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# Msingi wa Python
<summary><strong>Jifunze kuhusu kudukua AWS kutoka sifuri hadi shujaa na</strong> <a href="https://training.hacktricks.xyz/courses/arte"><strong>htARTE (Mtaalam wa Timu Nyekundu ya AWS ya HackTricks)</strong></a><strong>!</strong></summary>
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* Ikiwa unataka kuona **kampuni yako inatangazwa kwenye HackTricks** au **kupakua HackTricks kwa muundo wa PDF** Angalia [**MPANGO WA KUJIUNGA**](https://github.com/sponsors/carlospolop)!
* Pata [**swag rasmi ya PEASS & HackTricks**](https://peass.creator-spring.com)
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* **Shiriki mbinu zako za kudukua kwa kuwasilisha PRs kwa** [**HackTricks**](https://github.com/carlospolop/hacktricks) na [**HackTricks Cloud**](https://github.com/carlospolop/hacktricks-cloud) repos za github.
## Misingi ya Python
### Taarifa muhimu
list(xrange()) == range() --> Katika python3, range ni kama xrange ya python2 (siyo orodha bali ni jenereta)\
Tofauti kati ya Tuple na Orodha ni kwamba nafasi ya thamani katika tuple inampa maana lakini orodha ni thamani zilizopangwa tu. Tuples zina muundo lakini orodha zina utaratibu.
### Operesheni kuu
Kuongeza namba unatumia: 3\*\*2 (siyo 3^2)\
Ikiwa unafanya 2/3 inarudisha 1 kwa sababu unagawanya nambari mbili (integers). Ikiwa unataka namba za kdecimals unapaswa kugawa floats (2.0/3.0).\
i >= j\
i <= j\
i == j\
i != j\
a na b\
a au b\
siyo a\
ord("A") = 65\
chr(65) = 'A'\
hex(100) = '0x64'\
hex(100)\[2:] = '64'\
isinstance(1, int) = True\
"a b".split(" ") = \['a', 'b']\
" ".join(\['a', 'b']) = "a b"\
"abcdef".startswith("ab") = True\
"abcdef".contains("abc") = True\
"abc\n".strip() = "abc"\
"apbc".replace("p","") = "abc"\
dir(str) = Orodha ya njia zote zilizopo\
help(str) = Maelezo ya darasa la str\
"a".upper() = "A"\
"A".lower() = "a"\
"abc".capitalize() = "Abc"\
sum(\[1,2,3]) = 6\
**Kuunganisha herufi**\
3 \* ’a’ = ‘aaa’\
‘a’ + ‘b’ = ‘ab’\
‘a’ + str(3) = ‘a3’\
**Sehemu za orodha**\
‘abc’\[0] = ‘a’\
'abc’\[-1] = ‘c’\
'abc’\[1:3] = ‘bc’ kutoka \[1] hadi \[2]\
"qwertyuiop"\[:-1] = 'qwertyuio'
\# Maoni ya mstari mmoja\
Maoni ya mistari kadhaa\
if a:
elif b:
for i in range(0,100):
#something from 0 to 99
for letter in "hola":
#something with a letter in "hola"
### Tuples
t1 = (1,'2,'three')\
t2 = (5,6)\
t3 = t1 + t2 = (1, '2', 'three', 5, 6)\
(4,) = Singelton\
d = () empty tuple\
d += (4,) --> Adding into a tuple\
CANT! --> t1\[1] == 'New value'\
list(t2) = \[5,6] --> From tuple to list
### Orodha (array)
d = \[] empty\
a = \[1,2,3]\
b = \[4,5]\
a + b = \[1,2,3,4,5]\
b.append(6) = \[4,5,6]\
tuple(a) = (1,2,3) --> From list to tuple
### Dictionary
d = {} empty\
monthNumbers={1:’Jan’, 2: ‘feb’,’feb’:2}—> monthNumbers ->{1:’Jan’, 2: ‘feb’,’feb’:2}\
monthNumbers\[1] = ‘Jan’\
monthNumbers\[‘feb’] = 2\
list(monthNumbers) = \[1,2,’feb’]\
monthNumbers.values() = \[‘Jan’,’feb’,2]\
keys = \[k for k in monthNumbers]\
monthNumbers.update(a) = {'9':9, 1:’Jan’, 2: ‘feb’,’feb’:2}\
mN = monthNumbers.copy() #Independent copy\
monthNumbers.get('key',0) #Check if key exists, Return value of monthNumbers\["key"] or 0 if it does not exists
### Set
In sets there are no repetitions\
myset = set(\['a', 'b']) = {'a', 'b'}\
myset.add('c') = {'a', 'b', 'c'}\
myset.add('a') = {'a', 'b', 'c'} #No repetitions\
myset.update(\[1,2,3]) = set(\['a', 1, 2, 'b', 'c', 3])\
