mirror of
synced 2024-11-25 04:40:21 +00:00
292 lines
11 KiB
292 lines
11 KiB
# To use (when not using as plugin) copy to site-functions and issue
# (add to ~/.zshrc):
# autoload history-search-multi-word
# zle -N history-search-multi-word
# zle -N history-search-multi-word-backwards history-search-multi-word
# zle -N history-search-multi-word-pbackwards history-search-multi-word
# zle -N history-search-multi-word-pforwards history-search-multi-word
# bindkey "^R" history-search-multi-word
# This will bind to Ctrl-R
# Zstyles:
# zstyle ":history-search-multi-word" page-size "8"
# zstyle ":history-search-multi-word" highlight-color "fg=yellow,bold"
# zstyle ":plugin:history-search-multi-word" synhl "yes"
emulate -LR zsh
setopt typesetsilent extendedglob noshortloops localtraps
# When an error, then no cursor keys bindings
zmodload zsh/terminfo 2>/dev/null
zmodload zsh/termcap 2>/dev/null
autoload is-at-least
typeset -g __hsmw_hcw_index
typeset -g __hsmw_hcw_widget_name __hsmw_hcw_restart __hsmw_hcw_call_count
typeset -g __hsmw_page_size __hsmw_hl_color __hsmw_synhl __hsmw_active
typeset -gaU __hsmw_hcw_found
(( __hsmw_hcw_call_count ++ ))
trap '(( __hsmw_hcw_call_count -- )); return 0;' INT
_hsmw_main() {
# First call or restart?
if [[ "$__hsmw_hcw_call_count" -le 1 || "$__hsmw_hcw_restart" = "1" ]]; then
if [[ "$__hsmw_hcw_call_count" -le 1 ]]; then
# Read configuration data
zstyle -s ':history-search-multi-word' page-size __hsmw_page_size || __hsmw_page_size=$(( LINES / 3 ))
zstyle -s ':history-search-multi-word' highlight-color __hsmw_hl_color || __hsmw_hl_color="fg=yellow,bold"
zstyle -s ":plugin:history-search-multi-word" synhl __hsmw_synhl || __hsmw_synhl="yes"
zstyle -s ":plugin:history-search-multi-word" active __hsmw_active || __hsmw_active="underline"
[[ "$__hsmw_synhl" != "1" && "$__hsmw_synhl" != "yes" && "$__hsmw_synhl" != "true" ]] && __hsmw_synhl="no" || __hsmw_synhl="yes"
# '0' will get changed into $to_display limit
[[ "$WIDGET" = *-word || "$WIDGET" = *-pforwards ]] && __hsmw_hcw_index="1"
[[ "$WIDGET" = *-backwards || "$WIDGET" = *-pbackwards ]] && __hsmw_hcw_index="0"
__hsmw_hcw_found=( )
# Consecutive call
[[ "$WIDGET" = *-word ]] && (( __hsmw_hcw_index ++ ))
[[ "$WIDGET" = *-backwards ]] && (( __hsmw_hcw_index -- ))
[[ "$WIDGET" = *-pforwards ]] && (( __hsmw_hcw_index = __hsmw_hcw_index + __hsmw_page_size ))
[[ "$WIDGET" = *-pbackwards ]] && (( __hsmw_hcw_index = __hsmw_hcw_index - __hsmw_page_size ))
# Find history entries matching pattern *word1*~^*word2*~^*word3* etc.
local search_buffer="${BUFFER%% ##}" search_pattern="" colsearch_pattern=""
search_buffer="${search_buffer## ##}"
