[--prompt], [--no-prompt] # Interactively prompt for information to put in your generated plugin.
# Default: true
[--detail=DETAIL] # How detailed of a plugin to generate. 'full' is a normal full gem with tests; 'core' has tests but no gemspec; 'test-fixture' is stripped down for a test fixture.
# Default: full
[--author-email=AUTHOR_EMAIL] # Author Email for gemspec
# Default: you@example.com
[--author-name=AUTHOR_NAME] # Author Name for gemspec
# Default: Your Name
[--description=DESCRIPTION] # Multi-line description of the plugin
[--summary=SUMMARY] # One-line summary of your plugin
# Default: A plugin with a default summary
[--license-name=LICENSE_NAME] # The name of a license
# Default: Apache-2.0
[--activator=one two three] # A list of plugin activator, in the form type1:name1, type2:name2, etc
# Default: ["cli_command:my_command"]
[--hook=one two three] # Legacy name for --activator - Deprecated.
[--homepage=HOMEPAGE] # A URL for your project, often a GitHub link
[--module-name=MODULE_NAME] # Module Name for your plugin package. Will change plugin name to CamelCase by default.
[--copyright=COPYRIGHT] # A copyright statement, to be added to LICENSE
[--log-level=LOG_LEVEL] # Set the log level: info (default), debug, warn, error
[--log-location=LOG_LOCATION] # Location to send diagnostic log messages to. (default: $stdout or Inspec::Log.error)
Generates an InSpec plugin, which can extend the functionality of InSpec itself.
`inspec init plugin` command requires few details about the plugin to be added. This can be added using command line prompt or by passing them as the options like for e.g `--author-name`,`--author-email`, `--description`, `--module-name`, etc.