myset.discard(10) #If present, remove it, if not, nothing\
myset.remove(10) #If present remove it, if not, rise exception\
myset2 = set(\[1, 2, 3, 4])\
myset.union(myset2) #Values it myset OR myset2\
myset.intersection(myset2) #Values in myset AND myset2\
myset.difference(myset2) #Values in myset but not in myset2\
myset.symmetric\_difference(myset2) #Values that are not in myset AND myset2 (not in both)\
myset.pop() #Get the first element of the set and remove it\
myset.intersection\_update(myset2) #myset = Elements in both myset and myset2\
myset.difference\_update(myset2) #myset = Elements in myset but not in myset2\
myset.symmetric\_difference\_update(myset2) #myset = Elements that are not in both
### Classes
The method in \_\_It\_\_ will be the one used by sort to compare if an object of this class is bigger than other
class Person(name):
def __init__(self,name):
self.name= name
self.lastName = name.split(‘ ‘)[-1]
self.birthday = None
def __It__(self, other):
if self.lastName == other.lastName:
return self.name < other.name
return self.lastName < other.lastName #Return True if the lastname is smaller
def setBirthday(self, month, day. year):
self.birthday = date tame.date(year,month,day)
def getAge(self):
return (date time.date.today() - self.birthday).days
class MITPerson(Person):
nextIdNum = 0 # Attribute of the Class
def __init__(self, name):
self.idNum = MITPerson.nextIdNum —> Accedemos al atributo de la clase
MITPerson.nextIdNum += 1 #Attribute of the class +1
def __it__(self, other):
return self.idNum < other.idNum
### map, zip, filter, lambda, sorted na mistari ya kifupi
**Map** ni kama: \[f(x) kwa x katika iterable] --> map(tutple,\[a,b]) = \[(1,2,3),(4,5)]\
m = map(lambda x: x % 3 == 0, \[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) --> \[False, False, True, False, False, True, False, False, True]
**zip** inakoma wakati wa kumalizika kwa mafupi kati ya foo au bar:
for f, b in zip(foo, bar):
print(f, b)
**Lambda** hutumiwa kuamua kazi\
(lambda x,y: x+y)(5,3) = 8 --> Tumia lambda kama **kazi** rahisi\
**sorted**(range(-5,6), key=lambda x: x\*\* 2) = \[0, -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3, -4, 4, -5, 5] --> Tumia lambda kuorodhesha orodha\
m = **filter**(lambda x: x % 3 == 0, \[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) = \[3, 6, 9] --> Tumia lambda kuchuja\
**reduce** (lambda x,y: x\*y, \[1,2,3,4]) = 24
def make_adder(n):
return lambda x: x+n
plus3 = make_adder(3)
plus3(4) = 7 # 3 + 4 = 7
class Car:
crash = lambda self: print('Boom!')
my_car = Car(); my_car.crash() = 'Boom!'
mult1 = \[x kwa ajili ya x katika \[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] kama x%3 == 0 ]
### Makosa ya Kutokea
def divide(x,y):
result = x/y
except ZeroDivisionError, e:
print “division by zero!” + str(e)
except TypeError:
print “result i”, result
print “executing finally clause in any case”
### Assert()
Ikiwa hali ni ya uwongo, kamba itachapishwa kwenye skrini
def avg(grades, weights):
assert not len(grades) == 0, 'no grades data'
assert len(grades) == 'wrong number grades'
### Wazalishaji, toa
Mbadala ya kurudisha kitu, wazalishaji "hutoa" kitu. Unapofikia wazalishaji, itarudisha thamani ya kwanza iliyozalishwa, kisha unaweza kuifikia tena na itarudisha thamani inayofuata iliyozalishwa. Kwa hivyo, thamani zote hazizalishwi wakati mmoja na kwa kutumia hii badala ya orodha na thamani zote, unaweza kuokoa kumbukumbu nyingi.
