We have 72 `skip_windows` that need addressing. This PR removes
confirmed instances where the tests now work on windows. It also marks
tests with a comment where they are confirmed to still break. Unmarked
instances still need review.
It also updates the `skip_windows` expiration date.
72 `skip_windows` needing resolution OR alternative documentation upon investigation
Signed-off-by: Nick Schwaderer <nschwaderer@chef.io>
This removes ::InspecPlugins::TestFixture in installer_test and
loader_test on every test.
Please... no more output in our test runs...
Signed-off-by: Ryan Davis <zenspider@chef.io>
This also removes Inspec::ResourceBehaviors and Inspec::ResourceDSL.
All class methods look like class methods.
All instance methods look like instance methods.
There is still too much clever going on with __register creating
another anonymous subclass, but I think I can work that out/down too.
Signed-off-by: Ryan Davis <zenspider@chef.io>
3 files left to go, and they're behaving oddly so I'm leaving them out
in this pass. Looks like 21 deprecations left.
Signed-off-by: Ryan Davis <zenspider@chef.io>
This activates a BUNCH of tests but keeps us green.
Whether these tests are valid or not is not being addressed here.
Signed-off-by: Ryan Davis <zenspider@chef.io>
This was the next most expensive require in the analysis.
Also rearranged the way that ui handled tables to be lazy.
% SLOW=1 time rake test:functional
before: Finished in 681.514579s, 0.5136 runs/s, 2.9919 assertions/s.
after : Finished in 642.655918s, 0.5446 runs/s, 3.1728 assertions/s.
Signed-off-by: Ryan Davis <zenspider@chef.io>
Not sure how it was supposed to work in the first place. The plugin in
question depends on ordinal_array and that wasn't in that fixture dir.
Switching to 2 is all it apparently needed.
This does cause yet another double-load warning (VERSION already
defined). I don't know how we're supposed to get around that with the
way we've set up these tests.
Signed-off-by: Ryan Davis <zenspider@chef.io>
This time between:
+ PluginManagerCliDefinitionTests#(?:test_plugin_registered
+ PluginLoaderTests#test_load_mock_plugin_by_gem
Signed-off-by: Ryan Davis <zenspider@chef.io>
Specifically, if these were run in this order:
+ PluginLoaderTests#test_load_mock_plugin_by_gem
+ PluginInstallerInstallationTests#test_install_a_gem_from_local_file
the latter would fail.
The failure was in test setup. The solution was partially to crib off
of and normalize with LoaderTest setup/teardown and partially to set extra things.
+ HOME wasn't being set so it was finding my ~/.inspec/plugins.json
+ ENV wasn't being reset for Gem.paths
+ Installer wasn't being reset correctly, so plugins were known across tests.
Signed-off-by: Ryan Davis <zenspider@chef.io>
+ Added SLOW=1 to appveyor (I hope?) and travis.
+ Off by default.
Speeds up installer tests from ~5.5 seconds to ~0.5 seconds.
Once this is established, we can push this up to the main helper and
generalize if it works out for us.
Signed-off-by: Ryan Davis <zenspider@chef.io>
+ Do extra cleanup of loaded_specs for the dependencies.
+ Ensure rake is actually activated.
Signed-off-by: Ryan Davis <zenspider@chef.io>