zimbatm 9a1feb5b10
git: fix the config output formatting
When setting values using the `git config --set` command, git formats
the file a bit differently. This changes the output so it maps to that


* each `key = value` in a section is prefixed by a tab character
* the `=` between the key and the value is surrounded by spaces

PR #1069
2020-03-07 12:02:20 +01:00

42 lines
644 B

a1 = foo
a2 = baz
gpgSign = true
boolean = true
integer = 38
multiple = 1
multiple = 2
name = value
[extra "backcompat.with.dots"]
previously = worked
[extra "subsection"]
value = test
[filter "lfs"]
clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
process = git-lfs filter-process
required = true
smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
program = path-to-gpg
email = user@example.org
name = John Doe
signingKey = 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF
path = ~/path/to/config.inc
[includeIf "gitdir:~/src/dir"]
path = ~/path/to/conditional.inc
[includeIf "gitdir:~/src/dir"]
path = @git_include_path@