2019-10-17 02:57:45 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env powershell
#Requires -Version 5
$env:HAB_ORIGIN = 'ci'
2019-10-21 21:46:04 +00:00
$env:CHEF_LICENSE = 'accept-no-persist'
2019-10-21 23:16:37 +00:00
$env:HAB_LICENSE = 'accept-no-persist'
2019-10-17 02:57:45 +00:00
$Plan = 'inspec'
Write-Host "--- system details"
$Properties = 'Caption', 'CSName', 'Version', 'BuildType', 'OSArchitecture'
Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object $Properties | Format-Table -AutoSize
Write-Host "--- Installing the version of Habitat required"
Install-Habitat --version
Write-Host "--- Generating fake origin key"
hab origin key generate $env:HAB_ORIGIN
Write-Host "--- Building $Plan"
$project_root = "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
Set-Location $project_root
$env:DO_CHECK=$true; hab pkg build .
if (-not $?) { throw "unable to build" }
2019-10-22 19:23:31 +00:00
. $project_root/results/last_build.ps1
2019-10-17 02:57:45 +00:00
if (-not $?) { throw "unable to determine details about this build" }
Write-Host "--- Installing $pkg_ident"
2019-10-22 19:23:31 +00:00
hab pkg install $project_root/results/$pkg_artifact
2019-10-17 02:57:45 +00:00
if (-not $?) { throw "unable to install this build" }
Write-Host "+++ Testing $Plan"
Push-Location $project_root/test/artifact
if (-not $?) { throw "rake failed" }