# Pattern will be *foo*~^*bar* (inventor: Mikael Magnusson)
# It's: foo and not what doesn't contain bar, etc.
search_pattern="${search_buffer// ##/*~^*}"
colsearch_pattern="${search_buffer// ##/|}"
if [ "$#__hsmw_hcw_found" -eq "0" ]; then
# The repeat will make the matching work on a fresh heap arena
repeat 1; do
# Tip: these are equal:
#__hsmw_hcw_found=( "${(@M)history:#(#i)*$~search_pattern*}" )
__hsmw_hcw_found=( "${(@)history[(R)(#i)*$~search_pattern*]}" )
if [ "$#__hsmw_hcw_found" -le "0" ]; then
POSTDISPLAY=$'\n'"No matches found"
return 0
# Pagination, index value guards
integer page_size="$__hsmw_page_size"
integer max_index="$#__hsmw_hcw_found"
[ "$page_size" -gt "$max_index" ] && page_size="$max_index"
[ "$__hsmw_hcw_index" -le 0 ] && __hsmw_hcw_index="$max_index"
[ "$__hsmw_hcw_index" -gt "$max_index" ] && __hsmw_hcw_index=1
integer page_start_idx=$(( ((__hsmw_hcw_index-1)/page_size)*page_size+1 ))
integer on_page_idx=$(( (__hsmw_hcw_index-1) % page_size + 1 ))
# Prepare display
typeset -a disp_list
disp_list=( "${(@)__hsmw_hcw_found[page_start_idx,page_start_idx+page_size-1]}" )
# All entries should have multilines replaced
disp_list=( "${(@)disp_list//$'\n'/\\n}" )
# ... and truncated to display width, and
# also preceeded by two spaces
disp_list=( "${(@)disp_list/(#m)*/ ${MATCH[1,COLUMNS-8]}}" )
# Detect where "> .." entry starts, add the ">" mark
local txt_before="${(F)${(@)disp_list[1,on_page_idx-1]}}"
local entry="${disp_list[on_page_idx]}"
local text="${(F)disp_list}"
integer replace_idx=${#txt_before}+2
(( replace_idx == 2 )) && replace_idx=1
# Colorify
local preamble=$'\n'"Searching for: $BUFFER"$'\n'"Element #$__hsmw_hcw_index of $max_index"$'\n'
integer offset=${#preamble}+${#BUFFER}
region_highlight=( )
if [[ "$__hsmw_synhl" = "yes" ]]; then
integer pre_index=0
local line
for line in "${disp_list[@]}"; do
reply=( )
-hsmw-highlight-process "$line"
region_highlight+=( "${reply[@]//(#b)([[:digit:]]##)/$(( ${match[1]} + pre_index + offset ))}" )
if [ -n "$colsearch_pattern" ]; then
local nl=$'\n'
# Following line is taken from Zaw (GH zsh-users/zaw) – license is named "Zaw", it is in LICENSE file
region_highlight+=( "${(f)${(S)text//*(#bi)(${~colsearch_pattern})/$(( offset + mbegin[1] - 1 )) $(( offset + mend[1] )) ${__hsmw_hl_color}${nl}}%$nl*}" )
region_highlight+=( "$(( offset + ${#txt_before} )) $(( offset + ${#txt_before} + ${#entry} + 1 )) $__hsmw_active" )
[[ "$__HSMW_MH_SOURCED" != "1" ]] && source "$HSMW_REPO_DIR/hsmw-highlight"
_hsmw_simulate_widget() {
(( __hsmw_hcw_call_count ++ ))
_hsmw_self_insert() {
_hsmw_backward_delete_char() {
_hsmw_delete_char() {
if [ "$__hsmw_hcw_call_count" -eq "1" ]; then
# Make the hsmw keymap a copy of the current main
bindkey -N hsmw emacs
local down_widget="${${${WIDGET%-backwards}%-pbackwards}-pforwards}"
local up_widget="${down_widget}-backwards"
local pdown_widget="${down_widget}-pforwards"
local pup_widget="${down_widget}-pbackwards"
# Manual, termcap, terminfo
bindkey -M hsmw '^[OA' "$up_widget"
bindkey -M hsmw '^[OB' "$down_widget"
bindkey -M hsmw '^[[A' "$up_widget"
bindkey -M hsmw '^[[B' "$down_widget"
[ -n "$termcap[ku]" ] && bindkey -M hsmw "$termcap[ku]" "$up_widget"
[ -n "$termcap[kd]" ] && bindkey -M hsmw "$termcap[kd]" "$down_widget"
[ -n "$termcap[kD]" ] && bindkey -M hsmw "$termcap[kD]" .delete-char
[ -n "$terminfo[kcuu1]" ] && bindkey -M hsmw "$terminfo[kcuu1]" "$up_widget"
