## 14-07-2020 - If an `[…]` string will occur in the search query, it'll be interpreted as pattern. So that it's possible to enter as the search query e.g.: `print ["a-zA-Z0-9_-]` or `print [^[:alpha:]]`, etc. ## 28-10-2019 - `^` – if first – matches beginning of the command's string, $ – if last – its end. So that it's possible to enter `'^ls'` and have only commands starting with `ls` matched. ## 25-05-2018 - Hash holding paths that shouldn't be grepped (globbed) – blacklist for slow disks, mounts, etc.: ```zsh typeset -gA FAST_BLIST_PATTERNS FAST_BLIST_PATTERNS[/mount/nfs1/*]=1 FAST_BLIST_PATTERNS[/mount/disk2/*]=1 ``` ## 13-06-2017 - Canceling search doesn't clear entered query. Change to previous behavior via: ```zsh zstyle ":plugin:history-search-multi-word" clear-on-cancel "yes" ``` ## 12-04-2017 - Page size can be relative to screen height, e.g.: ```zsh zstyle ":history-search-multi-word" page-size "LINES/4" ``` ## 05-04-2017 - 17% performance optimization ## 27-01-2017 - Input-driven case-sensivity of search – if your query contains capital latin letters, search will be case-sensitive ## 12-11-2016 - HSMW can now show context of selected history entry! Just hit `Ctrl-K`, [video](https://asciinema.org/a/92516) - More performance optimizations ## 31-10-2016 - Newlines do not disturb the parser anymore, and are also highlighted with a dark color – [video](https://asciinema.org/a/91159) ## 27-10-2016 - New optimizations – **30%** speed up of syntax highlighting! - Architectural change – syntax highlighting is now computed rarely, so any possible performance problems are now solved, in advance! ## 24-10-2016 - Workaround for Zsh versions like 5.0.2 has been added – **Ctrl-V** and **ESC** cancel search. On such Zsh versions Ctrl-C might not work. Fully problem-free Zsh version will be the upcoming 5.3, where I have together with Zsh Hackers fully fixed the Ctrl-C issue. ## 22-10-2016 - Search process has been optimized by 20%! History sizes like 100000 are now supported. - Active history entry can be `underline`, `standout` (i.e. inverse video), `bold`, `bg=blue`, etc. with the new Zstyle `:plugin:history-search-multi-word / active` (see Zstyles section) – [video](https://asciinema.org/a/90214). ## 16-10-2016 - More optimizations of syntax highlighting (40% in total for the two days) – new video above. ## 15-10-2016 - The compact, already optimized (by me) [zsh-syntax-highlighting](https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting) part has been further optimized by 21%! Also, more tokens are highlighted – variable expressions like `"${(@)var[1,3]}"` (when quoted). ## 11-10-2016 - Syntax highlighting of history – adapted, fine crafted, **small** part of [zsh-syntax-highlighting](https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting) to color what `hsmw` shows: ![syntax highlighting](http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img921/1503/bMAF59.gif) ## 20-09-2016 - Keys Page Up and Page Down work and page-wise move along history. Also, `Ctrl-P`, `Ctrl-N` move to previous and next entries. ## 19-09-2016 - Better immunity to [zsh-autosuggestions](https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions) and [zsh-syntax-highlighting](https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting) – home, end, left and right cursor keys now work smoothly. ## 25-05-2016 - Cooperation with [zsh-autosuggestions](https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions) plugin - Configuration option to set page size, example use: ```zsh zstyle ":history-search-multi-word" page-size "5" ```