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2020-09-27 18:38:30 +00:00
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> Hetty is an HTTP toolkit for security research. It aims to become an open source
> alternative to commercial software like Burp Suite Pro, with powerful features
> tailored to the needs of the infosec and bug bounty community.
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/ZZ6o83X.png">
## Features/to do
- [x] HTTP man-in-the-middle (MITM) proxy and GraphQL server.
- [x] Web interface (Next.js) with proxy log viewer.
- [] Add scope support to the proxy.
- [] Full text search (with regex) in proxy log viewer.
- [] Project management.
- [] Sender module for sending manual HTTP requests, either from scratch or based
off requests from the proxy log.
- [] Attacker module for automated sending of HTTP requests. Leverage the concurrency
features of Go and its `net/http` package to make it blazingly fast.
## Installation
Hetty is packaged on GitHub as a single binary, with the web interface resources
👉 You can find downloads for Linux, macOS and Windows on the [releases page](https://github.com/dstotijn/hetty/releases).
### Alternatives:
**Build from source**
$ go get github.com/dstotijn/hetty
Then export the Next.js frontend app:
$ cd admin
$ yarn install
$ yarn export
This will ensure a folder `./admin/dist` exists.
Then, you can bundle the frontend app using `rice`.
The easiest way to do this is via a supplied `Makefile` command in the root of
the project:
make build
Alternatively, you can run Hetty via Docker. See: [`dstotijn/hetty`](https://hub.docker.com/r/dstotijn/hetty)
on Docker Hub.
$ docker run \
-v $HOME/.ssh/hetty_key.pem:/.ssh/hetty_key.pem \
-v $HOME/.ssh/hetty_cert.pem:/.ssh/hetty_cert.pem \
-v $HOME/.hetty/hetty.db:/app/hetty.db \
-p \
dstotijn/hetty -key /.ssh/hetty_key.pem -cert /.ssh/hetty_cert.pem -db hetty.db
## Usage
Hetty is packaged as a single binary, with the web interface resources embedded.
When the program is run, it listens by default on `:8080` and is accessible via
http://localhost:8080. Depending on incoming HTTP requests, it either acts as a
MITM proxy, or it serves the GraphQL API and web interface (Next.js).
$ hetty -h
Usage of hetty:
-addr string
TCP address to listen on, in the form "host:port" (default ":80")
-adminPath string
File path to admin build
-cert string
CA certificate file path
-db string
Database file path (default "hetty.db")
-key string
CA private key file path
**Note:** There is no built-in in support yet for generating a CA certificate.
This will be added really soon in an upcoming release. In the meantime, please
use `openssl` (_TODO: add instructions_).
## Vision and roadmap
The project has just gotten underway, and as such I havent had time yet to do a
write-up on its mission and roadmap. A short summary/braindump:
- Fast core/engine, built with Go, with a minimal memory footprint.
- GraphQL server to interact with the backend.
- Easy to use web interface, built with Next.js and Material UI.
- Extensibility is top of mind. All modules are written as Go packages, to
be used by the main `hetty` program, but also usable as libraries for other software.
Aside from the GraphQL server, it should (eventually) be possible to also use
it as a CLI tool.
- Pluggable architecture for the MITM proxy and future modules, making it
possible for hook into the core engine.
- Ive chosen [Cayley](https://cayley.io/) as the graph database (backed by
BoltDB storage on disk) for now (not sure if it will work in the long run).
The benefit is that Cayley (also written in Go)
is embedded as a library. Because of this, the complete application is self contained
in a single running binary.
- Talk to the community, and focus on the features that the majority.
Less features means less code to maintain.
## Status
The project is currently under active development. Please star/follow and check
back soon. 🤗
## Acknowledgements
Thanks to the [Hacker101 community on Discord](https://discordapp.com/channels/514337135491416065)
for all the encouragement to actually start building this thing!
## License
© 2020 David Stotijn — [Twitter](https://twitter.com/dstotijn), [Email](mailto:dstotijn@gmail.com)