#!/usr/bin/env zsh # # -*- mode: sh; sh-indentation: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 2; -*- # # Copyright (c) 2010-2016 zsh-syntax-highlighting contributors # Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Sebastian Gniazdowski (modifications) # Copyright (c) 2021-2022 zdharma-continuum and contributors typeset -gA __hsmw_highlight_main__command_type_cache # Define default styles. typeset -gA HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[default]:=none} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[unknown-token]:=fg=red,bold} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[reserved-word]:=fg=yellow} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[alias]:=fg=green} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[suffix-alias]:=fg=green} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[builtin]:=fg=green} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[function]:=fg=green} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[command]:=fg=green} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[precommand]:=fg=green} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[commandseparator]:=none} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[hashed-command]:=fg=green} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[path]:=fg=magenta} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[path_pathseparator]:=} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[globbing]:=fg=blue,bold} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[history-expansion]:=fg=blue,bold} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[single-hyphen-option]:=fg=cyan} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[double-hyphen-option]:=fg=cyan} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[back-quoted-argument]:=none} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[single-quoted-argument]:=fg=yellow} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[double-quoted-argument]:=fg=yellow} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[dollar-quoted-argument]:=fg=yellow} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[back-or-dollar-double-quoted-argument]:=fg=cyan} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[back-dollar-quoted-argument]:=fg=cyan} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[assign]:=none} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[redirection]:=none} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[comment]:=fg=black,bold} : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[newline]:=fg=black,bold} # '\n' strings : ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[variable]:=none} typeset -gA __HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_TYPES __HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_TYPES=( # Precommand 'builtin' 1 'command' 1 'exec' 1 'nocorrect' 1 'noglob' 1 'pkexec' 1 # immune to #121 because it's usually not passed --option flags # Control flow # Tokens that, at (naively-determined) "command position", are followed by # a de jure command position. All of these are reserved words. $'\x7b' 2 # block $'\x28' 2 # subshell '()' 2 # anonymous function 'while' 2 'until' 2 'if' 2 'then' 2 'elif' 2 'else' 2 'do' 2 'time' 2 'coproc' 2 '!' 2 # reserved word; unrelated to $histchars[1] # Command separators '|' 3 '||' 3 ';' 3 '&' 3 '&&' 3 '|&' 3 '&!' 3 '&|' 3 ) -hsmw-highlight-main-type() { REPLY=$__hsmw_highlight_main__command_type_cache[(e)$1] [[ -z "$REPLY" ]] && { if zmodload -e zsh/parameter; then if (( $+aliases[(e)$1] )); then REPLY=alias elif (( $+functions[(e)$1] )); then REPLY=function elif (( $+builtins[(e)$1] )); then REPLY=builtin elif (( $+commands[(e)$1] )); then REPLY=command elif (( $+saliases[(e)${1##*.