{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.home.persistence; persistentStorageNames = (filter (path: cfg.${path}.enable) (attrNames cfg)); getDirPath = v: if isString v then v else v.directory; getDirMethod = v: v.method or "bindfs"; isBindfs = v: (getDirMethod v) == "bindfs"; isSymlink = v: (getDirMethod v) == "symlink"; inherit (pkgs.callPackage ./lib.nix { }) splitPath dirListToPath concatPaths sanitizeName ; mount = "${pkgs.util-linux}/bin/mount"; unmountScript = mountPoint: tries: sleep: '' triesLeft=${toString tries} if ${mount} | grep -F ${mountPoint}' ' >/dev/null; then while (( triesLeft > 0 )); do if fusermount -u ${mountPoint}; then break else (( triesLeft-- )) if (( triesLeft == 0 )); then echo "Couldn't perform regular unmount of ${mountPoint}. Attempting lazy unmount." fusermount -uz ${mountPoint} else sleep ${toString sleep} fi fi done fi ''; in { options = { home.persistence = mkOption { default = { }; type = with types; attrsOf ( submodule ({ name, ... }: { options = { persistentStoragePath = mkOption { type = path; default = name; description = '' The path to persistent storage where the real files and directories should be stored. ''; }; enable = mkOption { type = bool; default = true; description = "Whether to enable this persistent storage location."; }; directories = mkOption { type = with types; listOf (either str (submodule { options = { directory = mkOption { type = str; default = null; description = "The directory path to be linked."; }; method = mkOption { type = types.enum [ "bindfs" "symlink" ]; default = "bindfs"; description = '' The linking method that should be used for this directory. bindfs is the default and works for most use cases, however some programs may behave better with symlinks. ''; }; }; })); default = [ ]; example = [ "Downloads" "Music" "Pictures" "Documents" "Videos" "VirtualBox VMs" ".gnupg" ".ssh" ".local/share/keyrings" ".local/share/direnv" { directory = ".local/share/Steam"; method = "symlink"; } ]; description = '' A list of directories in your home directory that you want to link to persistent storage. You may optionally specify the linking method each directory should use. ''; }; files = mkOption { type = with types; listOf str; default = [ ]; example = [ ".screenrc" ]; description = '' A list of files in your home directory you want to link to persistent storage. ''; }; allowOther = mkOption { type = with types; nullOr bool; default = null; example = true; apply = x: if x == null then warn '' home.persistence."${name}".allowOther not set; assuming 'false'. See https://github.com/nix-community/impermanence#home-manager for more info. '' false else x; description = '' Whether to allow other users, such as root, access to files through the bind mounted directories listed in directories. Requires the NixOS configuration parameter programs.fuse.userAllowOther to be true. ''; }; removePrefixDirectory = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; example = true; description = '' Note: This is mainly useful if you have a dotfiles repo structured for use with GNU Stow; if you don't, you can likely ignore it. Whether to remove the first directory when linking or mounting; e.g. for the path "screen/.screenrc", the screen/ is ignored for the path linked to in your home directory. ''; }; }; }) ); description = '' A set of persistent storage location submodules listing the files and directories to link to their respective persistent storage location. Each attribute name should be the path relative to the user's home directory. For detailed usage, check the documentation. ''; example = literalExpression '' { "/persistent/home/talyz" = { directories = [ "Downloads" "Music" "Pictures" "Documents" "Videos" "VirtualBox VMs" ".gnupg" ".ssh" ".nixops" ".local/share/keyrings" ".local/share/direnv" { directory = ".local/share/Steam"; method = "symlink"; } ]; files = [ ".screenrc" ]; allowOther = true; }; } ''; }; }; config = { home.file = let link = file: pkgs.runCommand "${sanitizeName file}" { } "ln -s '${file}' $out"; mkLinkNameValuePair = persistentStorageName: fileOrDir: { name = if cfg.