Returns a list of IAM Managed Policy ARNs as strings that identify the policies that are attached to the user. If there are no attached policies, returns an empty list.
describe aws_iam_user('bob') do
# This is a customer-managed policy
its('attached_policy_arns') { should include 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/test-inline-policy-01' }
Returns a list of IAM Managed Policy Names as strings that identify the policies that are attached to the user. If there are no attached policies, returns an empty list.
describe aws_iam_user('bob') do
# This is a customer-managed policy
its('attached_policy_names') { should include 'test-inline-policy-01' }
Returns a list of IAM Inline Policy Names as strings that identify the inline policies that are directly embedded in the user. If there are no embedded policies, returns an empty list.
describe aws_iam_user('bob') do
its('inline_policy_names') { should include 'test-inline-policy-01' }
This Chef InSpec audit resource has the following special matchers. For a full list of available matchers, please visit our [universal matchers page](
The `have_mfa_enabled` matcher tests if the user has Multi-Factor Authentication enabled, requiring them to enter a secondary code when they login to the web console.
Your [Principal]( will need the `iam:GetUser`, `iam:GetLoginProfile`, `iam:ListMFADevices`, `iam:ListAccessKeys`, `iam:ListUserPolicies`, and `iam:ListAttachedUserPolicies` actions set to allow.
You can find detailed documentation at [Actions, Resources, and Condition Keys for Identity And Access Management](