Use the `auditd_rules` InSpec audit resource to test the rules for logging that exist on the system. The `audit.rules` file is typically located under `/etc/audit/` and contains the list of rules that define what is captured in log files. This resource uses `auditctl` to query the run-time `auditd` rules setup, which may be different from `audit.rules`.
An `auditd_rules` resource block declares one (or more) rules to be tested, and then what that rule should do. The syntax depends on the version of `audit`:
For `audit` >= 2.3:
describe auditd_rules do
its('lines') { should contain_match(rule) }
For `audit` < 2.3:
describe audit_daemon_rules do
its("LIST_RULES") {
For example:
describe auditd_rules do
its('LIST_RULES') { should eq [
'exit,always syscall=rmdir,unlink',
'exit,always auid=1001 (0x3e9) syscall=open',
'exit,always watch=/etc/group perm=wa',
'exit,always watch=/etc/passwd perm=wa',
'exit,always watch=/etc/shadow perm=wa',
'exit,always watch=/etc/sudoers perm=wa',
'exit,always watch=/etc/secret_directory perm=r',
] }
or test that individual rules are defined:
describe auditd_rules do
its('LIST_RULES') {
should contain_match(/^exit,always watch=\/etc\/group perm=wa key=identity/)
its('LIST_RULES') {
should contain_match(/^exit,always watch=\/etc\/passwd perm=wa key=identity/)
its('LIST_RULES') {
should contain_match(/^exit,always watch=\/etc\/gshadow perm=wa key=identity/)
its('LIST_RULES') {
should contain_match(/^exit,always watch=\/etc\/shadow perm=wa key=identity/)
its('LIST_RULES') {
should contain_match(/^exit,always watch=\/etc\/security\/opasswd perm=wa key=identity/)
where each test must declare one (or more) rules to be tested.