* Add mode method to test the value of Bonding Mode
Signed-off-by: Eammon Hanlon <eammon.hanlon@microsoft.com>
* Add test for bonding mode in bond unit test
Signed-off-by: Eammon Hanlon <eammon.hanlon@microsoft.com>
* Add documentation on mode matcher for bond resource
Signed-off-by: Eammon Hanlon <eammon.hanlon@microsoft.com>
* Update example for 'Test parameters for bond0'
Signed-off-by: Eammon Hanlon <eammon.hanlon@microsoft.com>
* Fixes usage of 'output' to 'stdout'
* Adds examples for 'exit_status' and 'stderr'
* Modifies the matchers section to point to the command resource
Signed-off-by: Franklin Webber <franklin@chef.io>
* Rewrite of Inspec Azure Resource pack to allow the testing of _any_ value Azure reosurce.
This fixes#56 so that it works with the latest version of the SDK. In fact it will only work to version >= 0.15
Signed-off-by: Russell Seymour <russell.seymour@turtlesystems.co.uk>
* Fixes#2343 (Windows file permissions regression)
Signed-off-by: David Alexander <opensource@thelonelyghost.com>
* Updates docs with missing info on `be_allowed()` matcher
Signed-off-by: David Alexander <opensource@thelonelyghost.com>
* remove second end in first describe example, because of wrong syntax
Signed-off-by: Patrick Münch <patrick.muench1111@gmail.com>
* correct style of the examples
Signed-off-by: Patrick Münch <patrick.muench1111@gmail.com>
* Full docs, first draft; integration tests; started on unit tests
* Integration tests pass
* Docs update
* More consistent syntax in examples
* Alter fetch phase to perform fetch, handle results, and unpack into instance vars, more like other resources
* Docs first draft, integration tests, and constructor unit tests for SNS topic
Signed-off-by: Clinton Wolfe <clintoncwolfe@gmail.com>
* Skeleton of SNS topic
Signed-off-by: Clinton Wolfe <clintoncwolfe@gmail.com>
* Constructor arg validation works
Signed-off-by: Clinton Wolfe <clintoncwolfe@gmail.com>
* Passing unit tests for recall
Signed-off-by: Clinton Wolfe <clintoncwolfe@gmail.com>
* Subscription Count property, works
Signed-off-by: Clinton Wolfe <clintoncwolfe@gmail.com>
* Subscription, not subscriber
Signed-off-by: Clinton Wolfe <clintoncwolfe@gmail.com>
* Integration tests pass; also wildard ARNs are not allowed
Signed-off-by: Clinton Wolfe <clintoncwolfe@gmail.com>
* Rubocop changes
Signed-off-by: Clinton Wolfe <clintoncwolfe@gmail.com>
* Doc updates per kagarmoe
Signed-off-by: Clinton Wolfe <clintoncwolfe@gmail.com>
* Add non-halting exception support to resources
This adds two `Inspec::Exceptions` that can be used within resources to
either skip or fail a test without halting execution.
Signed-off-by: Jerry Aldrich <jerryaldrichiii@gmail.com>
* Update docs in source to use matcher-style calls, not properties-as-predicates
Signed-off-by: Clinton Wolfe <clintoncwolfe@gmail.com>
* Main doc file for aws_iam_user
Signed-off-by: Clinton Wolfe <clintoncwolfe@gmail.com>
* Add documentation for existing resources
This adds documentation for the following resources, including custom matchers:
- aws_ec2_instance
- aws_iam_access_key
- aws_iam_password_policy
- aws_iam_root_user
- aws_iam_users
Signed-off-by: Jerry Aldrich <jerryaldrichiii@gmail.com>
* Fix `aws_iam_users` example (Console + No MFA) (#104)
Signed-off-by: Jerry Aldrich <jerryaldrichiii@gmail.com>
* Correct copypasta
Signed-off-by: Clinton Wolfe <clintoncwolfe@gmail.com>
* Remove misleading singular matcher information from the plural docs for aws_iam_users
Signed-off-by: Clinton Wolfe <clintoncwolfe@gmail.com>
* Correct `aws-iam-userss` typo (#105)
Signed-off-by: Jerry Aldrich <jerryaldrichiii@gmail.com>
* Add EC2 instance state info
Signed-off-by: Clinton Wolfe <clintoncwolfe@gmail.com>
* test commit
Signed-off-by: kgarmoe <kgarmoe@chef.io>
* copy edits
Signed-off-by: kgarmoe <kgarmoe@chef.io>
* Yikes, forgot to save after correcting a merge conflict
Signed-off-by: Clinton Wolfe <clintoncwolfe@gmail.com>
* Fix the docs for the shadow resource
Inspired by the work in PR #2246
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
* Fix typo
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
* Added CRAN resource to check R modules
control 'cran-1' do
impact 1.0
desc '
Ensure R module DBI is installed.
describe cpan('DBI') do
it { should be_installed }
its('version') { should cmp >= '3.0' }
Signed-off-by: Markus Grobelin <grobi@koppzu.de>
* cran resource: made lint happy, added negative unit test, removed unused arg perl_lib_path
Signed-off-by: Markus Grobelin <grobi@koppzu.de>
* Added CPAN resource to check Perl modules
control 'cpan-1' do
impact 1.0
desc '
Ensure Perl modules DBI and DBD::Pg are installed.
describe cpan('DBI') do
it { should be_installed }
describe cpan('DBD::Pg') do
it { should be_installed }
its('version') { should cmp >= '3.0' }
Signed-off-by: Markus Grobelin <grobi@koppzu.de>
* cpan resource: fixed unit test for non-installed module
Signed-off-by: Markus Grobelin <grobi@koppzu.de>
* new resource: elasticsearch resource, test cluster/node state
This is a new resource for testing an Elasticsearch cluster. It operates
by fetching the `_nodes` endpoint from a given Elasticsearch node and
collects data about each node in a cluster, even if there's only a
single node.
