Memcached is an in-memory key-value store that helps improve the performance of database-driven websites and can be installed, maintained, and tested using the `memcached` cookbook (maintained by Chef). The following example is from the `memcached` cookbook and shows how to use a combination of the `package`, `service`, and `port` InSpec audit resources to test if Memcached is installed, enabled, and running:
This InSpec audit resource has the following matchers. For a full list of available matchers please visit our [matchers page](
### be_held
The `be_held` matcher tests if the named package is "held". On dpkg platforms, a "held" package
will not be upgraded to a later version.
it { should be_held }
### be_installed
The `be_installed` matcher tests if the named package is installed on the system:
it { should be_installed }
### version
The `version` matcher tests if the named package version is on the system:
You can also use the `cmp OPERATOR` matcher to perform comparisions using the version attribute:
its('version') { should cmp >= '7.35.0-1ubuntu3.10' }
`cmp` understands version numbers using Gem::Version, and can use the operators `==, <, <=, >=, and >`. It will compare versions by each segment, not as a string - so '7.4' is smaller than '7.30', for example.