# # No plugin manager is needed to use this file. All that is needed is adding: # source {where-unpacked}/history-search-multi-word.plugin.zsh # to ~/.zshrc. # ZERO="${(%):-%N}" # this gives immunity to functionargzero being unset HSMW_REPO_DIR="${ZERO%/*}" if [[ -z "$ZPLG_CUR_PLUGIN" && "${fpath[(r)$HSMW_REPO_DIR]}" != $HSMW_REPO_DIR ]]; then fpath+=( "$HSMW_REPO_DIR" ) fi autoload history-search-multi-word hsmw-context-main zle -N history-search-multi-word zle -N history-search-multi-word-backwards history-search-multi-word zle -N history-search-multi-word-pbackwards history-search-multi-word zle -N history-search-multi-word-pforwards history-search-multi-word [[ "${+termcap[Co]}" = 1 && "${termcap[Co]}" = "256" ]] && { zstyle ":history-search-multi-word" highlight-color "bg=17" typeset -gA HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[variable]="fg=112" } bindkey "^R" history-search-multi-word