www: stop build process if any shell commands fail

use `sh` instead of `system`; `sh` fails, system just returns `nil` and saves the status...
This commit is contained in:
Dominik Richter 2016-09-28 16:39:26 +02:00
parent fe83884417
commit 695680a581

View file

@ -21,25 +21,22 @@ namespace :www do
desc 'Builds the tutorial contents'
task :tutorial do
Log.section 'Build the online tutorial in www/tutorial/'
'cd www/tutorial/',
'npm install',
'gulp build',
].join(' && '))
sh('cd www/tutorial/ && npm install')
sh('cd www/tutorial/ && gulp build')
desc 'Builds the middleman site'
task :site do
Log.section 'Build middleman project in www/'
Bundler.with_clean_env {
system('cd www/ && bundle install && bundle exec middleman build')
sh('cd www/ && bundle install && bundle exec middleman build')
desc 'Assemble the website site from middleman and the tutorial'
task :assemble do
Log.section 'Copy only tutorial into middleman build directory'
system('rsync -a --exclude=index.html www/tutorial/dist/* www/build/')
sh('rsync -a --exclude=index.html www/tutorial/dist/* www/build/')
desc 'Builds the full site locally'
@ -64,10 +61,10 @@ namespace :www do
# check if git exists
system('command -v git >/dev/null 2>&1') ||
sh('command -v git >/dev/null 2>&1') ||
fail("It looks like `git` isn't installed. It is required to run this build task.")
unless system('git diff-index --quiet HEAD --')
unless sh('git diff-index --quiet HEAD --')
fail 'Please make sure you have no uncommitted changes in this repository.'
@ -76,7 +73,7 @@ namespace :www do
file_size = `du -hs www/build`.sub(/\s+.*$/m, '')
Log.info 'Remove local gh-pages branch'
system('git branch -D gh-pages')
sh('git branch -D gh-pages')
current_branch = `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`.strip
if current_branch.empty?
@ -84,33 +81,33 @@ namespace :www do
Log.info 'Create empty gh-pages branch'
system('git checkout --orphan gh-pages')
sh('git checkout --orphan gh-pages')
Log.info 'Clear out all local git files!'
system('git rm -rf .')
sh('git rm -rf .')
Log.info "Add the built files in #{dst}"
system("git add #{dst}")
sh("git add #{dst}")
Log.info 'Remove all other files in this empty branch'
system('git clean -df')
sh('git clean -df')
Log.info 'Move the site to the root directory'
system("git mv #{File.join(dst, '*')} .")
sh("git mv #{File.join(dst, '*')} .")
Log.info 'Commit to gh-pages'
system("git commit -m 'website update'")
sh("git commit -m 'website update'")
require 'inquirer'
if Ask.confirm("Ready to go, I have #{file_count} files at #{file_size}. "\
'Do you want to push this live?', default: false)
Log.info 'push to origin, this may take a moment'
system('git push -u origin --force-with-lease gh-pages')
sh('git push -u origin --force-with-lease gh-pages')
puts 'Aborted.'
system("git checkout #{current_branch}")
sh("git checkout #{current_branch}")