mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 06:47:26 +00:00
327 lines
12 KiB
327 lines
12 KiB
{ pkgs, options, config, version, revision, extraSources ? [] }:
with pkgs;
lib = pkgs.lib;
# Remove invisible and internal options.
optionsListVisible = lib.filter (opt: opt.visible && !opt.internal) (lib.optionAttrSetToDocList options);
# Replace functions by the string <function>
substFunction = x:
if builtins.isAttrs x then lib.mapAttrs (name: substFunction) x
else if builtins.isList x then map substFunction x
else if lib.isFunction x then "<function>"
else x;
# Generate DocBook documentation for a list of packages. This is
# what `relatedPackages` option of `mkOption` from
# ../../../lib/options.nix influences.
# Each element of `relatedPackages` can be either
# - a string: that will be interpreted as an attribute name from `pkgs`,
# - a list: that will be interpreted as an attribute path from `pkgs`,
# - an attrset: that can specify `name`, `path`, `package`, `comment`
# (either of `name`, `path` is required, the rest are optional).
genRelatedPackages = packages:
unpack = p: if lib.isString p then { name = p; }
else if lib.isList p then { path = p; }
else p;
describe = args:
name = args.name or (lib.concatStringsSep "." args.path);
path = args.path or [ args.name ];
package = args.package or (lib.attrByPath path (throw "Invalid package attribute path `${toString path}'") pkgs);
in "<listitem>"
+ "<para><literal>pkgs.${name} (${package.meta.name})</literal>"
+ lib.optionalString (!package.meta.available) " <emphasis>[UNAVAILABLE]</emphasis>"
+ ": ${package.meta.description or "???"}.</para>"
+ lib.optionalString (args ? comment) "\n<para>${args.comment}</para>"
# Lots of `longDescription's break DocBook, so we just wrap them into <programlisting>
+ lib.optionalString (package.meta ? longDescription) "\n<programlisting>${package.meta.longDescription}</programlisting>"
+ "</listitem>";
in "<itemizedlist>${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (p: describe (unpack p)) packages)}</itemizedlist>";
optionsListDesc = lib.flip map optionsListVisible (opt: opt // {
# Clean up declaration sites to not refer to the NixOS source tree.
declarations = map stripAnyPrefixes opt.declarations;
// lib.optionalAttrs (opt ? example) { example = substFunction opt.example; }
// lib.optionalAttrs (opt ? default) { default = substFunction opt.default; }
// lib.optionalAttrs (opt ? type) { type = substFunction opt.type; }
// lib.optionalAttrs (opt ? relatedPackages) { relatedPackages = genRelatedPackages opt.relatedPackages; });
# We need to strip references to /nix/store/* from options,
# including any `extraSources` if some modules came from elsewhere,
# or else the build will fail.
# E.g. if some `options` came from modules in ${pkgs.customModules}/nix,
# you'd need to include `extraSources = [ pkgs.customModules ]`
prefixesToStrip = map (p: "${toString p}/") ([ ./.. ] ++ extraSources);
stripAnyPrefixes = lib.flip (lib.fold lib.removePrefix) prefixesToStrip;
# Custom "less" that pushes up all the things ending in ".enable*"
# and ".package*"
optionLess = a: b:
ise = lib.hasPrefix "enable";
isp = lib.hasPrefix "package";
cmp = lib.splitByAndCompare ise lib.compare
(lib.splitByAndCompare isp lib.compare lib.compare);
in lib.compareLists cmp a.loc b.loc < 0;
# Customly sort option list for the man page.
optionsList = lib.sort optionLess optionsListDesc;
# Convert the list of options into an XML file.
optionsXML = builtins.toFile "options.xml" (builtins.toXML optionsList);
optionsDocBook = runCommand "options-db.xml"
nativeBuildInputs = [ buildPackages.libxslt.bin ];
xsltproc \
--stringparam program 'home-manager' \
--stringparam revision '${revision}' \
-o $out ${./options-to-docbook.xsl} $optionsXML
sources = lib.sourceFilesBySuffices ./. [".xml"];
modulesDoc = builtins.toFile "modules.xml" ''
<section xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" id="modules">
${(lib.concatMapStrings (path: ''
<xi:include href="${path}" />
'') (lib.catAttrs "value" config.meta.doc))}
generatedSources = runCommand "generated-docbook" {} ''
mkdir $out
ln -s ${modulesDoc} $out/modules.xml
ln -s ${optionsDocBook} $out/options-db.xml
printf "%s" "${version}" > $out/version
copySources =
cp -prd $sources/* . # */
ln -s ${generatedSources} ./generated
chmod -R u+w .