}] )); then REPLY='suffix alias' elif (( $reswords[(Ie)$1] )); then REPLY=reserved elif [[ $1 != */* || "${+ZSH_ARGZERO}" = "1" ]] && ! builtin type -w -- $1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then REPLY=none fi fi [[ -z "$REPLY" ]] && REPLY="${$(LC_ALL=C builtin type -w -- $1 2>/dev/null)##*: }" [[ "$REPLY" = "none" ]] && { [[ -d "$1" ]] && REPLY="dirpath" || { for cdpath_dir in $cdpath; do [[ -d "$cdpath_dir/$1" ]] && { REPLY="dirpath"; break; } done } } __hsmw_highlight_main__command_type_cache[(e)$1]=$REPLY } } # Check that the top of $braces_stack has the expected value. If it does, set # the style according to $2; otherwise, set style=unknown-token. #-hsmw-highlight-stack-pop() { # Below are variables that must be defined in outer # scope so that they are reachable in *-process() # # local right_brace_is_recognised_everywhere # integer path_dirs_was_set # integer multi_func_def # integer ointeractive_comments -hsmw-highlight-fill-option-variables() { if [[ -o ignore_braces ]] || eval '[[ -o ignore_close_braces ]] 2>/dev/null'; then right_brace_is_recognised_everywhere=0 else right_brace_is_recognised_everywhere=1 fi if [[ -o path_dirs ]]; then path_dirs_was_set=1 else path_dirs_was_set=0 fi if [[ -o multi_func_def ]]; then multi_func_def=1 else multi_func_def=0 fi if [[ -o interactive_comments ]]; then ointeractive_comments=1 else ointeractive_comments=0 fi } # Main syntax highlighting function. -hsmw-highlight-process() { emulate -L zsh setopt extendedglob bareglobqual nonomatch noksharrays (( path_dirs_was_set )) && setopt PATH_DIRS (( ointeractive_comments )) && local interactive_comments= # _set_ to empty # Variable declarations and initializations # in_array_assignment true between 'a=(' and the matching ')' # braces_stack: "R" for round, "Q" for square, "Y" for curly # mybuf, cdpath_dir are used in sub-functions local start_pos="$2" end_pos highlight_glob=1 arg style in_array_assignment=0 MATCH expanded_path braces_stack buf="$1" mybuf cdpath_dir cur_cmd alias_target # arg_type can be 0, 1, 2 or 3, i.e. precommand, control flow, command separator # idx and end_idx are used in sub-functions # for this_word and next_word look below at commented integers and at state machine description integer arg_type=0 MBEGIN MEND in_redirection len=${#buf} already_added offset idx end_idx this_word=1 next_word=0 insane_alias local -a match mbegin mend # Processing buffer local proc_buf="$buf" needle for arg in ${interactive_comments-${(z)buf}} ${interactive_comments+${(zZ+c+)buf}}; do # Initialize $next_word to its default value? (( in_redirection )) && (( --in_redirection )) (( in_redirection == 0 )) && next_word=2 # else Stall $next_word. already_added=0 style=unknown-token if (( this_word & 1 )); then in_array_assignment=0 [[ $arg == 'noglob' ]] && highlight_glob=0 fi # Compute the new $start_pos and $end_pos, skipping over whitespace in $buf. if [[ $arg == ';' ]] ; then needle=$'[;\n]' offset=$(( ${proc_buf[(i)$needle]} - 1 )) (( start_pos += offset )) (( end_pos = start_pos + $#arg )) if [[ "${proc_buf[offset+1]}" = $'\n' ]]; then (( in_array_assignment )) && (( this_word = 2 )) || { (( this_word = 1 )); highlight_glob=1; } in_redirection=0 reply+=("$(( start_pos - 1)) $end_pos ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[newline]}") proc_buf="${proc_buf[offset + $#arg + 1,len]}" start_pos=$end_pos continue else (( in_array_assignment )) && (( this_word = 2 )) || { (( this_word = 1 )); highlight_glob=1; } in_redirection=0 [[ "${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[commandseparator]}" != "none" ]] && reply+=("$start_pos $end_pos ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[commandseparator]}") proc_buf="${proc_buf[offset + $#arg + 1,len]}" start_pos=$end_pos continue fi arg_type=3 else offset=0 if [[ "$proc_buf" = (#b)(#s)(([[:space:]]|\\[[:space:]])##)* ]]; then offset="${mend[1]}" fi ((start_pos+=offset)) ((end_pos=start_pos+${#arg})) arg_type=${__HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_TYPES[$arg]} fi proc_buf="${proc_buf[offset + $#arg + 1,len]}" if [[ -n ${interactive_comments+'set'} && $arg[1] == $histchars[3] ]]; then if (( this_word & 3 )); then style=comment else style=unknown-token # prematurely terminated fi reply+=("$start_pos $end_pos ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[$style]}") start_pos=$end_pos continue fi # Analyse the current word. if [[ $arg == (<0-9>|)(\<|\>)* ]] && [[ $arg != (\<|\>)$'\x28'* ]]; then # A '<' or '>', possibly followed by a digit in_redirection=2 fi # Special-case the first word after 'sudo'. if (( ! in_redirection )); then if (( this_word & 