attr_names = [ :one_level_array, :two_level_array, :one_level_hash, :two_level_hash, :hash_of_arrays, :array_of_hashes, ] attrs = {} attr_names.each do |attr_name| # Store as a symbol-fetched attribute attrs[attr_name] = attribute(attr_name, value: "#{attr_name}_sym_default") # .. and store under a string name, as a string-fetched attribute! attrs[attr_name.to_s] = attribute(attr_name.to_s, value: "#{attr_name}_str_default") end # For now, these all use string keys, as that is normal InSpec behavior # Also, for 'its' calls, see control 'nested' do describe 'one_level_array' do subject { attrs['one_level_array'] } it { should be_a_kind_of(Array) } it { should respond_to(:[])} its([0]) { should eq 'thing1' } its([1]) { should eq 'thing2' } # Should this be nil? Or one_level_array_default? its([2]) { should be nil } end describe 'two_level_array' do # Access first row subject { attrs['two_level_array'][0] } it { should be_a_kind_of(Array) } it { should respond_to(:[])} its([0]) { should eq 'row1col1' } its([1]) { should eq 'row1col2' } end describe 'one_level_hash' do subject { attrs['one_level_hash'] } it { should be_a_kind_of(Hash) } it { should respond_to(:[])} its(['key1']) { should eq 'value1' } its(['key2']) { should eq 'value2' } its('keys.count') { should eq 2 } end describe 'two_level_hash' do subject { attrs['two_level_hash'] } it { should be_a_kind_of(Hash) } it { should respond_to(:[])} its(['key1', 'key11']) { should eq 'value11' } its(['key2', 'key22']) { should eq 'value22' } its('keys.count') { should eq 2 } end describe 'hash_of_arrays' do subject { attrs['hash_of_arrays'] } it { should be_a_kind_of(Hash) } it { should respond_to(:[])} its(['key1', 0]) { should eq 'thing11' } its(['key2', 1]) { should eq 'thing22' } its('keys.count') { should eq 2 } end describe 'array_of_hashes' do subject { attrs['array_of_hashes'] } it { should be_a_kind_of(Array) } it { should respond_to(:[])} # These fail # its([0, 'key11']) { should eq 'value11' } # its([1, 'key22']) { should eq 'value22' } its('count') { should eq 2 } end end