2023-06-14 11:51:06 +00:00
macos-sandbox-debug-and-bypass Translated ['backdoors/salseo.md', 'generic-methodologies-and-resources/ 2023-06-14 11:51:06 +00:00
macos-sandbox-debug-and-bypass.md Translated ['README.md', 'macos-hardening/macos-security-and-privilege-e 2023-06-08 17:58:35 +00:00
README.md Translated ['macos-hardening/macos-security-and-privilege-escalation/mac 2023-06-11 01:20:19 +00:00

Sandbox de macOS

☁️ HackTricks Cloud ☁️ -🐦 Twitter 🐦 - 🎙️ Twitch 🎙️ - 🎥 Youtube 🎥

Información básica

El Sandbox de macOS (inicialmente llamado Seatbelt) limita las aplicaciones que se ejecutan dentro del sandbox a las acciones permitidas especificadas en el perfil de Sandbox con el que se está ejecutando la aplicación. Esto ayuda a garantizar que la aplicación solo acceda a los recursos esperados.

Cualquier aplicación con la autorización com.apple.security.app-sandbox se ejecutará dentro del sandbox. Los binarios de Apple suelen ejecutarse dentro de un Sandbox y para publicar en la App Store, esta autorización es obligatoria. Por lo tanto, la mayoría de las aplicaciones se ejecutarán dentro del sandbox.

Para controlar lo que un proceso puede o no hacer, el Sandbox tiene hooks en todas las syscalls en todo el kernel. Dependiendo de las autorizaciones de la aplicación, el Sandbox permitirá ciertas acciones.

Algunos componentes importantes del Sandbox son:

  • La extensión del kernel /System/Library/Extensions/Sandbox.kext
  • El framework privado /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppSandbox.framework
  • Un daemon que se ejecuta en userland /usr/libexec/sandboxd
  • Los contenedores ~/Library/Containers

Dentro de la carpeta de contenedores se puede encontrar una carpeta para cada aplicación ejecutada en el sandbox con el nombre del identificador del paquete:

ls -l ~/Library/Containers
total 0
drwx------@ 4 username  staff  128 May 23 20:20 com.apple.AMPArtworkAgent
drwx------@ 4 username  staff  128 May 23 20:13 com.apple.AMPDeviceDiscoveryAgent
drwx------@ 4 username  staff  128 Mar 24 18:03 com.apple.AVConference.Diagnostic
drwx------@ 4 username  staff  128 Mar 25 14:14 com.apple.Accessibility-Settings.extension
drwx------@ 4 username  staff  128 Mar 25 14:10 com.apple.ActionKit.BundledIntentHandler

Dentro de cada carpeta de identificación de paquete se puede encontrar el archivo plist y el directorio Data de la aplicación:

cd /Users/username/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari
ls -la
total 104
drwx------@   4 username  staff    128 Mar 24 18:08 .
drwx------  348 username  staff  11136 May 23 20:57 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 username  staff  50214 Mar 24 18:08 .com.apple.containermanagerd.metadata.plist
drwx------   13 username  staff    416 Mar 24 18:05 Data

ls -l Data
total 0
drwxr-xr-x@  8 username  staff   256 Mar 24 18:08 CloudKit
lrwxr-xr-x   1 username  staff    19 Mar 24 18:02 Desktop -> ../../../../Desktop
drwx------   2 username  staff    64 Mar 24 18:02 Documents
lrwxr-xr-x   1 username  staff    21 Mar 24 18:02 Downloads -> ../../../../Downloads
drwx------  35 username  staff  1120 Mar 24 18:08 Library
lrwxr-xr-x   1 username  staff    18 Mar 24 18:02 Movies -> ../../../../Movies
lrwxr-xr-x   1 username  staff    17 Mar 24 18:02 Music -> ../../../../Music
lrwxr-xr-x   1 username  staff    20 Mar 24 18:02 Pictures -> ../../../../Pictures
drwx------   2 username  staff    64 Mar 24 18:02 SystemData
drwx------   2 username  staff    64 Mar 24 18:02 tmp

{% hint style="danger" %} Tenga en cuenta que aunque los enlaces simbólicos estén ahí para "escapar" del Sandbox y acceder a otras carpetas, la aplicación aún necesita tener permisos para acceder a ellas. Estos permisos están dentro del .plist. {% endhint %}

# Get permissions
plutil -convert xml1 .com.apple.containermanagerd.metadata.plist -o -

# In this file you can find the entitlements:

# Some parameters

# The paths it can access

Perfiles de Sandbox

Los perfiles de Sandbox son archivos de configuración que indican lo que está permitido/prohibido en esa Sandbox. Utiliza el Lenguaje de Perfil de Sandbox (SBPL), que utiliza el lenguaje de programación Scheme.

