At the top of each page is a block of front matter that Hugo uses to add a title to each page and locate each page in the left navigation menu in <>. Below is an example of a page's front matter:
`gh_repo = "inspec"` adds an "[edit on GitHub]" link to the top of each page that links to the Markdown page in the inspec/inspec repository.
`[menu.inspec]` places the page in the Chef InSpec section of the left navigation menu in <>. All the parameters following this configure the link in the left navigation menu to the page.
`title` is the title of page in the Chef InSpec menu.
`identifier` is the identifier for a page in the menu. It should formatted like this: `inspec/RESOURCE NAME`. Change `PLATFORM` to the same value as the platform parameter above. Change `RESOURCE NAME` to the name of the resource.
`parent` is the identifier for the section of the menu that the page will be found in. This value is set in the [chef-web-docs menu config]( Set this value to the section of the InSpec menu that you want the page to located in.
`weight` sorts the page in the menu relative to other pages. Higher weights are lower in the menu. Pages without a weight are sorted alphabetically by page title.
### Resource Pages
All resource pages are located in `docs-chef-io/content/inspec/resources/`.
#### InSpec Resources Index Page
The InSpec resources index page is located in [`docs-chef-io/content/inspec/resources/`](content/inspec/resources/
and can be found on <>.
The resources on this page are organized by platform. All resources in a platform are added to this page using the `inspec_resources` shortcode.
To add a new group of resources of a specific platform, add the shortcode and
specify the platform parameter: `{{< inspec_resources platform="PLATFORM" >}}`
The `inspec_resources` shortcode searches for the `platform` parameter in all pages in the `content/inspec/resources` directory and then creates a list of those pages that have the specified parameter.
#### New Resource Pages
Create a new resource page by running `hugo new -k resource inspec/resources/` from the `docs-chef-io` directory.
This will create a new resource page with enough content preformatted to get you started.
#### Resource Page Front Matter
At the top of each resource is a block of front matter that Hugo uses to add a title to each page and locate each page in the left navigation menu in <>. Below is an example of a page's front matter:
`platform = PLATFORM` sorts each page into the correct category in the [Chef InSpec resources list page]( Specify the platform that this page should be listed under in the resources list page.
`gh_repo = "inspec"` adds an "[edit on GitHub]" link to the top of each page that links to the Markdown page in the inspec/inspec repository.
`[menu.inspec]` places the page in the Chef InSpec section of the left navigation menu in <>. All the parameters following this configure the link in the left navigation menu to the page.
`title` is the title of page in the Chef InSpec menu.
`identifier` is the identifier for a page in the menu. It should formatted like this: `inspec/resources/PLATFORM/RESOURCE NAME`. Change `PLATFORM` to the same value as the platform parameter above. Change `RESOURCE NAME` to the name of the resource.
`parent = "inspec/resources/PLATFORM"` is the identifier for the section of the menu that the page will be found in. This value is set in the [chef-web-docs menu config]( Change `PLATFORM` to the same value as the platform parameter.
### Shortcodes
A shortcode is a file with a block of text that can be added in multiple places in our documentation by referencing the shortcode file name.
There are two types of shortcodes: Markdown and HTML.
Add a Markdown shortcode to a page by wrapping the filename, without the `.md` file suffix, in double curly braces and percent symbols. For example: `{{% inspec_filter_table %}}`.
Add an HTML shortcode to a page by wrapping the filename, without the `.html` file suffix, in double curly braces and greater than and lesser than symbols. For example: `{{< shortcode_name >}}`.
Some shortcodes take parameters; for example, the `inspec_resources` shortcode requires a platform parameter: `{{< inspec_resources platform="PLATFORM" >}}`