#include #include "aes.h" #include "sha.h" #include "nax0.h" static size_t nax0_read(nax0_ctx_t *ctx, uint64_t offset, void *dst, size_t size) { if (ctx->num_files == 1) { fseeko64(ctx->files[0], offset, SEEK_SET); return fread(dst, 1, size, ctx->files[0]); } FILE *which = ctx->files[offset / 0xFFFF0000ULL]; uint64_t offset_in_file = offset % 0xFFFF0000ULL; fseeko64(which, offset_in_file, SEEK_SET); uint64_t left_in_file = 0xFFFF0000ULL - offset_in_file; if (size > left_in_file) { return fread(dst, 1, left_in_file, which) + nax0_read(ctx, offset + left_in_file, (unsigned char *)dst + left_in_file, size - left_in_file); } else { return fread(dst, 1, size, which); } } void nax0_process(nax0_ctx_t *ctx) { /* First things first... */ FILE *f_temp; if ((f_temp = os_fopen(ctx->base_path.os_path, OS_MODE_READ)) != NULL) { ctx->num_files = 1; ctx->files = calloc(1, sizeof(FILE *)); if (ctx->files == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate NAX0 file holder!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ctx->files[0] = f_temp; } else { ctx->num_files = 0; filepath_t temp_path; while (1) { filepath_copy(&temp_path, &ctx->base_path); filepath_append(&temp_path, "%02"PRIu32, ctx->num_files); if ((f_temp = os_fopen(temp_path.os_path, OS_MODE_READ)) == NULL) { break; } ctx->num_files++; fclose(f_temp); } if (ctx->num_files == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Input path appears to neither be a NAX0, nor a NAX0 directory!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ctx->files = calloc(ctx->num_files, sizeof(FILE *)); if (ctx->files == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate NAX0 file holder!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ctx->num_files; i++) { filepath_copy(&temp_path, &ctx->base_path); filepath_append(&temp_path, "%02"PRIu32, i); if ((ctx->files[i] = os_fopen(temp_path.os_path, OS_MODE_READ)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s!\n", temp_path.char_path); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } nax0_read(ctx, 0, &ctx->header, sizeof(ctx->header)); if (ctx->header.magic != MAGIC_NAX0) { printf("Error: File has invalid NAX0 magic!\n"); return; } memcpy(ctx->encrypted_keys, ctx->header.keys, sizeof(ctx->header.keys)); int found = 0; for (ctx->k = 0; ctx->k < 2; ctx->k++) { unsigned char nax_specific_keys[2][0x10]; sha256_get_buffer_hmac(nax_specific_keys, ctx->tool_ctx->settings.keyset.sd_card_keys[ctx->k], 0x10, ctx->tool_ctx->settings.nax0_sd_path.char_path, strlen(ctx->tool_ctx->settings.nax0_sd_path.char_path)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { aes_ctx_t *nax_k_ctx = new_aes_ctx(nax_specific_keys[i], 0x10, AES_MODE_ECB); aes_decrypt(nax_k_ctx, ctx->header.keys[i], ctx->encrypted_keys[i], 0x10); free_aes_ctx(nax_k_ctx); } unsigned char validation_mac[0x20]; sha256_get_buffer_hmac(validation_mac, &ctx->header.magic, 0x60, ctx->tool_ctx->settings.keyset.sd_card_keys[ctx->k] + 0x10, 0x10); if (memcmp(ctx->header.hmac_header, validation_mac, 0x20) == 0) { found = 1; break; } } if (!found) { printf("Error: NAX0 key derivation failed. Check SD card seed and relative path?\n"); return; } ctx->aes_ctx = new_aes_ctx(ctx->header.keys, 0x20, AES_MODE_XTS); if (ctx->tool_ctx->action & ACTION_INFO) { nax0_print(ctx); } if (ctx->tool_ctx->action & ACTION_EXTRACT) { nax0_save(ctx); } } void nax0_save(nax0_ctx_t *ctx) { /* Save Decrypted Contents. */ filepath_t *dec_path = &ctx->tool_ctx->settings.plaintext_path; if (dec_path->valid != VALIDITY_VALID) { return; } printf("Saving Decrypted NAX0 Content to %s...\n", dec_path->char_path); FILE *f_dec = os_fopen(dec_path->os_path, OS_MODE_WRITE); if (f_dec == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s!\n", dec_path->char_path); return; } uint64_t ofs = 0x4000; uint64_t end_ofs = ofs + ctx->header.size; unsigned char *buf = malloc(0x400000); if (buf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate file-save buffer!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } uint64_t read_size = 0x400000; /* 4 MB buffer. */ memset(buf, 0xCC, read_size); /* Debug in case I fuck this up somehow... */ while (ofs < end_ofs) { if (ofs + read_size >= end_ofs) read_size = end_ofs - ofs; if (nax0_read(ctx, ofs, buf, read_size) != read_size) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read file!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } uint64_t dec_size = (read_size + 0x3FFF) & ~0x3FFF; aes_xts_decrypt(ctx->aes_ctx, buf, buf, dec_size, (ofs - 0x4000) >> 14, 0x4000); if (fwrite(buf, 1, read_size, f_dec) != read_size) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write file!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ofs += read_size; } fclose(f_dec); free(buf); } static const char *nax0_get_key_summary(unsigned int k) { switch (k) { case 0: return "Save"; case 1: return "NCA"; default: return "Unknown"; } } void nax0_print(nax0_ctx_t *ctx) { printf("\nNAX0:\n"); print_magic(" Magic: ", ctx->header.magic); printf(" Content Type: %s\n", nax0_get_key_summary(ctx->k)); printf(" Content Size: %012"PRIx64"\n", ctx->header.size); memdump(stdout, " Header HMAC: ", ctx->header.hmac_header, 0x20); memdump(stdout, " Encrypted Keys: ", ctx->encrypted_keys, 0x20); memdump(stdout, " Decrypted Keys: ", ctx->header.keys, 0x20); }