[ -n "$terminfo[kcud1]" ] && bindkey -M hsmw "$terminfo[kcud1]" "$down_widget"
[ -n "$terminfo[kdch1]" ] && bindkey -M hsmw "$terminfo[kdch1]" .delete-char
# More bindkeys, to remove influence of plugins that overload things (z-sy-h, z-au-s)
bindkey -M hsmw '^[[D' .backward-char
bindkey -M hsmw '^[[C' .forward-char
[ -n "$termcap[kl]" ] && bindkey -M hsmw "$termcap[kl]" .backward-char
[ -n "$termcap[kr]" ] && bindkey -M hsmw "$termcap[kr]" .forward-char
[ -n "$terminfo[kcub1]" ] && bindkey -M hsmw "$terminfo[kcub1]" .backward-char
[ -n "$terminfo[kcuf1]" ] && bindkey -M hsmw "$terminfo[kcuf1]" .forward-char
# Now Home/End keys, first few recorded in my .zshrc during the years sequences
bindkey -M hsmw "\e[1~" .beginning-of-line
bindkey -M hsmw "\e[7~" .beginning-of-line
bindkey -M hsmw "\e[H" .beginning-of-line
bindkey -M hsmw "\e[4~" .end-of-line
bindkey -M hsmw "\e[F" .end-of-line
bindkey -M hsmw "\e[8~" .end-of-line
[ -n "$termcap[kh]" ] && bindkey -M hsmw "$termcap[kh]" .beginning-of-line
[ -n "$termcap[@7]" ] && bindkey -M hsmw "$termcap[@7]" .end-of-line
[ -n "$terminfo[khome]" ] && bindkey -M hsmw "$terminfo[khome]" .beginning-of-line
[ -n "$terminfo[kend]" ] && bindkey -M hsmw "$terminfo[kend]" .end-of-line
# The same for Ctrl-E, Ctrl-F
bindkey -M hsmw '^A' .beginning-of-line
bindkey -M hsmw '^E' .end-of-line
# Additional keys
bindkey -M hsmw '^P' "$up_widget"
bindkey -M hsmw '^N' "$down_widget"
# Page Up, Page Down keys
[ -n "$termcap[kP]" ] && bindkey -M hsmw "$termcap[kP]" "$pup_widget"
[ -n "$termcap[kN]" ] && bindkey -M hsmw "$termcap[kN]" "$pdown_widget"
[ -n "$terminfo[kpp]" ] && bindkey -M hsmw "$terminfo[kpp]" "$pup_widget"
[ -n "$terminfo[knp]" ] && bindkey -M hsmw "$terminfo[knp]" "$pdown_widget"
# Needed for Fedora 23, zsh-5.1.1
bindkey -M hsmw ' ' self-insert
# Removal of default Ctrl-R binding
bindkey -M hsmw '^R' "$down_widget"
# Substitute self-insert, backward-delete-char, delete-char
zle -A self-insert saved-self-insert
zle -A backward-delete-char saved-backward-delete-char
zle -A delete-char saved-delete-char
zle -N self-insert _hsmw_self_insert
zle -N backward-delete-char _hsmw_backward_delete_char
zle -N delete-char _hsmw_delete_char
# Override ourselves with what we actually are
# because zsh-autosuggestions change us
zle -A "$down_widget" saved-"$down_widget"
zle -A "$up_widget" saved-"$up_widget"
zle -N "$down_widget" _hsmw_simulate_widget
zle -N "$up_widget" _hsmw_simulate_widget
zle -A "$pdown_widget" saved-"$pdown_widget"
zle -A "$pup_widget" saved-"$pup_widget"
zle -N "$pdown_widget" _hsmw_simulate_widget
zle -N "$pup_widget" _hsmw_simulate_widget
# Trap INT to manually interrupt Zle to work around a bug
trap 'zle && zle .send-break' INT
if zle .recursive-edit -K hsmw; then
# Restore self-insert, backward-delete-char, delete-char
zle -A saved-self-insert self-insert
zle -A saved-backward-delete-char backward-delete-char
zle -A saved-delete-char delete-char
zle -D saved-self-insert saved-backward-delete-char saved-delete-char
# Restore ourselves
zle -A saved-"$down_widget" "$down_widget"
zle -A saved-"$up_widget" "$up_widget"
zle -D saved-"$down_widget" saved-"$up_widget"
zle -A saved-"$pdown_widget" "$pdown_widget"
zle -A saved-"$pup_widget" "$pup_widget"
zle -D saved-"$pdown_widget" saved-"$pup_widget"
# Full reinitialisation at next call
# Free memory
#__hsmw_hcw_found=( )
elif (( __hsmw_hcw_call_count > 0 )); then
(( __hsmw_hcw_call_count -- ))
# vim:ft=zsh