Having a dedicated downloads page will allow us to better communicate
different ways of downloading InSpec and also provide links to helpful
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
RedCarpet table rendering was not enabled, and we need to treat
the resource names as code to avoid resources with two underscores
from being rendered as partial italics.
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
inspec.io is now hosted by Fastly which operates as a caching reverse
proxy. This change adds a Rake task that will flush the cache at Fastly
if the API key and Service ID are set in the appropriate environment
Flushing the cache is not required, so this will not error out if the
environment variables aren't provided; the cache will eventually clear
on its own. This will simply speed along the process as needed.
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
The Gemfile.lock in the www directory needs to be updated since
the last InSpec release. We should probably do this as part of
the normal InSpec release process.
You need to `bundle install` before releasing the web stuff,
and the www rake tasks will fail if your git repo is unclean.
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
If changes are detected in the docs or www directory, a website
build will be generated that pushes up to Netlify. This will allow
teams to validate web changes without requiring pulling down the
branch and building locally.
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
Currently, the `http` resource only operates on the node on which
`inspec exec` is run, even if the user uses the `--target` flag.
This has caused some confusion in the community.
Until this can be fixed, this change adds a warning to the documentation.
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
In #1454, we welcomed a newly-revamped JUnit formatter which has
a dependency on Nokogiri. Unfortunately, this had led us to problems
getting InSpec included in Chef omnibus builds (see chef/chef#5937)
because Chef is using Ruby 2.4.1 and the Nokogiri maintainers have
not yet released a windows binary gem that supports Ruby 2.4.x.
This has led to breaking builds in Chef's CI platform and would
block the acceptance of chef/chef#5937.
This change replaces Nokogiri use with REXML instead. While REXML
can be slower than Nokogiri, it does not require native extensions
and is supported on all Chef platforms.
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
After moving the www tasks into the www directory, the release
task needed to be updated to run certain commands from the repo
root such that the newly-built web content was in the repo root
of the gh-pages branch, rather than the www/ directory.
Also updating the www Gemfile.lock with the new inspec release.
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
The global message was removed during the redesign. Adding it back
to promote ChefConf. Also adding the upcoming NYC meetup to the
front screen.
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
Adding a dedicated page for the InSpec/Habitat integration which
explains what it is, and details the commands a user needs to use
the integration.
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
This is a follow-up to #1585. The website-related Rake tasks have been
moved to a www-specific Rakefile which can be found in the www/
directory. Any web-release-related gems have been moved to the www
Gemfile as well.
This also included modifying the docs rake tasks to be path-
independent as they currently expect that Rake is being run from the
root of the repo.
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
The simulator gems are not necessary for building InSpec, only the website.
This is currently causing issues in the Jenkins infrastructure due to
a downstream dependency of github-markup.
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
- Added banner for webinars (present and future)
- CSS support for IE10, IE11, Edge
- Fixed URL bug for demo
- Fixed Edge browser resize bug
- Changes to relative path, update event info
Signed-off-by: Hannah Maddy <hmaddy@chef.io>
The existing slack form on the community page doesn't function...
it's trying to post to the community-slack.chef.io site, but the actual
invite form doesn't actually live there but rather in a SlackIn app.
Also, we have some info we'd like new Slack users to receive, such as
etiquette tips and code-of-conduct information.
This change replaces the form with a link to the community-slack.chef.io
site. Also, I fixed a missing space in the surprise code example on
the main page.
Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <adam@leff.co>
** Fixed 404 pages on mobile
** Colored links when on correct page for Nav (probably, a better way
to handle this..but it works for now)
** Changed horizontal parallax to vertical
** Per Kaiv’s request slowed down grid animation
** Per Kaiv’s request added a little “code snippet” preview when plus
icon on homepage is clicked.
People visiting the habitat.sh website should consider submitting a
talk for ChefConf. The CFP closes on 18 Jan so this is a nice,
short-lived thing to highlight.
Signed-off-by: Nathen Harvey <nharvey@chef.io>
While rebasing the branch where I was working on the cli formatter I
noticed the addition of junit. However, it was not in the help.
Signed-off-by: Franklin Webber <franklin@chef.io>
* change global message on site
Signed-off-by: Ryan Keairns <rkeairns@chef.io>
* incrementing the message id to re-enable the display
Signed-off-by: Ryan Keairns <rkeairns@chef.io>
Some browsers do not support the use of default parameters. Moving the
logic that sets `step` to null if undefined into the function body
allows those browsers to render the tutorial correctly.
A few minor styling fixes for the docs nav for mobile, refactoring
the markup to remove unneeded parent elements, and fixing a
bug where the nav overlapped with the footer if the window was
too short.
it got much simpler this morning; this is 3am-safe now (unless you added garbage to the site, in which case there is nothing we can do... This automation protects you from human mistakes during the build and release process only).
The 3.1.0 version of jQuery that we had previously included was
throwing errors; this downgrades to the version of jQuery that
was shipped with the version of Foundation that is in the project.