${persistentStorageName}.removePrefixDirectory then dirListToPath (tail (splitPath [ fileOrDir ])) else fileOrDir; value = { source = link (concatPaths [ cfg.${persistentStorageName}.persistentStoragePath fileOrDir ]); }; }; mkLinksToPersistentStorage = persistentStorageName: listToAttrs (map (mkLinkNameValuePair persistentStorageName) (map getDirPath (cfg.${persistentStorageName}.files ++ (filter isSymlink cfg.${persistentStorageName}.directories))) ); in foldl' recursiveUpdate { } (map mkLinksToPersistentStorage persistentStorageNames); systemd.user.services = let mkBindMountService = persistentStorageName: dir: let mountDir = if cfg.${persistentStorageName}.removePrefixDirectory then dirListToPath (tail (splitPath [ dir ])) else dir; targetDir = escapeShellArg (concatPaths [ cfg.${persistentStorageName}.persistentStoragePath dir ]); mountPoint = escapeShellArg (concatPaths [ config.home.homeDirectory mountDir ]); name = "bindMount-${sanitizeName targetDir}"; bindfsOptions = concatStringsSep "," ( optional (!cfg.${persistentStorageName}.allowOther) "no-allow-other" ++ optional (versionAtLeast pkgs.bindfs.version "1.14.9") "fsname=${targetDir}" ); bindfsOptionFlag = optionalString (bindfsOptions != "") (" -o " + bindfsOptions); bindfs = "bindfs" + bindfsOptionFlag; startScript = pkgs.writeShellScript name '' set -eu if ! mount | grep -F ${mountPoint}' ' && ! mount | grep -F ${mountPoint}/; then mkdir -p ${mountPoint} exec ${bindfs} ${targetDir} ${mountPoint} else echo "There is already an active mount at or below ${mountPoint}!" >&2 exit 1 fi ''; stopScript = pkgs.writeShellScript "unmount-${name}" '' set -eu ${unmountScript mountPoint 6 5} ''; in { inherit name; value = { Unit = { Description = "Bind mount ${targetDir} at ${mountPoint}"; # Don't restart the unit, it could corrupt data and # crash programs currently reading from the mount. X-RestartIfChanged = false; # Don't add an implicit After=basic.target. DefaultDependencies = false; Before = [ "bluetooth.target" "basic.target" "default.target" "paths.target" "sockets.target" "timers.target" ]; }; Install.WantedBy = [ "paths.target" ]; Service = { Type = "forking"; ExecStart = "${startScript}"; ExecStop = "${stopScript}"; Environment = "PATH=${makeBinPath [ pkgs.coreutils pkgs.util-linux pkgs.gnugrep pkgs.bindfs ]}:/run/wrappers/bin"; }; }; }; mkBindMountServicesForPath = persistentStorageName: listToAttrs (map (mkBindMountService persistentStorageName) (map getDirPath (filter isBindfs cfg.${persistentStorageName}.directories)) ); in builtins.foldl' recursiveUpdate { } (map mkBindMountServicesForPath persistentStorageNames); home.activation = let dag = config.lib.dag; mount = "${pkgs.util-linux}/bin/mount"; # The name of the activation script entry responsible for # reloading systemd user services. The name was initially # `reloadSystemD` but has been changed to `reloadSystemd`. reloadSystemd = if config.home.activation ? reloadSystemD then "reloadSystemD" else "reloadSystemd"; mkBindMount = persistentStorageName: dir: let mountDir = if cfg.${persistentStorageName}.removePrefixDirectory then dirListToPath (tail (splitPath [ dir ])) else dir; targetDir = escapeShellArg (concatPaths [ cfg.${persistentStorageName}.persistentStoragePath dir ]); mountPoint = escapeShellArg (concatPaths [ config.home.homeDirectory mountDir ]); bindfsOptions = concatStringsSep "," ( optional (!cfg.