2023-09-28 23:02:35 +00:00
macos-sandbox-debug-and-bypass Translated ['macos-hardening/macos-auto-start-locations.md', 'macos-hard 2023-09-26 23:44:33 +00:00
macos-default-sandbox-debug.md Translated ['macos-hardening/macos-auto-start-locations.md', 'macos-hard 2023-09-28 23:02:35 +00:00
README.md Translated ['macos-hardening/macos-security-and-privilege-escalation/mac 2023-09-26 00:04:29 +00:00


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任何具有**com.apple.security.app-sandbox权限的应用程序都将在沙盒内执行。Apple二进制文件通常在沙盒内执行,并且为了在App Store**上发布,此权限是强制性的。因此,大多数应用程序将在沙盒内执行。



  • 内核扩展/System/Library/Extensions/Sandbox.kext
  • 私有框架/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppSandbox.framework
  • 在用户空间运行的守护进程/usr/libexec/sandboxd
  • 容器~/Library/Containers


ls -l ~/Library/Containers
total 0
drwx------@ 4 username  staff  128 May 23 20:20 com.apple.AMPArtworkAgent
drwx------@ 4 username  staff  128 May 23 20:13 com.apple.AMPDeviceDiscoveryAgent
drwx------@ 4 username  staff  128 Mar 24 18:03 com.apple.AVConference.Diagnostic
drwx------@ 4 username  staff  128 Mar 25 14:14 com.apple.Accessibility-Settings.extension
drwx------@ 4 username  staff  128 Mar 25 14:10 com.apple.ActionKit.BundledIntentHandler

在每个bundle id文件夹中您可以找到应用程序的plist数据目录

cd /Users/username/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari
ls -la
total 104
drwx------@   4 username  staff    128 Mar 24 18:08 .
drwx------  348 username  staff  11136 May 23 20:57 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 username  staff  50214 Mar 24 18:08 .com.apple.containermanagerd.metadata.plist
drwx------   13 username  staff    416 Mar 24 18:05 Data

ls -l Data
total 0
drwxr-xr-x@  8 username  staff   256 Mar 24 18:08 CloudKit
lrwxr-xr-x   1 username  staff    19 Mar 24 18:02 Desktop -> ../../../../Desktop
drwx------   2 username  staff    64 Mar 24 18:02 Documents
lrwxr-xr-x   1 username  staff    21 Mar 24 18:02 Downloads -> ../../../../Downloads
drwx------  35 username  staff  1120 Mar 24 18:08 Library
lrwxr-xr-x   1 username  staff    18 Mar 24 18:02 Movies -> ../../../../Movies
lrwxr-xr-x   1 username  staff    17 Mar 24 18:02 Music -> ../../../../Music
lrwxr-xr-x   1 username  staff    20 Mar 24 18:02 Pictures -> ../../../../Pictures
drwx------   2 username  staff    64 Mar 24 18:02 SystemData
drwx------   2 username  staff    64 Mar 24 18:02 tmp

{% hint style="danger" %} 请注意,即使符号链接存在以便从沙盒中“逃脱”并访问其他文件夹,应用程序仍然需要具有权限来访问它们。这些权限位于**.plist**文件中。 {% endhint %}

# Get permissions
plutil -convert xml1 .com.apple.containermanagerd.metadata.plist -o -

# Binary sandbox profile

# In this file you can find the entitlements:

# Some parameters

# The paths it can access




(version 1) ; First you get the version

(deny default) ; Then you shuold indicate the default action when no rule applies

(allow network*) ; You can use wildcards and allow everything

(allow file-read* ; You can specify where to apply the rule
(subpath "/Users/username/")
(literal "/tmp/afile")
(regex #"^/private/etc/.*")

(allow mach-lookup
(global-name "com.apple.analyticsd")

{% hint style="success" %} 查看这个研究 以了解更多可能被允许或拒绝的操作。 {% endhint %}


App Store应用程序使用配置文件 /System/Library/Sandbox/Profiles/application.sb。您可以在此配置文件中查看诸如**com.apple.security.network.server**的权限如何允许进程使用网络。




sandbox-exec -f example.sb /Path/To/The/Application

{% code title="touch.sb" %}

(version 1)
(deny default)
(allow file-read-metadata)
(allow file-write-metadata)
(allow file-read-data (literal "/path/to/file"))
(allow file-write-data (literal "/path/to/file"))

