import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { Http, Response } from '@angular/http'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Rx'; import { HTTP_PROVIDERS } from '@angular/http'; import { XtermTerminalComponent } from './xterm-terminal/xterm-terminal.component'; declare var require: any; var shellwords = require("shellwords"); @Component({ selector: 'my-app', templateUrl: 'app/app.component.html', styleUrls: ['app/app.component.css'], providers: [ HTTP_PROVIDERS ], directives: [ XtermTerminalComponent ] }) export class AppComponent implements OnInit { // template values instructions: any; title: string; // taken as input by xterm terminal componen response: string; shell: string; // colors for responses red: string = " "; white: string = " "; black: string = " "; matchFound: boolean; // helps to handle no match found response counter: number = 0; // keeps track of step number count userCommand: string; // used to display better error msg when no match is found extraCmds: string = ''; // used to display extra commands available (from commands.yml) // arrays of data parsed from json files commandsArray: any = []; instructionsArray: any = []; constructor(private http: Http) { } ngOnInit() { // load json files this.getInstructions(); this.getResponses(); this.getExtraCmds(); } // called when command entered is 'next' or 'prev' // modifies value of counter and calls displayInstructions updateInstructions(step) { let totalSteps = this.instructionsArray.length - 1; let msg = Math.random(); if (step === 'next') { if (this.counter < totalSteps) { this.counter += 1; } this.response = + 'next' + msg; } else if (step === 'prev') { if (this.counter > 0) { this.counter -= 1; } this.response = + 'prev' + msg; } this.displayInstructions(); } // display instructions based on value of counter and // format text to remove triple backticks. if the user has reached // then end of the demo, display a message containing extra commands that have been // enabled in the demo displayInstructions() { if (this.counter === this.instructionsArray.length - 1) { this.title = "the end; that's all folks!"; this.instructions = "here are some other commands you can try out: \r\n\r\n" + this.extraCmds; } else { if (this.instructionsArray[this.counter][1]) { this.title = this.instructionsArray[this.counter][0]; let text = this.instructionsArray[this.counter][1]; let formattedText = text.replace(/```/g, ''); this.instructions = formattedText; } else { this.instructions = 'Sorry, something seems to have gone wrong. Please try refreshing your browser.'; } } } // called when a new value is emitted for command // checks for a match, calls parseInspecShell if shell is inspec-shell // and calls checkCommand if none of the first commands match evalCommand(command) { this.userCommand = command; if (command.match(/^next\s*/)) { this.updateInstructions('next'); } else if (command.match(/^prev\s*/)) { this.updateInstructions('prev'); } else if ( === 'inspec-shell') { this.parseInspecShell(command); } else if (command.match(/^ls\s*/)) { this.response = this.white + ""; } else if (command.match(/^pwd\s*/)) { this.response = this.white + "anonymous-web-user/inspec"; } else if (command.match(/^cat\s*\s*/i)) { this.response = this.white + "Only a few commands are implemented in this terminal. Please follow the demo"; } else if (command.match(/^less\s*\s*/i)) { this.response = this.white + "Only a few commands are implemented in this terminal. Please follow the demo."; } else { this.checkCommand(command); } } // if the shell is inspec-shell, we want to exit the shell env on 'exit' // format the command for checkCommand by using shellwords.escape and // adding 'echo' and 'inspec shell' to match command from commands.json parseInspecShell(command) { if (command.match(/^exit\s*/)) { = ''; this.response = ''; } else if (command.match(/^pwd\s*/)) { this.response = this.white + "anonymous-web-user/inspec-shell"; } else { let escaped_cmd; let formatted_cmd; // TODO: make this better // I don't really like what we're doing here when we have a // describe and control block, but I had a lot of trouble getting this // to work because of the new lines carriage returns in the command from commands.json // so at the moment we're splitting the command on "do" and assuming a match if that first // result group matches (everything before do) :/ if (command.match(/^describe.*|^control/)) { let split_cmd = command.split('do'); escaped_cmd = shellwords.escape(split_cmd[0]); formatted_cmd = 'echo.*' + escaped_cmd ; } else { escaped_cmd = shellwords.escape(command) formatted_cmd = 'echo.*' + escaped_cmd + '.*inspec.*shell'; } let regex_compatible = formatted_cmd.replace(/\W+/g, '.*'); this.checkCommand(regex_compatible); } } // takes the command as input, replaces all white space with regex whitespace matcher // and creates a new regex. check if the regex matches any of the keys in the commandsArray // if it matches, we set matchFound to true and call displayResult. if it doesn't match, // we display a default error message checkCommand(command) { let dir = 'app/responses/'; let cmd = command.replace(/ /g,"\\s*") let regexcmd = new RegExp(('^'+cmd+'$'), 'm') this.matchFound = false; for (var i = 0; i < this.commandsArray.length; i++) { let object = this.commandsArray[i] for (let key in object) { if (key.match(regexcmd)) { this.matchFound = true; let value = object[key]; this.http.get(dir + value).subscribe(data => { this.displayResult(command, data); }, err => console.error(err)); } } } // if no match is found, we check if the command entered was inspec exec something // and if it is respond appropriately ('could not fetch inspec profile in ''), otherwise // respond with 'invalid command' and the command entered if (this.matchFound === false) { let msg = Math.random(); if (command.match(/^inspec exec\s*.*/)) { let target = command.match(/^inspec exec\s*(.*)/) if (target[1].match(/.*-t.*|.*-b.*/)) { this.response = + "Sorry, we haven't figured out how to handle the transport options in this demo just yet." + + msg; } else { this.response = + "Could not fetch inspec profile in '" + target[1] + "' " + + msg; } } else { this.response = + 'invalid command: ' + this.userCommand + + msg; } } } // if the command if inspec shell, we also need to set the shell variable to // inspec shell. print response value and random msg (to ensure recognition of value change by xterm // terminal component) displayResult(command, data) { if (command.match(/^inspec\s*shell\s*$/)) { = 'inspec-shell'; } let msg = Math.random(); this.response = this.white + data['_body'] + + msg; } // load json file for instructions and save to instructionsArray // call displayInstructions to load first set of instructions getInstructions() { this.http.get('instructions.json') .subscribe(data => { this.instructionsArray = JSON.parse(data['_body']); this.displayInstructions(); }, err => console.error(err) ); } // load json file for commands and push each object to commandsArray getResponses() { this.http.get('commands.json') .subscribe(data => { let result = JSON.parse(data['_body']); for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { let object = result[i][0]; this.commandsArray.push(object); } }, err => console.error(err) ); } // load json file for extra commands to display extra commands available to user getExtraCmds() { this.http.get('extra_commands.json') .subscribe(data => { let result = JSON.parse(data['_body']); for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { this.extraCmds += result[i] + "\r\n"; } }, err => console.error(err) ); } }