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echo "--- system details"
$Properties = 'Caption', 'CSName', 'Version', 'BuildType', 'OSArchitecture'
Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object $Properties | Format-Table -AutoSize
ruby -v
bundle --version
echo "--- download and install vault"
# Define the version of Vault to install
$VaultVersion = "1.13.0"
# Define the installation directory for Vault
$VaultDirectory = "$env:USERPROFILE\Vault"
# Create the installation directory if it doesn't exist
if (!(Test-Path $VaultDirectory))
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $VaultDirectory | Out-Null
$VaultDownloadUrl = "$VaultVersion/vault_${VaultVersion}"
$VaultZipFilePath = Join-Path $VaultDirectory ""
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $VaultDownloadUrl -OutFile $VaultZipFilePath
# Extract the Vault binary from the zip file
$VaultExtractPath = Join-Path $VaultDirectory "vault"
Expand-Archive -Path $VaultZipFilePath -DestinationPath $VaultExtractPath
# Add the Vault binary to the system PATH environment variable
$env:Path += ";$VaultExtractPath"
# Verify the installation
echo "--- vault version installed is:"
vault version
echo "--- fetching License serverl url and keys from vault"
$Env:CHEF_LICENSE_SERVER=vault kv get -field acceptance secret/inspec/licensing/server
$Env:CHEF_LICENSE_KEY=vault kv get -field acceptance secret/inspec/licensing/license-key
echo "--- verifying if environment variables are set"
function CheckIfEnvVarIsSet {
param (
if (Test-Path "env:\$envVarName") {
Write-Host " ++ $envVarName set successfully"
} else {
Write-Host " !! $envVarName is not set."
CheckIfEnvVarIsSet -envVarName $envVarName
CheckIfEnvVarIsSet -envVarName $envVarName
$envVarName = "CHEF_LICENSE_KEY"
CheckIfEnvVarIsSet -envVarName $envVarName
echo "--- fetching Sonar token from vault"
$Env:SONAR_TOKEN=vault kv get -field token secret/inspec/sonar
echo "--- bundle install"
bundle config set --local without deploy kitchen
bundle install --jobs=7 --retry=3
echo "+++ bundle exec rake test:parallel"
bundle exec rake test:parallel K=4