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# Configuration File
**Apache Airflow** generates a **config file** in all the airflow machines called **`airflow.cfg`** in the home of the airflow user. This config file contains configuration information and **might contain interesting and sensitive information.**
**There are two ways to access this file: By compromising some airflow machine, or accessing the web console.**
Note that the **values inside the config file** **might not be the ones used**, as you can overwrite them setting env variables such as `AIRFLOW__WEBSERVER__EXPOSE_CONFIG: 'true'`.
If you have access to the **config file in the web server**, you can check the **real running configuration** in the same page the config is displayed.\
If you have **access to some machine inside the airflow env**, check the **environment**.
Some interesting values to check when reading the config file:
## \[api]
* **`access_control_allow_headers`**: This indicates the **allowed** **headers** for **CORS**
* **`access_control_allow_methods`**: This indicates the **allowed methods** for **CORS**
* **`access_control_allow_origins`**: This indicates the **allowed origins** for **CORS**
* **`auth_backend`**: [**According to the docs**]( a few options can be in place to configure who can access to the API:
* `airflow.api.auth.backend.deny_all`: **By default nobody** can access the API
* `airflow.api.auth.backend.default`: **Everyone can** access it without authentication
* `airflow.api.auth.backend.kerberos_auth`: To configure **kerberos authentication**
* `airflow.api.auth.backend.basic_auth`: For **basic authentication**
* `airflow.composer.api.backend.composer_auth`: Uses composers authentication (GCP) (from [**here**](
* `composer_auth_user_registration_role`: This indicates the **role** the **composer user** will get inside **airflow** (**Op** by default).
* You can also **create you own authentication** method with python.
* **`google_key_path`:** Path to the **GCP service account key**
## **\[atlas]**
* **`password`**: Atlas password
* **`username`**: Atlas username
## \[celery]
* **`flower_basic_auth`** : Credentials (_user1:password1,user2:password2_)
* **`result_backend`**: Postgres url which may contain **credentials**.
* **`ssl_cacert`**: Path to the cacert
* **`ssl_cert`**: Path to the cert
* **`ssl_key`**: Path to the key
## \[core]
* **`dag_discovery_safe_mode`**: Enabled by default. When discovering DAGs, ignore any files that donβt contain the strings `DAG` and `airflow`.
* **`fernet_key`**: Key to store encrypted variables (symmetric)
* **`hide_sensitive_var_conn_fields`**: Enabled by default, hide sensitive info of connections.
* **`security`**: What security module to use (for example kerberos)
## \[dask]
* **`tls_ca`**: Path to ca
* **`tls_cert`**: Part to the cert
* **`tls_key`**: Part to the tls key
## \[kerberos]
* **`ccache`**: Path to ccache file
* **`forwardable`**: Enabled by default
## \[logging]
* **`google_key_path`**: Path to GCP JSON creds.
## \[secrets]
* **`backend`**: Full class name of secrets backend to enable
* **`backend_kwargs`**: The backend\_kwargs param is loaded into a dictionary and passed to **init** of secrets backend class.
## \[smtp]
* **`smtp_password`**: SMTP password
* **`smtp_user`**: SMTP user
## \[webserver]
* **`cookie_samesite`**: By default it's **Lax**, so it's already the weakest possible value
* **`cookie_secure`**: Set **secure flag** on the the session cookie
* **`expose_config`**: By default is False, if true, the **config** can be **read** from the web **console**
* **`expose_stacktrace`**: By default it's True, it will show **python tracebacks** (potentially useful for an attacker)
* **`secret_key`**: This is the **key used by flask to sign the cookies** (if you have this you can **impersonate any user in Airflow**)
* **`web_server_ssl_cert`**: **Path** to the **SSL** **cert**
* **`web_server_ssl_key`**: **Path** to the **SSL** **Key**
* **`x_frame_enabled`**: Default is **True**, so by default clickjacking isn't possible
## Web Authentication
By default **web authentication** is specified in the file **``** and is configured as
Which means that the **authentication is checked against the database**. However, other configurations are possible like
To leave the **authentication to third party services**.
However, there is also an option to a**llow anonymous users access**, setting the following parameter to the **desired role**:
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