A `parse_config` resource block declares the location of the configuration setting to be tested, and then what value is to be tested. Because this resource relies on arbitrary configuration files, the test itself is often arbitrary and relies on custom Ruby code:
output = command('some-command').stdout
describe parse_config(output, { data_config_option: value } ) do
its('setting') { should eq 1 }
audit = command('/sbin/auditctl -l').stdout
options = {
assignment_re: /^\s*([^:]*?)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/,
multiple_values: true
describe parse_config(audit, options) do
its('setting') { should eq 1 }
where each test
* Must declare the location of the configuration file to be tested
* Must declare one (or more) settings to be tested
* May run a command to `stdout`, and then run the test against that output
* May use options to define how configuration data is to be parsed