toc = builtins.toFile "toc.xml"
<toc role="chunk-toc">
<d:tocentry xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" linkend="book-home-manager-manual"><?dbhtml filename="index.html"?>
<d:tocentry linkend="ch-options"><?dbhtml filename="options.html"?></d:tocentry>
manualXsltprocOptions = toString [
"--param section.autolabel 1"
"--param section.label.includes.component.label 1"
"--stringparam html.stylesheet 'style.css overrides.css highlightjs/mono-blue.css'"
"--stringparam html.script './highlightjs/highlight.pack.js ./highlightjs/loader.js'"
"--param xref.with.number.and.title 1"
"--param toc.section.depth 3"
"--stringparam admon.style ''"
"--stringparam callout.graphics.extension .svg"
"--stringparam current.docid manual"
"--param chunk.section.depth 0"
"--param chunk.first.sections 1"
"--param use.id.as.filename 1"
"--stringparam generate.toc 'book toc appendix toc'"
"--stringparam chunk.toc ${toc}"
manual-combined = runCommand "home-manager-manual-combined"
{ inherit sources;
nativeBuildInputs = [ buildPackages.libxml2.bin buildPackages.libxslt.bin ];
meta.description = "The Home Manager manual as plain docbook XML";
xmllint --xinclude --output ./manual-combined.xml ./manual.xml
xmllint --xinclude --noxincludenode \
--output ./man-pages-combined.xml ./man-pages.xml
# outputs the context of an xmllint error output
# LEN lines around the failing line are printed
function context {
# length of context
local LEN=6
# lines to print before error line
local BEFORE=4
# xmllint output lines are:
# file.xml:1234: there was an error on line 1234
while IFS=':' read -r file line rest; do
if [[ -n "$rest" ]]; then
echo "$file:$line:$rest"
local FROM=$(($line>$BEFORE ? $line - $BEFORE : 1))
# number lines & filter context
nl --body-numbering=a "$file" | sed -n "$FROM,+$LEN p"
if [[ -n "$line" ]]; then
echo "$file:$line"
echo "$file"
function lintrng {
xmllint --debug --noout --nonet \
--relaxng ${docbook5}/xml/rng/docbook/docbook.rng \
"$1" \
2>&1 | context 1>&2
# ^ redirect assumes xmllint doesn’t print to stdout
lintrng manual-combined.xml
lintrng man-pages-combined.xml
mkdir $out
cp manual-combined.xml $out/
cp man-pages-combined.xml $out/
olinkDB = runCommand "manual-olinkdb"
{ inherit sources;
nativeBuildInputs = [ buildPackages.libxml2.bin buildPackages.libxslt.bin ];
xsltproc \
${manualXsltprocOptions} \
--stringparam collect.xref.targets only \
--stringparam targets.filename "$out/manual.db" \
--nonet \
${docbook5_xsl}/xml/xsl/docbook/xhtml/chunktoc.xsl \
cat > "$out/olinkdb.xml" <<EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE targetset SYSTEM
"file://${docbook5_xsl}/xml/xsl/docbook/common/targetdatabase.dtd" [
<!ENTITY manualtargets SYSTEM "file://$out/manual.db">
Allows for cross-referencing olinks between the manpages
and manual.
<document targetdoc="manual">&manualtargets;</document>
in rec {
inherit generatedSources;
# The Home Manager options in JSON format.
optionsJSON = runCommand "options-json"
{ meta.description = "List of Home Manager options in JSON format";
# Export list of options in different format.
mkdir -p $dst
cp ${builtins.toFile "options.json" (builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext (builtins.toJSON
(builtins.listToAttrs (map (o: { name = o.name; value = removeAttrs o ["name" "visible" "internal"]; }) optionsList))))
} $dst/options.json
mkdir -p $out/nix-support
echo "file json $dst/options.json" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
''; # */
# Generate the Home Manager manual.
manual = runCommand "home-manager-manual"
{ inherit sources;
nativeBuildInputs = [ buildPackages.libxml2.bin buildPackages.libxslt.bin ];
meta.description = "The Home Manager manual in HTML format";
allowedReferences = ["out"];
# Generate the HTML manual.
mkdir -p $dst
xsltproc \
${manualXsltprocOptions} \
--stringparam target.database.document "${olinkDB}/olinkdb.xml" \
--nonet --output $dst/ \
${docbook5_xsl}/xml/xsl/docbook/xhtml/chunktoc.xsl \
mkdir -p $dst/images/callouts
cp ${docbook5_xsl}/xml/xsl/docbook/images/callouts/*.svg $dst/images/callouts/
cp ${./style.css} $dst/style.css
cp ${./overrides.css} $dst/overrides.css
cp -r ${pkgs.documentation-highlighter} $dst/highlightjs
mkdir -p $out/nix-support
echo "nix-build out $out" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
echo "doc manual $dst" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
''; # */
manualEpub = runCommand "home-manager-manual-epub"
{ inherit sources;
buildInputs = [ libxml2.bin libxslt.bin zip ];
# Generate the epub manual.
xsltproc \
${manualXsltprocOptions} \
--stringparam target.database.document "${olinkDB}/olinkdb.xml" \
--nonet --xinclude --output $dst/epub/ \
${docbook5_xsl}/xml/xsl/docbook/epub/docbook.xsl \
mkdir -p $dst/epub/OEBPS/images/callouts
cp -r ${docbook5_xsl}/xml/xsl/docbook/images/callouts/*.svg $dst/epub/OEBPS/images/callouts # */
echo "application/epub+zip" > mimetype
zip -0Xq "$manual" mimetype
cd $dst/epub && zip -Xr9D "$manual" *
rm -rf $dst/epub
mkdir -p $out/nix-support
echo "doc-epub manual $manual" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
# Generate the Home Manager manpages.
manpages = runCommand "home-manager-manpages"
{ inherit sources;
nativeBuildInputs = [ buildPackages.libxml2.bin buildPackages.libxslt.bin ];
allowedReferences = ["out"];
# Generate manpages.
mkdir -p $out/share/man
xsltproc --nonet \
--param man.output.in.separate.dir 1 \
--param man.output.base.dir "'$out/share/man/'" \
--param man.endnotes.are.numbered 0 \
--param man.break.after.slash 1 \
--stringparam target.database.document "${olinkDB}/olinkdb.xml" \
${docbook5_xsl}/xml/xsl/docbook/manpages/docbook.xsl \