true; this.setPrompt(); } // if the response matches the special message we send when the user // has entered 'next' or 'prev' (to navigate through the demo) // then no need to print the response, just set the prompt. otherwise, // print response and set prompt printResponse(response) { if (response.match(/.30mnext|.30mprev/)) { this.deleteCharacters(); if (this.term.x < 3) { // this check prevents us from printing a second prompt on the line // when the arrow in the nav is used to move forward this.setPrompt(); } } else { this.term.writeln(response); this.setPrompt(); } } // the value of shell is taken as an input. the default // shellprompt is displayed unless shell is set to 'inspec-shell' setPrompt() { this.buffer = ''; if ( === 'inspec-shell') { if (this.blockCmd != '') { this.term.write(' inspec>*'); // green inspec shell prompt with * to denote multi-line command } else { this.term.write(' inspec> '); // green inspec shell prompt } } else { this.term.write(' $ '); // blue regular shell prompt } } // delete everything on the line deleteCharacters() { // don't delete the prompt let letters = this.term.x - 3; for (var i = 0; i < letters; i++) { this.term.write('\b \b'); } } // keydown calls handleDelete to check if the user is holding down the backpace key // TODO: make this work! the backspace event isn't coming in for some reason :( handleDelete(ev) { if (ev.keyCode == 8) { this.deleteCharacters(); } } // handle describe and control blocks. if the command entered matches the // syntax we would generally expect in a control/describe block, then we // wait to have the whole string command (as marked by 'end' for a simple describe // block and end end for a control block) and emit that handleBlockCommand(buffer) { this.blockCmd += buffer + ''; if (this.blockCmd.match(/^control/)) { if (this.blockCmd.match(/end.*end.*/)) { this.command.emit(this.blockCmd); this.blockCmd = ''; } else { this.setPrompt(); } } else { if (buffer.match(/^end$/)) { this.command.emit(this.blockCmd); this.blockCmd = ''; } else { this.setPrompt(); } } } // onKey will check if the character is printable (on keyup) and add it to the buffer. if the enter key is hit // the value of the buffer is emitted as 'command'. onKey also supports proper backspace handling and // the ability to up-arrow through previous commands/down arrow back through them. onKey(ev) { var shell = null // determine if the character is a printable one var printable = ['Alt', 'Control', 'Meta', 'Shift', 'CapsLock', 'Tab', 'Escape', 'ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight'].indexOf(ev.key) == -1 // on enter, save command to array and send current value of buffer // to parent component (app) if (ev.keyCode == 13) { if ((this.buffer === 'clear') || (this.buffer === 'clr')) { this.createTerminal(); } else { this.previousCommands.push(this.buffer); this.term.write('\r\n'); if ( === 'inspec-shell') { // if the command entered matches any of the typical describe and // control blocks, then we call handleBlockCommand to not emit the // value until we have the whole multi-line command if (this.buffer.match(/^describe.*|^it.*|^end$|^impact.*|^title.*|^control.*/)) { this.handleBlockCommand(this.buffer); } } else { this.command.emit(this.buffer); } } } // on backspace, pop characters from buffer else if (ev.keyCode == 8) { // if inspec shell is being used, this needs to be set to 9 to account for the extra letters if ( === 'inspec-shell') { if (this.term.x > 9) { this.buffer = this.buffer.substr(0, this.buffer.length-1); this.term.write('\b \b'); } } else { // setting the value here to 3 ensures that we don't delete the promp '$' or the space after it if (this.term.x > 3) { this.buffer = this.buffer.substr(0, this.buffer.length-1); this.term.write('\b \b'); } } } // on up arrow, delete anything on line, print previous command // and push last to poppedCommands else if (ev.keyCode === 38) { let last; this.buffer = ''; if (this.previousCommands.length > 0) { last = this.previousCommands.pop(); this.poppedCommands.push(last); } else { last = ''; } this.deleteCharacters(); this.buffer = last; this.term.write(last); } // on down arrow, delete anything on line, print last item from poppedCommands // and push previous to previousCommands else if (ev.keyCode === 40) { let previous; this.buffer = ''; if (this.poppedCommands.length > 0) { previous = this.poppedCommands.pop(); this.previousCommands.push(previous); } else { previous = ''; } this.deleteCharacters(); this.buffer = previous; this.term.write(previous); } // if the character is printable and none of the event key codes from above were matched // then we write the character on the prompt line and add the character to the buffer else if (printable) { this.term.write(ev.key); this.buffer += ev.key; } } }