Before you start using the compliance plugin, you need a running [Chef Compliance]( server. Please login and gather the access token:

You can choose the access token (`--token`) or the refresh token (`--refresh_token`)
$ inspec compliance
inspec compliance exec PROFILE # executes a Chef Compliance profile
inspec compliance help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
inspec compliance login SERVER # Log in to a Chef Compliance SERVER
inspec compliance logout # user logout from Chef Compliance
inspec compliance profiles # list all available profiles in Chef Compliance
inspec compliance upload PATH # uploads a local profile to Chef Compliance
inspec compliance version # displays the version of the Chef Compliance server
➜ inspec git:(chris-rock/cc-error-not-loggedin) ✗ b inspec compliance upload examples/profile
I, [2016-05-06T14:27:20.907547 #37592] INFO -- : Checking profile in examples/profile
I, [2016-05-06T14:27:20.907668 #37592] INFO -- : Metadata OK.
I, [2016-05-06T14:27:20.968584 #37592] INFO -- : Found 4 controls.
I, [2016-05-06T14:27:20.968638 #37592] INFO -- : Control definitions OK.
Profile is valid
Generate temporary profile archive at /var/folders/jy/2bnrfb4s36jbjtzllvhhyqhw0000gn/T/profile20160506-37592-1tf326f.tar.gz
I, [2016-05-06T14:27:21.020017 #37592] INFO -- : Generate archive /var/folders/jy/2bnrfb4s36jbjtzllvhhyqhw0000gn/T/profile20160506-37592-1tf326f.tar.gz.
I, [2016-05-06T14:27:21.024837 #37592] INFO -- : Finished archive generation.
Start upload to admin/profile
Uploading to Chef Compliance
Successfully uploaded profile
# display all profiles
$ inspec compliance profiles
Available profiles:
* admin/profile
* base/apache
* base/linux
* base/mysql
* base/postgres
* base/ssh
* base/windows
* cis/cis-centos6-level1
* cis/cis-centos6-level2
* cis/cis-centos7-level1
* cis/cis-centos7-level2
* cis/cis-rhel7-level1
* cis/cis-rhel7-level2
* cis/cis-ubuntu12.04lts-level1
* cis/cis-ubuntu12.04lts-level2
* cis/cis-ubuntu14.04lts-level1
* cis/cis-ubuntu14.04lts-level2
# run a profile from Chef Compliance locally
$ inspec exec compliance://admin/profile
Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's status)