4 )) && [[ $arg != -* ]]; then (( this_word = this_word ^ 4 )) fi # Parse the sudo command line if (( this_word & 4 )); then case "$arg" in # Flag that requires an argument '-'[Cgprtu]) (( this_word & 1 )) && (( this_word = this_word ^ 1 )) (( next_word = 8 )) ;; # This prevents misbehavior with sudo -u -otherargument '-'*) (( this_word & 1 )) && (( this_word = this_word ^ 1 )) (( next_word = next_word | 1 )) (( next_word = next_word | 4 )) ;; *) ;; esac elif (( this_word & 8 )); then (( next_word = next_word | 4 )) (( next_word = next_word | 1 )) fi fi expanded_path="" # The Great Fork: is this a command word? Is this a non-command word? if (( this_word & 16 )) && [[ $arg == 'always' ]]; then # try-always construct style=reserved-word # de facto a reserved word, although not de jure (( next_word = 1 )) elif (( this_word & 1 )) && (( in_redirection == 0 )); then # $arg is the command word cur_cmd="$arg" if (( arg_type == 1 )); then style=precommand elif [[ "$arg" = "sudo" ]]; then style=precommand (( next_word & 2 )) && (( next_word = next_word ^ 2 )) (( next_word = next_word | 4 )) (( next_word = next_word | 1 )) else if [[ ${arg[1]} == \$ ]] && (( ${+parameters} )) && [[ ${arg:1} = (#m)([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]#|[0-9]##) ]] && (( ${+parameters[${MATCH}]} )); then -hsmw-highlight-main-type ${(P)MATCH} else : ${expanded_path::=${(Q)~arg}} -hsmw-highlight-main-type $expanded_path fi case $REPLY in reserved) # reserved word style=reserved-word if [[ $arg == $'\x7b' ]]; then braces_stack='Y'"$braces_stack" elif [[ $arg == $'\x7d' && $braces_stack[1] == "Y" ]]; then braces_stack[1]="" style=reserved-word (( next_word = next_word | 16 )) elif [[ $arg == "[[" ]]; then braces_stack='A'"$braces_stack" fi ;; 'suffix alias') style=suffix-alias ;; alias) insane_alias=0 case $arg in '='*) : ;; *'='*) insane_alias=1 ;; *) : ;; esac if (( insane_alias )); then style=unknown-token else style=alias zmodload -e zsh/parameter && alias_target=${aliases[$arg]} || alias_target="${"$(alias -- $arg)"#*=}" [[ ${__HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_TYPES[$alias_target]} = "1" && "$arg_type" != "1" ]] && __HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_TYPES[$arg]="1" fi ;; builtin) style=builtin ;; function) style=() ;; command) style=command ;; hashed) style=hashed-command ;; dirpath) style=path ;; none) if [[ $arg == [[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]#(|\[[^\]]#\])(|[+])=* ]] || [[ $arg == [0-9]##(|[+])=* ]]; then style=assign [[ $arg[-1] == '(' ]] && in_array_assignment=1 || (( next_word = next_word | 1 )) elif [[ $arg[1] = $histchars[1] && -n "${arg[2]}" ]]; then style=history-expansion elif [[ $arg[1] == $histchars[2] ]]; then style=history-expansion elif (( arg_type == 3 )); then (( this_word & 2 )) && style=commandseparator elif [[ $arg[1,2] == '((' ]]; then reply+=("$start_pos $(( start_pos + 2 )) ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[reserved-word]}") already_added=1 [[ $arg[-2,-1] == '))' ]] && reply+=("$(( end_pos - 2 )) $end_pos ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[reserved-word]}") elif [[ $arg == '()' ]]; then style=reserved-word elif [[ $arg == $'\x28' ]]; then style=reserved-word braces_stack='R'"$braces_stack" elif [[ $arg == $'\x29' ]]; then [[ $braces_stack[1] == "R" ]] && { braces_stack[1]=""; style=reserved-word; } elif (( this_word & 14 )); then style=default fi ;; *) already_added=1 ;; esac fi elif (( in_redirection + this_word & 14 )); then case $arg in ']]') style=reserved-word [[ $braces_stack[1] == "A" ]] && braces_stack[1]="" ;; ']') style=builtin ;; $'\x28') style=reserved-word braces_stack='R'"$braces_stack" ;; $'\x29') # subshell or end of array assignment if (( in_array_assignment )); then style=assign in_array_assignment=0 (( next_word = next_word | 1 )) elif [[ $braces_stack[1] == "R" ]]; then braces_stack[1]="" style=reserved-word fi ;; $'\x28\x29') (( multi_func_def )) && (( next_word = next_word | 1 )) style=reserved-word reply[-1]=() ;; '--'*) style=double-hyphen-option ;; '-'*) style=single-hyphen-option ;; "'"*) style=single-quoted-argument ;; '"'*) reply+=("$start_pos $end_pos ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[double-quoted-argument]}") -hsmw-highlight-string already_added=1 ;; \$\*) reply+=("$start_pos $end_pos ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[dollar-quoted-argument]}") -hsmw-highlight-dollar-string already_added=1 ;; \$[^\(]*) style=variable ;; '`'*) style=back-quoted-argument ;; [*?]