${persistentStorageName}.allowOther) "no-allow-other" ++ optional (versionAtLeast pkgs.bindfs.version "1.14.9") "fsname=${targetDir}" ); bindfsOptionFlag = optionalString (bindfsOptions != "") (" -o " + bindfsOptions); bindfs = "${pkgs.bindfs}/bin/bindfs" + bindfsOptionFlag; systemctl = "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=\${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR:-/run/user/$(id -u)} ${config.systemd.user.systemctlPath}"; in '' mkdir -p ${targetDir} mkdir -p ${mountPoint} if ${mount} | grep -F ${mountPoint}' ' >/dev/null; then if ! ${mount} | grep -F ${mountPoint}' ' | grep -F bindfs; then if ! ${mount} | grep -F ${mountPoint}' ' | grep -F ${targetDir}' ' >/dev/null; then # The target directory changed, so we need to remount echo "remounting ${mountPoint}" ${systemctl} --user stop bindMount-${sanitizeName targetDir} ${bindfs} ${targetDir} ${mountPoint} mountedPaths[${mountPoint}]=1 fi fi elif ${mount} | grep -F ${mountPoint}/ >/dev/null; then echo "Something is mounted below ${mountPoint}, not creating bind mount to ${targetDir}" >&2 else ${bindfs} ${targetDir} ${mountPoint} mountedPaths[${mountPoint}]=1 fi ''; mkBindMountsForPath = persistentStorageName: concatMapStrings (mkBindMount persistentStorageName) (map getDirPath (filter isBindfs cfg.${persistentStorageName}.directories)); mkUnmount = persistentStorageName: dir: let mountDir = if cfg.${persistentStorageName}.removePrefixDirectory then dirListToPath (tail (splitPath [ dir ])) else dir; mountPoint = escapeShellArg (concatPaths [ config.home.homeDirectory mountDir ]); in '' if [[ -n ''${mountedPaths[${mountPoint}]+x} ]]; then ${unmountScript mountPoint 3 1} fi ''; mkUnmountsForPath = persistentStorageName: concatMapStrings (mkUnmount persistentStorageName) (map getDirPath (filter isBindfs cfg.${persistentStorageName}.directories)); mkLinkCleanup = persistentStorageName: dir: let mountDir = if cfg.${persistentStorageName}.removePrefixDirectory then dirListToPath (tail (splitPath [ dir ])) else dir; mountPoint = escapeShellArg (concatPaths [ config.home.homeDirectory mountDir ]); in '' # Unmount if it's mounted. Ensures smooth transition: bindfs -> symlink ${unmountScript mountPoint 3 1} # If it is a directory and it's empty if [ -d ${mountPoint} ] && [ -z "$(ls -A ${mountPoint})" ]; then echo "Removing empty directory ${mountPoint}" rm -d ${mountPoint} fi ''; mkLinkCleanupForPath = persistentStorageName: concatMapStrings (mkLinkCleanup persistentStorageName) (map getDirPath (filter isSymlink cfg.${persistentStorageName}.directories)); in mkMerge [ (mkIf (any (path: (filter isSymlink cfg.${path}.directories) != [ ]) persistentStorageNames) { # Clean up existing empty directories in the way of links cleanEmptyLinkTargets = dag.entryBefore [ "checkLinkTargets" ] '' ${concatMapStrings mkLinkCleanupForPath persistentStorageNames} ''; }) (mkIf (any (path: (filter isBindfs cfg.${path}.directories) != [ ]) persistentStorageNames) { createAndMountPersistentStoragePaths = dag.entryBefore [ "writeBoundary" ] '' declare -A mountedPaths ${(concatMapStrings mkBindMountsForPath persistentStorageNames)} ''; unmountPersistentStoragePaths = dag.entryBefore [ "createAndMountPersistentStoragePaths" ] '' PATH=$PATH:/run/wrappers/bin unmountBindMounts() { ${concatMapStrings mkUnmountsForPath persistentStorageNames} } # Run the unmount function on error to clean up stray # bind mounts trap "unmountBindMounts" ERR ''; runUnmountPersistentStoragePaths = dag.entryBefore [ reloadSystemd ] '' unmountBindMounts ''; }) (mkIf (any (path: (cfg.${path}.files != [ ]) || ((filter isSymlink cfg.${path}.directories) != [ ])) persistentStorageNames) { createTargetFileDirectories = dag.entryBefore [ "writeBoundary" ] (concatMapStrings (persistentStorageName: concatMapStrings (targetFilePath: '' mkdir -p ${escapeShellArg (concatPaths [ cfg.${persistentStorageName}.persistentStoragePath (dirOf targetFilePath) ])} '') (map getDirPath (cfg.${persistentStorageName}.files ++ (filter isSymlink cfg.${persistentStorageName}.directories)))) persistentStorageNames); }) ]; }; }