2017-02-09 14:28:06 -05:00
# encoding: utf-8
# author: Adam Leff
require 'utils/parser'
require 'utils/filter'
module Inspec::Resources
class Crontab < Inspec . resource ( 1 )
name 'crontab'
desc 'Use the crontab InSpec audit resource to test the contents of the crontab for a given user which contains information about scheduled tasks owned by that user.'
example "
describe crontab ( 'root' ) do
its ( 'commands' ) { should include '/path/to/some/script' }
describe crontab ( 'myuser' ) . commands ( '/home/myuser/build.sh' ) do
its ( 'hours' ) { should cmp '*' }
its ( 'minutes' ) { should cmp '*' }
describe crontab . where ( { 'hour' = > '*' , 'minute' = > '*' } ) do
its ( 'entries.length' ) { should cmp '0' }
2017-03-13 21:08:41 -05:00
describe crontab . where { command =~ / a partial command string / } do
its ( 'entries.length' ) { should cmp 1 }
2017-02-09 14:28:06 -05:00
attr_reader :params
include CommentParser
def initialize ( user = nil )
@user = user
@params = read_crontab
return skip_resource 'The `crontab` resource is not supported on your OS.' unless inspec . os . unix?
def read_crontab
inspec . command ( crontab_cmd ) . stdout . lines . map { | l | parse_crontab_line ( l ) } . compact
def parse_crontab_line ( l )
data , = parse_comment_line ( l , comment_char : '#' , standalone_comments : false )
return nil if data . nil? || data . empty?
2017-05-23 18:02:32 +01:00
case data
when / @hourly .* /
{ 'minute' = > '0' , 'hour' = > '*' , 'day' = > '*' , 'month' = > '*' , 'weekday' = > '*' , 'command' = > data . split ( / \ s+ / , 2 ) . at ( 1 ) }
when / @(midnight|daily) .* /
{ 'minute' = > '0' , 'hour' = > '0' , 'day' = > '*' , 'month' = > '*' , 'weekday' = > '*' , 'command' = > data . split ( / \ s+ / , 2 ) . at ( 1 ) }
when / @weekly .* /
{ 'minute' = > '0' , 'hour' = > '0' , 'day' = > '*' , 'month' = > '*' , 'weekday' = > '0' , 'command' = > data . split ( / \ s+ / , 2 ) . at ( 1 ) }
when / @monthly . /
{ 'minute' = > '0' , 'hour' = > '0' , 'day' = > '1' , 'month' = > '*' , 'weekday' = > '*' , 'command' = > data . split ( / \ s+ / , 2 ) . at ( 1 ) }
when / @(annually|yearly) .* /
{ 'minute' = > '0' , 'hour' = > '0' , 'day' = > '1' , 'month' = > '1' , 'weekday' = > '*' , 'command' = > data . split ( / \ s+ / , 2 ) . at ( 1 ) }
when / @reboot .* /
{ 'minute' = > '-1' , 'hour' = > '-1' , 'day' = > '-1' , 'month' = > '-1' , 'weekday' = > '-1' , 'command' = > data . split ( / \ s+ / , 2 ) . at ( 1 ) }
elements = data . split ( / \ s+ / , 6 )
'minute' = > elements . at ( 0 ) ,
'hour' = > elements . at ( 1 ) ,
'day' = > elements . at ( 2 ) ,
'month' = > elements . at ( 3 ) ,
'weekday' = > elements . at ( 4 ) ,
'command' = > elements . at ( 5 ) ,
2017-02-09 14:28:06 -05:00
def crontab_cmd
@user . nil? ? 'crontab -l' : " crontab -l -u #{ @user } "
filter = FilterTable . create
filter . add_accessor ( :where )
. add_accessor ( :entries )
. add ( :minutes , field : 'minute' )
. add ( :hours , field : 'hour' )
. add ( :days , field : 'day' )
. add ( :months , field : 'month' )
. add ( :weekdays , field : 'weekday' )
. add ( :commands , field : 'command' )
# rebuild the crontab line from raw content
filter . add ( :content ) { | t , _ |
t . entries . map do | e |
[ e . minute , e . hour , e . day , e . month , e . weekday , e . command ] . join ( ' ' )
end . join ( " \n " )
filter . connect ( self , :params )
def to_s
@user . nil? ? 'crontab for current user' : " crontab for user #{ @user } "