def myGen(n):
yield n
yield n + 1
g = myGen(6) --> 6\
next(g) --> 7\
next(g) --> Error
### Mbinu za Kawaida
import re\
re.search("\w","hola").group() = "h"\
re.findall("\w","hola") = \['h', 'o', 'l', 'a']\
re.findall("\w+(la)","hola caracola") = \['la', 'la']
**Maana Maalum:**\
. --> Kila kitu\
\w --> \[a-zA-Z0-9\_]\
\d --> Nambari\
\s --> Nafasi nyeupe \[ \n\r\t\f]\
\S --> Herufi zisizo nafasi nyeupe\
^ --> Anza na\
$ --> Ishi na\
\+ --> Moja au zaidi\
\* --> 0 au zaidi\
? --> 0 au 1 mara
DOTALL --> Ruhusu alama ya kipindi kuendana na mstari mpya\
MULTILINE --> Ruhusu ^ na $ kuendana katika mistari tofauti
re.findall("<.\*>", "\<b>foo\</b>and\<i>so on\</i>") = \['\<b>foo\</b>and\<i>so on\</i>']\
re.findall("<.\*?>", "\<b>foo\</b>and\<i>so on\</i>") = \['\<b>', '\</b>', '\<i>', '\</i>']
from **itertools** import product --> Inazalisha mchanganyiko kati ya orodha 1 au zaidi, labda kurudia thamani, mchanganyiko wa Cartesian (mali ya kugawa)\
print list(**product**(\[1,2,3],\[3,4])) = \[(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 3), (3, 4)]\
print list(**product**(\[1,2,3],repeat = 2)) = \[(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)]
from **itertools** import **permutations** --> Inazalisha mchanganyiko wa wahusika wote katika kila nafasi\
print list(permutations(\['1','2','3'])) = \[('1', '2', '3'), ('1', '3', '2'), ('2', '1', '3'),... Kila mchanganyiko unaowezekana\
print(list(permutations('123',2))) = \[('1', '2'), ('1', '3'), ('2', '1'), ('2', '3'), ('3', '1'), ('3', '2')] Kila mchanganyiko unaowezekana wa urefu wa 2
from itertools import **combinations** --> Inazalisha mchanganyiko wote unaowezekana bila kurudia wahusika (ikiwa "ab" ipo, haizalishi "ba")\
print(list(**combinations**('123',2))) --> \[('1', '2'), ('1', '3'), ('2', '3')]
from itertools import **combinations\_with\_replacement** --> Inazalisha mchanganyiko wote unaowezekana kutoka kwa wahusika kuanzia hapo baadaye (kwa mfano, ya 3 imechanganywa kutoka ya 3 lakini sio na ya 2 au ya 1)\
print(list(**combinations\_with\_replacement**('1133',2))) = \[('1', '1'), ('1', '1'), ('1', '3'), ('1', '3'), ('1', '1'), ('1', '3'), ('1', '3'), ('3', '3'), ('3', '3'), ('3', '3')]
### Wapambaaji
Wapambaaji ambao hupima wakati ambao kazi inahitaji kutekelezwa (kutoka [hapa](https://towardsdatascience.com/decorating-functions-in-python-619cbbe82c74)):
from functools import wraps
import time
def timeme(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
print("Let's call our decorated function")
start = time.time()
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
print('Execution time: {} seconds'.format(time.time() - start))
return result
return wrapper
def decorated_func():
print("Decorated func!")
Ikiendeshwa, utaona kitu kama hiki:
Let's call our decorated function
Decorated func!
Execution time: 4.792213439941406e-05 seconds
<summary><strong>Jifunze kuhusu kudukua AWS kutoka sifuri hadi shujaa na</strong> <a href="https://training.hacktricks.xyz/courses/arte"><strong>htARTE (Mtaalam wa Timu Nyekundu ya AWS ya HackTricks)</strong></a><strong>!</strong></summary>
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* Ikiwa unataka kuona **kampuni yako ikionekana kwenye HackTricks** au **kupakua HackTricks kwa muundo wa PDF** Angalia [**MPANGO WA KUJIUNGA**](https://github.com/sponsors/carlospolop)!
* Pata [**swag rasmi ya PEASS & HackTricks**](https://peass.creator-spring.com)
* Gundua [**The PEASS Family**](https://opensea.io/collection/the-peass-family), mkusanyiko wetu wa [**NFTs**](https://opensea.io/collection/the-peass-family) ya kipekee
* **Jiunge na** 💬 [**Kikundi cha Discord**](https://discord.gg/hRep4RUj7f) au [**kikundi cha telegram**](https://t.me/peass) au **tufuate** kwenye **Twitter** 🐦 [**@hacktricks_live**](https://twitter.com/hacktricks_live)**.**
* **Shiriki mbinu zako za kudukua kwa kuwasilisha PRs kwenye** [**HackTricks**](https://github.com/carlospolop/hacktricks) na [**HackTricks Cloud**](https://github.com/carlospolop/hacktricks-cloud) repos za github.