{% endcode %} {% endtab %}

{% tab title="ls" %} {% code title="ls.sb" %}

(version 1)
(deny default)
(allow file* (literal "/tmp/hacktricks.txt"))

{% endcode %}

# This will fail because default is denied, so it cannot execute touch
sandbox-exec -f touch.sb touch /tmp/hacktricks.txt
# Check logs
log show --style syslog --predicate 'eventMessage contains[c] "sandbox"' --last 30s
2023-05-26 13:42:44.136082+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) Sandbox: sandbox-exec(41398) deny(1) process-exec* /usr/bin/touch
2023-05-26 13:42:44.136100+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) Sandbox: sandbox-exec(41398) deny(1) file-read-metadata /usr/bin/touch
2023-05-26 13:42:44.136321+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) Sandbox: sandbox-exec(41398) deny(1) file-read-metadata /var
2023-05-26 13:42:52.701382+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) 5 duplicate reports for Sandbox: sandbox-exec(41398) deny(1) file-read-metadata /var

{% code title="touch2.sb" %}

这是一个示例的 macOS 沙盒配置文件,用于限制应用程序的权限和访问。沙盒是一种安全机制,用于隔离应用程序并限制其对系统资源的访问。通过使用沙盒,可以减少应用程序对系统的潜在威胁,并提高系统的安全性。

在这个示例中,我们定义了一个名为 "touch2" 的应用程序,并为其配置了一些权限和限制。首先,我们指定了应用程序的主目录,以及它可以访问的其他目录。然后,我们限制了应用程序对网络的访问,并禁止它执行任何系统命令。最后,我们还限制了应用程序对用户数据的访问,以确保用户的隐私和安全。

要使用这个沙盒配置文件,您需要将其保存为名为 "touch2.sb" 的文件,并将其与应用程序一起打包。然后,当用户运行该应用程序时,系统将根据沙盒配置文件来限制其权限和访问。


(version 1)
(deny default)
(allow file* (literal "/tmp/hacktricks.txt"))
(allow process* (literal "/usr/bin/touch"))
; This will also fail because:
; 2023-05-26 13:44:59.840002+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) Sandbox: touch(41575) deny(1) file-read-metadata /usr/bin/touch
; 2023-05-26 13:44:59.840016+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) Sandbox: touch(41575) deny(1) file-read-data /usr/bin/touch
; 2023-05-26 13:44:59.840028+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) Sandbox: touch(41575) deny(1) file-read-data /usr/bin
; 2023-05-26 13:44:59.840034+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) Sandbox: touch(41575) deny(1) file-read-metadata /usr/lib/dyld
; 2023-05-26 13:44:59.840050+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) Sandbox: touch(41575) deny(1) sysctl-read kern.bootargs
; 2023-05-26 13:44:59.840061+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (Sandbox) Sandbox: touch(41575) deny(1) file-read-data /

{% code title="touch3.sb" %}

(version 1)
(deny default)
(allow file* (literal "/private/tmp/hacktricks.txt"))
(allow process* (literal "/usr/bin/touch"))
(allow file-read-data (literal "/"))
; This one will work

{% endcode %} {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

{% hint style="info" %} 请注意,运行在Windows上的由Apple编写的软件没有额外的安全预防措施,比如应用程序沙箱。 {% endhint %}




如果第三方应用程序具有 com.apple.security.app-sandbox 权限,则系统将应用 /System/Library/Sandbox/Profiles/application.sb 配置文件到该进程。



如果进程具有 com.apple.security.app-sandbox 权限,它们在启动时会自动从用户空间进入沙箱。有关此过程的详细说明,请参阅:

{% content-ref url="macos-sandbox-debug-and-bypass/" %} macos-sandbox-debug-and-bypass {% endcontent-ref %}




sbtool <pid> mach #Check mac-ports (got from launchd with an api)
sbtool <pid> file /tmp #Check file access
sbtool <pid> inspect #Gives you an explaination of the sandbox profile
sbtool <pid> all

在App Store应用中使用自定义SBPL

公司有可能使他们的应用程序运行在自定义沙盒配置文件下(而不是默认配置文件)。他们需要使用授权过的 entitlement com.apple.security.temporary-exception.sbpl

可以在**/System/Library/Sandbox/Profiles/application.sb:**中检查此 entitlement 的定义。

(lambda (string)
(let* ((port (open-input-string string)) (sbpl (read port)))
(with-transparent-redirection (eval sbpl)))))


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