# iOS App Extensions
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App extensions enhance the functionality of apps by allowing them to interact with other apps or the system, providing custom features or content. These extensions include:
- **Custom Keyboard**: Offers a unique keyboard across all apps, replacing the default iOS keyboard.
- **Share**: Enables sharing to social networks or with others directly.
- **Today (Widgets)**: Delivers content or performs tasks quickly from the Notification Center's Today view.
When a user engages with these extensions, such as sharing text from a host app, the extension processes this input within its context, leveraging the shared information to perform its task, as detailed in Apple's documentation.
### **Security Considerations**
Key security aspects include:
- Extensions and their containing apps communicate via inter-process communication, not directly.
- The **Today widget** is unique in that it can request its app to open via a specific method.
- Shared data access is allowed within a private container, but direct access is restricted.
- Certain APIs, including HealthKit, are off-limits to app extensions, which also cannot start long-running tasks, access the camera, or microphone, except for iMessage extensions.
### Static Analysis
#### **Identifying App Extensions**
To find app extensions in source code, search for `NSExtensionPointIdentifier` in Xcode or inspect the app bundle for `.appex` files indicating extensions. Without source code, use grep or SSH to locate these identifiers within the app bundle.
#### **Supported Data Types**
Check the `Info.plist` file of an extension for `NSExtensionActivationRule` to identify supported data types. This setup ensures only compatible data types trigger the extension in host apps.
#### **Data Sharing**
Data sharing between an app and its extension requires a shared container, set up via "App Groups" and accessed through `NSUserDefaults`. This shared space is necessary for background transfers initiated by extensions.
#### **Restricting Extensions**
Apps can restrict certain extension types, particularly custom keyboards, ensuring sensitive data handling aligns with security protocols.
### Dynamic Analysis
Dynamic analysis involves:
- **Inspecting Shared Items**: Hook into `NSExtensionContext - inputItems` to see shared data types and origins.
- **Identifying Extensions**: Discover which extensions process your data by observing internal mechanisms, like `NSXPCConnection`.
Tools like `frida-trace` can aid in understanding the underlying processes, especially for those interested in the technical details of inter-process communication.
## References
* [https://mas.owasp.org/MASTG/iOS/0x06h-Testing-Platform-Interaction/](https://mas.owasp.org/MASTG/iOS/0x06h-Testing-Platform-Interaction/)
* [https://mas.owasp.org/MASTG/tests/ios/MASVS-PLATFORM/MASTG-TEST-0072/](https://mas.owasp.org/MASTG/tests/ios/MASVS-PLATFORM/MASTG-TEST-0072/)
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