Aquí puedes encontrar un ejemplo:

(version 1) ; First you get the version

(deny default) ; Then you shuold indicate the default action when no rule applies

(allow network*) ; You can use wildcards and allow everything

(allow file-read* ; You can specify where to apply the rule
    (subpath "/Users/username/")
    (literal "/tmp/afile")
    (regex #"^/private/etc/.*")

(allow mach-lookup
    (global-name "com.apple.analyticsd")

{% hint style="success" %} Revisa esta investigación para ver más acciones que se pueden permitir o denegar. {% endhint %}

También se ejecutan servicios del sistema importantes dentro de su propio sandbox personalizado, como el servicio mdnsresponder. Puedes ver estos perfiles de sandbox personalizados en:

Las aplicaciones de App Store usan el perfil /System/Library/Sandbox/Profiles/application.sb. Puedes revisar en este perfil cómo los permisos, como com.apple.security.network.server, permiten que un proceso use la red.

SIP es un perfil de Sandbox llamado platform_profile en /System/Library/Sandbox/rootless.conf

Ejemplos de perfiles de Sandbox

Para iniciar una aplicación con un perfil de sandbox específico, puedes usar:

sandbox-exec -f example.sb /Path/To/The/Application

{% code title="touch.sb" %}

Sandboxed touch utility

(version 1)

(deny default)

(import "system.sb")

;; Allow reading and writing to the file specified as an argument (allow file-write-data file-read-data (literal "/path/to/file"))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's Downloads directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Downloads")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's Desktop directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Desktop")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's Documents directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Documents")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's Music directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Music")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's Pictures directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Pictures")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's Movies directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Movies")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's Public directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Public")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's Sites directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Sites")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's Applications directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Applications")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's Library directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's Movies directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Movies")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's Music directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Music")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's Pictures directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Pictures")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's Public directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Public")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's Sites directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Sites")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's Applications directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Applications")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's Library directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's tmp directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "tmp")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's var directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "var")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's opt directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "opt")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's bin directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "bin")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's sbin directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "sbin")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's etc directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "etc")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's dev directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "dev")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's private directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "private")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's usr directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "usr")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's System directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "System")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's Volumes directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Volumes")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's Network directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Network")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's CoreServices directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "CoreServices")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/Documents")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/Documents")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/Pictures")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/Pictures")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/Music")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/Music")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/Downloads")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/Downloads")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/Desktop")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/Desktop")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/Public")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/Public")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/Sites")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/Sites")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/Applications")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/Applications")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/Library")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/Library")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/tmp")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/tmp")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/var")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/var")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/opt")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/opt")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/bin")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/bin")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/sbin")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/sbin")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/etc")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/etc")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/dev")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/dev")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/private")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/private")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/usr")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/usr")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/System")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/System")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/Volumes")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/Volumes")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/Network")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/Network")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/comappleCloudDocs/CoreServices")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library/Mobile Documents/iCloudcomapple~CloudDocs/CoreServices")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Downloads")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Desktop")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Documents")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Music")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Pictures")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Movies")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Public")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Sites")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Applications")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Library")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "tmp")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "var")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "opt")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "bin")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "sbin")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "etc")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "dev")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "private")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "usr")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "System")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Volumes")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user's iCloud Drive directory (allow file-write-data file-read-data (subpath (home-subpath "Network")))

;; Allow reading and writing to the user

(version 1)
(deny default)
(allow file* (literal "/tmp/hacktricks.txt"))

{% endcode %}

# This will fail because default is denied, so it cannot execute touch
sandbox-exec -f touch.sb touch /tmp/hacktricks.txt
# Check logs
log show --style syslog --predicate 'eventMessage contains[c] "sandbox"' --last 30s
2023-05-26 13:42:44.136082+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) Sandbox: sandbox-exec(41398) deny(1) process-exec* /usr/bin/touch
2023-05-26 13:42:44.136100+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) Sandbox: sandbox-exec(41398) deny(1) file-read-metadata /usr/bin/touch
2023-05-26 13:42:44.136321+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) Sandbox: sandbox-exec(41398) deny(1) file-read-metadata /var
2023-05-26 13:42:52.701382+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) 5 duplicate reports for Sandbox: sandbox-exec(41398) deny(1) file-read-metadata /var

