Use the `aws_sns_topic` InSpec audit resource to test properties of a single AWS Simple Notification Service Topic. SNS topics are channels for related events. AWS resources place events in the SNS topic, while other AWS resources _subscribe_ to receive notifications when new events have appeared.
describe aws_sns_topic(arn: 'arn:aws:sns:*::my-topic-name') do
it { should exist }
## Resource Parameters
### ARN
This resource expects a single parameter that uniquely identifes the SNS Topic, an ARN. Amazon Resource Names for SNS topics have the format `arn:aws:sns:region:account-id:topicname`. AWS requires a fully-specified ARN for looking up an SNS topic. The account ID and region are required. Wildcards are not permitted.
See also the (AWS documentation on ARNs)[].
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