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curl -s https://developer.joomla.org/stats/cms_version | python3 -m json.tool

"data": {
"cms_version": {
"3.0": 0,
"3.1": 0,
"3.10": 6.33,
"3.2": 0.01,
"3.3": 0.02,
"3.4": 0.05,
"3.5": 12.24,
"3.6": 22.85,
"3.7": 7.99,
"3.8": 17.72,
"3.9": 27.24,
"4.0": 3.21,
"4.1": 1.53,
"4.2": 0.82,
"4.3": 0,
"5.0": 0
"total": 2951032



  • 检查 meta
curl https://www.joomla.org/ | grep Joomla | grep generator

<meta name="generator" content="Joomla! - Open Source Content Management" />
  • robots.txt
# If the Joomla site is installed within a folder
# eg www.example.com/joomla/ then the robots.txt file
# MUST be moved to the site root
# eg www.example.com/robots.txt
# AND the joomla folder name MUST be prefixed to all of the
# paths.
  • README.txt



Joomla is a popular open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP. It is used to build and manage websites of all sizes and types.

Pentesting Joomla

When pentesting Joomla websites, some common vulnerabilities to look for include:

  1. Outdated Joomla versions
  2. Vulnerable extensions
  3. Weak administrator passwords
  4. SQL injection
  5. Cross-site scripting (XSS)
  6. File inclusion vulnerabilities

Tools for Pentesting Joomla

Some tools that can be used for pentesting Joomla websites include:

  • JoomScan: A tool specifically designed for Joomla pentesting.
  • OWASP Joomla Vulnerability Scanner: Helps in identifying security issues in Joomla websites.
  • SQLMap: Useful for detecting and exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities.
  • Burp Suite: Helps in intercepting and modifying web traffic to test for vulnerabilities.

Best Practices for Securing Joomla

To secure Joomla websites, consider implementing the following best practices:

  1. Keep Joomla and its extensions up to date.
  2. Use strong and unique passwords for administrators.
  3. Regularly backup website data.
  4. Implement proper file permissions.
  5. Disable unnecessary services and components.
  6. Use HTTPS to encrypt data transmission.

By following these best practices and conducting regular security assessments, you can help protect Joomla websites from potential attacks.

1- What is this?
* This is a Joomla! installation/upgrade package to version 3.x
* Joomla! Official site: https://www.joomla.org
* Joomla! 3.9 version history - https://docs.joomla.org/Special:MyLanguage/Joomla_3.9_version_history
* Detailed changes in the Changelog: https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/commits/staging


  • /administrator/manifests/files/joomla.xml 中可以看到版本。
  • /language/en-GB/en-GB.xml 中可以获取 Joomla 的版本。
  • plugins/system/cache/cache.xml 中可以看到一个大致的版本。
droopescan scan joomla --url http://joomla-site.local/



sudo python3 joomla-brute.py -u http://joomla-site.local/ -w /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/http_default_pass.txt -usr admin




  1. Configuration下方点击**Templates**以打开模板菜单。
  2. 点击一个模板名称。让我们选择Template列标题下的**protostar。这将带我们到Templates: Customise**页面。
  3. 最后,你可以点击一个页面以查看页面源代码。让我们选择**error.php页面。我们将添加一个PHP 一行代码来执行代码**,如下所示:
  4. 保存并关闭
  5. curl -s http://joomla-site.local/templates/protostar/error.php?cmd=id