Move reporter option handling to base

They don't need to be json specific, they should apply to any reporter if the user has chosen these settings.

Signed-off-by: James Stocks <>
This commit is contained in:
James Stocks 2020-05-01 11:33:48 +01:00
parent ae66aee2b2
commit 69fb6e0782
4 changed files with 37 additions and 24 deletions

View file

@ -5,11 +5,36 @@ module Inspec::Reporters
def initialize(config)
@config = config
@run_data = config[:run_data]
@message_truncation = config[:message_truncation] || 'ALL'
@include_backtrace = config[:include_backtrace].nil? ? true : config[:include_backtrace]
@output = ""
# Apply options such as message truncation and removal of backtraces
def apply_options_to_run_data
message_truncation = @config[:message_truncation] || "ALL"
trunc = -1
if message_truncation != "ALL"
if message_truncation.to_i.to_s != message_truncation
Inspec::Log.warn("Messages will not be truncated because #{message_truncation} is not an integer value")
trunc = message_truncation.to_i
include_backtrace = @config[:include_backtrace].nil? ? true : @config[:include_backtrace]
@run_data[:profiles]&.each do |p|
p[:controls].each do |c|
c[:results]&.map! do |r|
r.delete(:backtrace) unless include_backtrace
if r.key?(:message) && r[:message] != "" && trunc > -1
r[:message] = r[:message][0...trunc] + "[Truncated to #{trunc} characters]"
def output(str, newline = true)
@output << str
@output << "\n" if newline

View file

@ -29,16 +29,8 @@ module Inspec::Reporters
def profile_results(control)
trunc = -1
if @message_truncation != 'ALL'
if @message_truncation.to_i.to_s != @message_truncation
Inspec::Log.warn("Messages will not be truncated because #{@message_truncation} is not an integer value")
trunc = @message_truncation.to_i
(control[:results] || []).map do |r|
res = {
(control[:results] || []).map { |r|
status: r[:status],
code_desc: r[:code_desc],
run_time: r[:run_time],
@ -48,12 +40,8 @@ module Inspec::Reporters
message: r[:message],
exception: r[:exception],
backtrace: r[:backtrace],
res.reject! { |_k, v| v.nil? }
res[:message] = res[:message][0...trunc] + "[Truncated to #{trunc} characters]" if res.key?(:message) && res[:message] != "" && trunc > -1
res.delete(:backtrace) unless @include_backtrace
}.reject { |_k, v| v.nil? }
def profiles

View file

@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ describe "inspec exec with json formatter" do
let(:json) { JSON.load(raw) }
let(:profile) { json["profiles"][0] }
let(:control_with_exception) { profile["controls"].find { |c| c["id"] == "Raises an exception" } }
let(:failed_result) { control_with_exception["results"].find { |r| r['exception'] == 'NoMethodError' } }
let(:failed_result) { control_with_exception["results"].find { |r| r["exception"] == "NoMethodError" } }
it "reports backtrace by default" do
_(failed_result["backtrace"]).wont_be :nil?
_(failed_result["backtrace"]).must_be_instance_of Array
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ describe "inspec exec with json formatter" do
let(:json) { JSON.load(raw) }
let(:profile) { json["profiles"][0] }
let(:control_with_exception) { profile["controls"].find { |c| c["id"] == "Raises an exception" } }
let(:failed_result) { control_with_exception["results"].find { |r| r['exception'] == 'NoMethodError' } }
let(:failed_result) { control_with_exception["results"].find { |r| r["exception"] == "NoMethodError" } }
it "reports backtrace" do
_(failed_result["backtrace"]).wont_be :nil?
_(failed_result["backtrace"]).must_be_instance_of Array
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ describe "inspec exec with json formatter" do
let(:json) { JSON.load(raw) }
let(:profile) { json["profiles"][0] }
let(:control_with_exception) { profile["controls"].find { |c| c["id"] == "Raises an exception" } }
let(:failed_result) { control_with_exception["results"].find { |r| r['exception'] == 'NoMethodError' } }
let(:failed_result) { control_with_exception["results"].find { |r| r["exception"] == "NoMethodError" } }
it "does not report backtrace" do
_(failed_result["backtrace"]).must_be :nil?

View file

@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ Test Summary: 0 successful, 0 failures, 0 skipped
let(:out) { inspec("exec " + File.join(profile_path, "failures") + " --no-distinct-exit --no-create-lockfile") }
it "exits with code 1" do
_(stdout).must_include "Profile Summary: 0 successful controls, 2 control failures, 0 controls skipped"
_(stdout).must_include "Profile Summary: 0 successful controls, 4 control failures, 0 controls skipped"
_(stderr).must_equal ""
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ Test Summary: 2 successful, 0 failures, 0 skipped\n"
it "should print all the results" do
_(stdout).must_include "× tmp-1.0: Create / directory (1 failed)"
_(stdout).must_include "× is expected not to be directory\n"
_(stdout).must_include "× undefined method `should_nota'"
_(stdout).must_include "× File / \n undefined method `should_nota'"
_(stdout).must_include "× is expected not to be directory\n expected `File /.directory?` to return false, got true"
_(stdout).must_include "× 7 is expected to cmp >= 9\n"
_(stdout).must_include "× 7 is expected not to cmp == /^\\d$/\n"
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ Test Summary: 2 successful, 0 failures, 0 skipped\n"
it "should print all the results" do
_(stdout).must_include "× tmp-1.0: Create / directory (1 failed)"
_(stdout).must_include "× cmp-1.0: Using the cmp matcher for numbers (2 failed)"
_(stdout).must_include "× undefined method `should_nota'"
_(stdout).must_include "× File / \n undefined method `should_nota'"
_(stdout).must_include "× is expected not to be directory\n expected `File /.directory?` to return false, got true"
_(stdout).must_include "✔ profiled-1: Create / directory (profile d)"