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Vous devez le compiler ou utiliser des binaires précompilés (par moi)
SeatbeltNet3.5x64.exe all
SeatbeltNet3.5x64.exe all full #Without filtering
J'aime vraiment le filtrage effectué.
Cet outil est plus orienté vers la collecte d'informations que vers la recherche de privilèges, mais il possède quelques vérifications intéressantes et recherche certains mots de passe.
SeatBelt.exe system collecte les données système suivantes :
BasicOSInfo - Basic OS info (i.e. architecture, OS version, etc.)
RebootSchedule - Reboot schedule (last 15 days) based on event IDs 12 and 13
TokenGroupPrivs - Current process/token privileges (e.g. SeDebugPrivilege/etc.)
UACSystemPolicies - UAC system policies via the registry
PowerShellSettings - PowerShell versions and security settings
AuditSettings - Audit settings via the registry
WEFSettings - Windows Event Forwarding (WEF) settings via the registry
LSASettings - LSA settings (including auth packages)
UserEnvVariables - Current user environment variables
SystemEnvVariables - Current system environment variables
UserFolders - Folders in C:\Users\
NonstandardServices - Services with file info company names that don't contain 'Microsoft'
InternetSettings - Internet settings including proxy configs
LapsSettings - LAPS settings, if installed
LocalGroupMembers - Members of local admins, RDP, and DCOM
MappedDrives - Mapped drives
RDPSessions - Current incoming RDP sessions
WMIMappedDrives - Mapped drives via WMI
NetworkShares - Network shares
FirewallRules - Deny firewall rules, "full" dumps all
AntiVirusWMI - Registered antivirus (via WMI)
InterestingProcesses - "Interesting" processes- defensive products and admin tools
RegistryAutoRuns - Registry autoruns
RegistryAutoLogon - Registry autologon information
DNSCache - DNS cache entries (via WMI)
ARPTable - Lists the current ARP table and adapter information (equivalent to arp -a)
AllTcpConnections - Lists current TCP connections and associated processes
AllUdpConnections - Lists current UDP connections and associated processes
NonstandardProcesses - Running processeswith file info company names that don't contain 'Microsoft'
* If the user is in high integrity, the following additional actions are run:
SysmonConfig - Sysmon configuration from the registry
SeatBelt.exe user collecte les données utilisateur suivantes :
SavedRDPConnections - Saved RDP connections
TriageIE - Internet Explorer bookmarks and history (last 7 days)
DumpVault - Dump saved credentials in Windows Vault (i.e. logins from Internet Explorer and Edge), from SharpWeb
RecentRunCommands - Recent "run" commands
PuttySessions - Interesting settings from any saved Putty configurations
PuttySSHHostKeys - Saved putty SSH host keys
CloudCreds - AWS/Google/Azure cloud credential files (SharpCloud)
RecentFiles - Parsed "recent files" shortcuts (last 7 days)
MasterKeys - List DPAPI master keys
CredFiles - List Windows credential DPAPI blobs
RDCManFiles - List Windows Remote Desktop Connection Manager settings files
* If the user is in high integrity, this data is collected for ALL users instead of just the current user
Options de collection non par défaut :
CurrentDomainGroups - The current user's local and domain groups
Patches - Installed patches via WMI (takes a bit on some systems)
LogonSessions - User logon session data
KerberosTGTData - ALL TEH TGTZ!
InterestingFiles - "Interesting" files matching various patterns in the user's folder
IETabs - Open Internet Explorer tabs
TriageChrome - Chrome bookmarks and history
TriageFirefox - Firefox history (no bookmarks)
RecycleBin - Items in the Recycle Bin deleted in the last 30 days - only works from a user context!
4624Events - 4624 logon events from the security event log
4648Events - 4648 explicit logon events from the security event log
KerberosTickets - List Kerberos tickets. If elevated, grouped by all logon sessions.
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