{% code title="touch2.sb" %}

(version 1)
(deny default)
(allow file-write*
    (regex #"^/Users/[^/]+/Desktop/[^/]+\.txt$")
    (regex #"^/Users/[^/]+/Documents/[^/]+\.txt$"))

{% endcode %}

(version 1)
(deny default)
(allow file* (literal "/tmp/hacktricks.txt"))
(allow process* (literal "/usr/bin/touch"))
; This will also fail because:
; 2023-05-26 13:44:59.840002+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) Sandbox: touch(41575) deny(1) file-read-metadata /usr/bin/touch
; 2023-05-26 13:44:59.840016+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) Sandbox: touch(41575) deny(1) file-read-data /usr/bin/touch
; 2023-05-26 13:44:59.840028+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) Sandbox: touch(41575) deny(1) file-read-data /usr/bin
; 2023-05-26 13:44:59.840034+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) Sandbox: touch(41575) deny(1) file-read-metadata /usr/lib/dyld
; 2023-05-26 13:44:59.840050+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) Sandbox: touch(41575) deny(1) sysctl-read kern.bootargs
; 2023-05-26 13:44:59.840061+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) Sandbox: touch(41575) deny(1) file-read-data /

{% code title="touch3.sb" %} El archivo touch3.sb es un archivo de política de sandbox que restringe el acceso a ciertos recursos del sistema para la aplicación Touch. En particular, la política restringe el acceso a los archivos en el directorio /etc y /usr/local/bin, así como a los sockets de red. La política también restringe la capacidad de la aplicación para crear nuevos procesos y para leer y escribir en archivos fuera de su directorio de inicio. Al restringir el acceso a estos recursos, la política ayuda a prevenir que la aplicación Touch realice acciones maliciosas o no autorizadas en el sistema.

(version 1)
(deny default)
(allow file* (literal "/private/tmp/hacktricks.txt"))
(allow process* (literal "/usr/bin/touch"))
(allow file-read-data (literal "/"))
; This one will work

{% endcode %} {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

{% hint style="info" %} Ten en cuenta que el software de Apple que se ejecuta en Windows no tiene precauciones de seguridad adicionales, como el aislamiento de aplicaciones. {% endhint %}

Ejemplos de bypass:

Depuración y bypass de Sandbox

Los procesos no nacen aislados en macOS: a diferencia de iOS, donde el aislamiento se aplica por el kernel antes de que se ejecute la primera instrucción de un programa, en macOS un proceso debe elegir colocarse en el sandbox.

Los procesos se aíslan automáticamente desde el espacio de usuario cuando se inician si tienen la concesión: com.apple.security.app-sandbox. Para obtener una explicación detallada de este proceso, consulte:

{% content-ref url="macos-sandbox-debug-and-bypass/" %} macos-sandbox-debug-and-bypass {% endcontent-ref %}

Comprobar los privilegios de PID

Según esto, sandbox_check (es un __mac_syscall), puede comprobar si una operación está permitida o no por el sandbox en un PID determinado.

La herramienta sbtool puede comprobar si un PID puede realizar una determinada acción:

sbtool <pid> mach #Check mac-ports (got from launchd with an api)
sbtool <pid> file /tmp #Check file access
sbtool <pid> inspect #Gives you an explaination of the sandbox profile
sbtool <pid> all

SBPL personalizado en aplicaciones de la App Store

Es posible que las empresas hagan que sus aplicaciones se ejecuten con perfiles de Sandbox personalizados (en lugar del predeterminado). Para ello, deben utilizar el permiso com.apple.security.temporary-exception.sbpl, el cual debe ser autorizado por Apple.

Es posible verificar la definición de este permiso en /System/Library/Sandbox/Profiles/application.sb:.

  (lambda (string)
    (let* ((port (open-input-string string)) (sbpl (read port)))
      (with-transparent-redirection (eval sbpl)))))

Esto evaluará la cadena después de esta autorización como un perfil de Sandbox.