+ Turn off verbosity in Rakefile by default. Use `rake V=1` to turn back on.
+ MiniTest -> Minitest everywhere.
+ MiniTest::Unit::TestCase -> Minitest::Test everywhere.
+ Updated minitest doco urls to official and up-to-date site.
+ Normalize requires. Only needs "minitest/autorun" and "minitest/pride".
Signed-off-by: Ryan Davis <zenspider@chef.io>
Issues with underlying API changes caused a break in the current `inspec compliance upload`
This diff shows the change in API:
3cc2ee63e0...85c815011a (diff-9d107f8e84fe350fa821fed1838dbda8L162)
Implementing the same change in the `inspec-compliance` plugin fixes the
following issue:
Traceback (most recent call last):
11: from /hab/pkgs/chef/inspec/3.6.12/20190221172437/lib/gems/inspec-3.6.12/bin/inspec:12:in `<main>'
10: from /hab/pkgs/chef/inspec/3.6.12/20190221172437/lib/gems/thor-0.20.3/lib/thor/base.rb:466:in `start'
9: from /hab/pkgs/chef/inspec/3.6.12/20190221172437/lib/gems/thor-0.20.3/lib/thor.rb:387:in `dispatch'
8: from /hab/pkgs/chef/inspec/3.6.12/20190221172437/lib/gems/thor-0.20.3/lib/thor/invocation.rb:126:in `invoke_command'
7: from /hab/pkgs/chef/inspec/3.6.12/20190221172437/lib/gems/thor-0.20.3/lib/thor/command.rb:27:in `run'
6: from /hab/pkgs/chef/inspec/3.6.12/20190221172437/lib/gems/thor-0.20.3/lib/thor.rb:238:in `block in subcommand'
5: from /hab/pkgs/chef/inspec/3.6.12/20190221172437/lib/gems/thor-0.20.3/lib/thor/invocation.rb:115:in `invoke'
4: from /hab/pkgs/chef/inspec/3.6.12/20190221172437/lib/gems/thor-0.20.3/lib/thor.rb:387:in `dispatch'
3: from /hab/pkgs/chef/inspec/3.6.12/20190221172437/lib/gems/thor-0.20.3/lib/thor/invocation.rb:126:in `invoke_command'
2: from /hab/pkgs/chef/inspec/3.6.12/20190221172437/lib/gems/thor-0.20.3/lib/thor/command.rb:27:in `run'
1: from /hab/pkgs/chef/inspec/3.6.12/20190221172437/lib/gems/inspec-3.6.12/lib/plugins/inspec-compliance/lib/inspec-compliance/cli.rb:144:in `upload'
/hab/pkgs/chef/inspec/3.6.12/20190221172437/lib/gems/inspec-3.6.12/lib/inspec/backend.rb:45:in `create': undefined method `unpack_train_credentials' for {:target=>"mock://"}:Hash (NoMethodError)
Signed-off-by: skylerto <skylerclayne@gmail.com>
This updates the Habitat plugin by doing the following:
- Removing `settings.sh` in favor of Habitat config TOMLs
- Changing deprecated `--format` to `--reporter`
- Cleaning up plan.sh in several ways
- Adding handling for different exit codes
- Removing unnecessary runtime deps
- Vendoring the InSpec archive during build
- Using shebangs that reference Habitat's bash
- Adding error handling for `hab studio enter`/`build` from `habitat/`
- Making `pkg_svc_user` use default `hab` and not `root`
Signed-off-by: Jerry Aldrich <jerryaldrichiii@gmail.com>
* Fixes (some) ruby warnings related to functional tests
* Removes unneeded `Dir.tmpdir` from test
Signed-off-by: David Alexander <opensource@thelonelyghost.com>
This prevents errors on systems without `ENV['HOME']` (e.g. Habitat
services) by allowing the specification of the location of `.inspec` via
Signed-off-by: Jerry Aldrich <jerryaldrichiii@gmail.com>
* Adding inspec init profile for GCP.
* Adding final newline, thanks rubocop.
* Ensure README headings are at the same level.
* Move OS-specific default profile to new location
* Enforce os-platform restriction on default profile template
* Use profile templates in subdirs.
* Updates to address PR feedback after rebasing from #3491.
* Alter test setup to properly use YAML
Signed-off-by: Clinton Wolfe <clintoncwolfe@gmail.com>