# hactool ![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-ISC-blue.svg) hactool is a tool to view information about, decrypt, and extract common file formats for the Nintendo Switch, especially Nintendo Content Archives. It is heavily inspired by [ctrtool](https://github.com/profi200/Project_CTR/tree/master/ctrtool). ## Usage ``` Usage: hactool [options...] Options: -i, --info Show file info. This is the default action. -x, --extract Extract data from file. This is also the default action. -r, --raw Keep raw data, don't unpack. -y, --verify Verify hashes and signatures. -d, --dev Decrypt with development keys instead of retail. -k, --keyset Load keys from an external file. -t, --intype=type Specify input file type [nca, xci, pfs0, romfs, hfs0, npdm, pk11, pk21, ini1, kip1, nax0, keygen] --titlekey=key Set title key for Rights ID crypto titles. --contentkey=key Set raw key for NCA body decryption. NCA options: --plaintext=file Specify file path for saving a decrypted copy of the NCA. --header=file Specify Header file path. --section0=file Specify Section 0 file path. --section1=file Specify Section 1 file path. --section2=file Specify Section 2 file path. --section3=file Specify Section 3 file path. --section0dir=dir Specify Section 0 directory path. --section1dir=dir Specify Section 1 directory path. --section2dir=dir Specify Section 2 directory path. --section3dir=dir Specify Section 3 directory path. --exefs=file Specify ExeFS file path. Overrides appropriate section file path. --exefsdir=dir Specify ExeFS directory path. Overrides appropriate section directory path. --romfs=file Specify RomFS file path. Overrides appropriate section file path. --romfsdir=dir Specify RomFS directory path. Overrides appropriate section directory path. --listromfs List files in RomFS. --baseromfs Set Base RomFS to use with update partitions. --basenca Set Base NCA to use with update partitions. --basefake Use a fake Base RomFS with update partitions (all reads will return 0xCC). --onlyupdated Ignore non-updated files in update partitions. NPDM options: --json=file Specify file path for saving JSON representation of program permissions to. KIP1 options: --json=file Specify file path for saving JSON representation of program permissions to. --uncompressed=f Specify file path for saving uncompressed KIP1. NSO0 options: --uncompressed=f Specify file path for saving uncompressed NSO0. PFS0 options: --pfs0dir=dir Specify PFS0 directory path. --outdir=dir Specify PFS0 directory path. Overrides previous path, if present. --exefsdir=dir Specify PFS0 directory path. Overrides previous paths, if present for ExeFS PFS0. RomFS options: --romfsdir=dir Specify RomFS directory path. --outdir=dir Specify RomFS directory path. Overrides previous path, if present. --listromfs List files in RomFS. HFS0 options: --hfs0dir=dir Specify HFS0 directory path. --outdir=dir Specify HFS0 directory path. Overrides previous path, if present. --exefsdir=dir Specify HFS0 directory path. Overrides previous paths, if present. XCI options: --rootdir=dir Specify XCI root HFS0 directory path. --updatedir=dir Specify XCI update HFS0 directory path. --normaldir=dir Specify XCI normal HFS0 directory path. --securedir=dir Specify XCI secure HFS0 directory path. --logodir=dir Specify XCI logo HFS0 directory path. --outdir=dir Specify XCI directory path. Overrides previous paths, if present. Package1 options: --package1dir=dir Specify Package1 directory path. --outdir=dir Specify Package1 directory path. Overrides previous path, if present. Package2 options: --package2dir=dir Specify Package2 directory path. --outdir=dir Specify Package2 directory path. Overrides previous path, if present. --extractini1 Enable INI1 extraction to default directory (redundant with --ini1dir set). --ini1dir=dir Specify INI1 directory path. Overrides default path, if present. INI1 options: --ini1dir=dir Specify INI1 directory path. --outdir=dir Specify INI1 directory path. Overrides previous path, if present. --saveini1json Enable generation of JSON descriptors for all INI1 members. NAX0 options: --sdseed=seed Set console unique seed for SD card NAX0 encryption. --sdpath=path Set relative path for NAX0 key derivation (ex: /registered/000000FF/cafebabecafebabecafebabecafebabe.nca). Key Derivation options: --sbk=key Set console unique Secure Boot Key for key derivation. --tseckey=key Set console unique TSEC Key for key derivation.``` ``` ## Building Copy `config.mk.template` to `config.mk`, make changes as required, and then run `make`. If your `make` is not GNU make (e.g. on BSD variants), you need to call `gmake` instead. If on Windows, I recommend using MinGW. ## External Keys External keys can be provided by the -k/--keyset argument to the a keyset filename. Keyset files are text files containing one key per line, in the form "key_name = HEXADECIMALKEY". Case shouldn't matter, nor should whitespace. In addition, if -k/--keyset is not set, hactool will check for the presence of a keyset file in $HOME/.switch/prod.keys (or $HOME/.switch/dev.keys if -d/--dev is set). If present, this file will automatically be loaded. ## Licensing This software is licensed under the terms of the ISC License. You can find a copy of the license in the LICENSE file.