*|*[^\\][*?]*) (( highlight_glob )) && style=globbing || style=default ;; *) if [[ $arg = $'\x7d' && $braces_stack[1] == "Y" ]] && [[ "$right_brace_is_recognised_everywhere" = "1" ]]; then braces_stack[1]="" style=reserved-word (( next_word = next_word | 16 )) elif [[ $arg[1] = $histchars[1] && -n "${arg[2]}" ]]; then style=history-expansion elif (( arg_type == 3 )); then style=commandseparator elif (( in_redirection == 2 )); then style=redirection else if (( __hsmw_no_check_paths == 0 )) && -hsmw-highlight-check-path; then reply+=("$start_pos $end_pos ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[path]}") already_added=1 if [[ -n "$HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[path_pathseparator]" && "$HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[path]" != "$HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[path_pathseparator]" ]]; then local pos for (( pos = start_pos; pos <= end_pos; pos++ )) ; do [[ ${buf[pos]} == "/" ]] && reply+=("$(( pos - 1 )) $pos ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[path_pathseparator]}") done fi else style=default fi fi ;; esac fi (( already_added == 0 )) && [[ "${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[$style]}" != "none" ]] && reply+=("$start_pos $end_pos ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[$style]}") if (( arg_type == 3 )); then if [[ $arg == ';' ]] && (( in_array_assignment )); then (( next_word = 2 )) elif [[ -n "${braces_stack[(r)A]}" ]]; then (( next_word = 2 )) else (( next_word = 1 )) highlight_glob=1 fi elif (( arg_type == 1 || arg_type == 2 )) && (( this_word & 1 )); then (( next_word = 1 )) elif [[ $arg == "repeat" ]] && (( this_word & 1 )); then in_redirection=2 (( thisword = 3 )) fi start_pos=$end_pos (( in_redirection == 0 )) && (( this_word = next_word )) done return 0 } -hsmw-highlight-check-path() { : ${expanded_path:=${(Q)~arg}} [[ -n "${FAST_BLIST_PATTERNS[(k)$expanded_path]}" ]] && return 1 [[ -z $expanded_path ]] && return 1 [[ -e $expanded_path ]] && return 0 if [[ "$cur_cmd" = "cd" ]]; then for cdpath_dir in $cdpath ; do if [[ -e "$cdpath_dir/$expanded_path" ]]; then return 0 fi done fi return 1 } -hsmw-highlight-string() { mybuf="$arg" idx=start_pos while [[ "$mybuf" = (#b)[^\$\\]#((\$(#B)([a-zA-Z_:][a-zA-Z0-9_:]#|[0-9]##)(#b)(\[[^\]]#\])(#c0,1))|(\$[{](\([a-zA-Z0@%#]##\))(#c0,1)[a-zA-Z0-9_:#]##(\[[^\]]#\])(#c0,1)[}])|[\\][\"\'\$]|[\\](*))(*) ]]; do if [[ -n "${match[7]}" ]]; then idx+=${mbegin[1]}+1 mybuf="${match[7]:1}" else idx+=${mbegin[1]}-1 end_idx=idx+${mend[1]}-${mbegin[1]}+1 mybuf="${match[8]}" reply+=("$idx $end_idx ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[back-or-dollar-double-quoted-argument]}") idx=end_idx fi done } -hsmw-highlight-dollar-string() { local i j k style local AA integer c for (( i = 3 ; i < end_pos - start_pos ; i += 1 )); do (( j = i + start_pos - 1 )) (( k = j + 1 )) case $arg[$i] in \\) style=back-dollar-quoted-argument for (( c = i + 1 ; c <= end_pos - start_pos ; c += 1 )); do [[ "$arg[$c]" != ([0-9xXuUa-fA-F]) ]] && break done AA=$arg[$i+1,$c-1] if [[ "$AA" =~ "^(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}" || "$AA" =~ "^[0-7]{1,3}" || "$AA" =~ "^u[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}" || "$AA" =~ "^U[0-9a-fA-F]{1,8}" ]]; then (( k += $#MATCH )) (( i += $#MATCH )) else if (( $#arg > $i+1 )) && [[ $arg[$i+1] == [xXuU] ]]; then style=unknown-token fi (( k += 1 )) # Color following char too. (( i += 1 )) # Skip parsing the escaped char. fi ;; *) continue ;; esac reply+=("$j $k ${HSMW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[$style]}") done } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main highlighter initialization # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -hsmw-highlight-init() { __hsmw_highlight_main__command_type_cache=() } typeset -g __HSMW_MH_SOURCED=1