This work is based on inspiration from an initial PR #1956 submitted by
Signed-off-by: Rony Xavier <rx294@nyu.edu>
Signed-off-by: Aaron Lippold <lippold@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
* Reduce mock data on non-default tests
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
* Enhance cmp matcher to work with symbols
The `cmp` matcher will now stringify symbol actual values if the
expected value was passed in as a string. This will help with the file
resource `type` method where Train returns the file type as a symbol.
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
* Fix documentation for file type character_device
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
* Fix docs for block_device
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
* Fix file mtime docs
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
This change enhances the processes resource to support the busybox
ps command which is common on Alpine, for example. The way we
map ps fields to the structs needed by FilterTable have also been
refactored to be more flexible so we can support multiple formats
in the future.
Also, the processes resource now allows the grep argument to be optional
thus allowing a user to query all resources without passing in a
match-all regex.
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
The docs for the `os` resource did not have the proper parameters
listed and also improperly had `os[:debian]` examples instead of
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
* Docs update to describe using cmp for version matching on packages
Signed-off-by: Clinton Wolfe <clintoncwolfe@gmail.com>
* Add 'and' and force Travis to re-run checks
Signed-off-by: Clinton Wolfe <clintoncwolfe@gmail.com>
Currently, the http resource always executes locally, even when scanning
a remote machine with `--target` which leads to undesireable behavior.
This change adds the ability to remotely execute tests with curl. This
behavior is currently opt-in with the `enable_remote_worker` flag, but
will become the default behavior in InSpec 2.0. Deprecation warnings
are emitted if the user is scanning a remote target but has not opted
in to the new behavior.
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
As discussed during the Chef Community Summit 2017 in Seattle, many
more technical users wish to use `expect` syntax and wish to see
more examples of how to do so with InSpec resources.
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
* Clarify the copy
* Fix the name of the kitchen configuration file. `.kitchen.yml`, not
* `kitchen.yml`
* Use proper syntax for specifying recipes in the sample code
* Use a valid Supermarket-based profile in the sample code
* Demonstrate using local InSpec tests
Signed-off-by: Nathen Harvey <nharvey@chef.io>
* New Resource - firewalld
Signed-off-by: dromazos <dromazmj@dukes.jmu.edu>
* New Resource - firewalld
Signed-off-by: dromazos <dromazmj@dukes.jmu.edu>
* New Resource - firewalld
Signed-off-by: dromazos <dromazmj@dukes.jmu.edu>
* New Resource - firewalld
Signed-off-by: dromazos <dromazmj@dukes.jmu.edu>
* Modifications to new resourec - firewalld
Signed-off-by: dromazos <dromazmj@dukes.jmu.edu>
* Modifications to new resource - firewalld
Signed-off-by: dromazos <dromazmj@dukes.jmu.edu>
* Modifications to new resource firewalld
Signed-off-by: dromazmj <dromazmj@dukes.jmu.edu>
* Modifications to new resource - firewalld
Signed-off-by: dromazmj <dromazmj@dukes.jmu.edu>
* Changing firewalld_command method to prepend the command with 'firewall-cmd' to reduce code reuse.
Signed-off-by: dromazmj <dromazmj@dukes.jmu.edu>
* Modifications made
* installed? method now tells by checking if firewall-cmd is a command on the system
* The firewalld_command method now strips the stdout of the return
* added another test for testing multiple active zones
Signed-off-by: dromazmj <dromazmj@dukes.jmu.edu>
* Fixing rake lint issue
Signed-off-by: dromazmj <dromazmj@dukes.jmu.edu>
* Fixing match and returning boolean for seeing if firewalld is running
Signed-off-by: dromazmj <dromazmj@dukes.jmu.edu>
* Fixing lint issues
Signed-off-by: dromazmj <dromazmj@dukes.jmu.edu>
* Empty commit to rerun. Accidentally updated branch.
Signed-off-by: dromazmj <dromazmj@dukes.jmu.edu>
* Rerunning test, accidentally updated branch. needs sign off commit
Signed-off-by: dromazmj <dromazmj@dukes.jmu.edu>
* Add hotfix resource for Windows
Signed-off-by: Matt Ray <matthewhray@gmail.com>
* Renamed hotfix to windows_hotfix
Added additional unit test checking for KB that is not present on a box
Signed-off-by: Matt Ray <matthewhray@gmail.com>
* Integration test to spot-check for hotfixes
Queries the Windows operating system via Powershell for a list of all
installed hotfixes and spot-checks every 10th one with the
windows_hotfix resource. Checking hundreds is time-consuming. Also
checks to ensure a non-installed hotfix is not present.
Signed-off-by: Matt Ray <matthewhray@gmail.com>
* add example for checking last permissions octet
Signed-off-by: Thomas Cate <tcate@chef.io>
* Correctly describe the last permissions bit for file resource
Signed-off-by: Thomas Cate <tcate@chef.io>
* Added auditd resource and documentation.
Signed-off-by: Jennifer Burns <jburns@mitre.org>
* Added unit tests for auditd resource and updated auditd_rules_test to match new entries in auditctl
Signed-off-by: Jennifer Burns <jburns@mitre.org>
* Removed all legacy code for audit < 2.3. Removed parens to create consistency.
Signed-off-by: Jennifer Burns <jburns@mitre.org>
* Updated method names and removed unnecessary content based on review
Signed-off-by: Jennifer Burns <jburns@mitre.org>