The object is one of the following: `bpfdesc`, `cred`, `file`, `proc`, `vnode`, `mount`, `devfs`, `ifnet`, `inpcb`, `mbuf`, `ipq`, `pipe`, `sysv[msg/msq/shm/sem]`, `posix[shm/sem]`, `socket`, `kext`.\
The `opType` is usually check which will be used to allow or deny the action. However, it's also possible to find `notify`, which will allow the kext to react to the given action.
You can find an example in [https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/xnu/blob/94d3b452840153a99b38a3a9659680b2a006908e/bsd/kern/kern\_mman.c#L621](https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/xnu/blob/94d3b452840153a99b38a3a9659680b2a006908e/bsd/kern/kern\_mman.c#L621):
mmap(proc_t p, struct mmap_args *uap, user_addr_t *retval)
error = mac_file_check_mmap(vfs_context_ucred(ctx),
fp->fp_glob, prot, flags, file_pos + pageoff,
if (error) {
goto bad;
#endif /* MAC */
Then, it's possible to find the code of `mac_file_check_mmap` in [https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/xnu/blob/94d3b452840153a99b38a3a9659680b2a006908e/security/mac\_file.c#L174](https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/xnu/blob/94d3b452840153a99b38a3a9659680b2a006908e/security/mac\_file.c#L174)
mac_file_check_mmap(struct ucred *cred, struct fileglob *fg, int prot,
int flags, uint64_t offset, int *maxprot)
int error;
int maxp;
maxp = *maxprot;
MAC_CHECK(file_check_mmap, cred, fg, NULL, prot, flags, offset, &maxp);
if ((maxp | *maxprot) != *maxprot) {
panic("file_check_mmap increased max protections");
*maxprot = maxp;
return error;
Kt贸ry wywo艂uje makro `MAC_CHECK`, kt贸rego kod mo偶na znale藕膰 w [https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/xnu/blob/94d3b452840153a99b38a3a9659680b2a006908e/security/mac\_internal.h#L261](https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/xnu/blob/94d3b452840153a99b38a3a9659680b2a006908e/security/mac\_internal.h#L261)
* MAC_CHECK performs the designated check by walking the policy
* module list and checking with each as to how it feels about the
* request. Note that it returns its value via 'error' in the scope
* of the caller.
#define MAC_CHECK(check, args...) do { \
error = 0; \
if (mpc->mpc_ops->mpo_ ## check != NULL) { \
DTRACE_MACF3(mac__call__ ## check, void *, mpc, int, error, int, MAC_ITERATE_CHECK); \
int __step_err = mpc->mpc_ops->mpo_ ## check (args); \
DTRACE_MACF2(mac__rslt__ ## check, void *, mpc, int, __step_err); \
error = mac_error_select(__step_err, error); \
} \
}); \
} while (0)
Kt贸re przejdzie przez wszystkie zarejestrowane polityki mac, wywo艂uj膮c ich funkcje i przechowuj膮c wynik w zmiennej error, kt贸ra b臋dzie mog艂a by膰 nadpisywana tylko przez `mac_error_select` za pomoc膮 kod贸w sukcesu, wi臋c je艣li jakiekolwiek sprawdzenie si臋 nie powiedzie, ca艂e sprawdzenie si臋 nie powiedzie, a akcja nie b臋dzie dozwolona.
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Jednak pami臋taj, 偶e nie wszystkie wywo艂ania MACF s膮 u偶ywane tylko do odrzucania akcji. Na przyk艂ad, `mac_priv_grant` wywo艂uje makro [**MAC\_GRANT**](https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/xnu/blob/94d3b452840153a99b38a3a9659680b2a006908e/security/mac\_internal.h#L274), kt贸re przyzna 偶膮dane uprawnienie, je艣li jakakolwiek polityka odpowie 0:
* MAC_GRANT performs the designated check by walking the policy
* module list and checking with each as to how it feels about the
* request. Unlike MAC_CHECK, it grants if any policies return '0',
* and otherwise returns EPERM. Note that it returns its value via
* 'error' in the scope of the caller.
#define MAC_GRANT(check, args...) do { \
error = EPERM; \
if (mpc->mpc_ops->mpo_ ## check != NULL) { \
DTRACE_MACF3(mac__call__ ## check, void *, mpc, int, error, int, MAC_ITERATE_GRANT); \
int __step_res = mpc->mpc_ops->mpo_ ## check (args); \
if (__step_res == 0) { \
error = 0; \
} \
DTRACE_MACF2(mac__rslt__ ## check, void *, mpc, int, __step_res); \
} \
}); \
} while (0)
{% endhint %}
### priv\_check & priv\_grant
Te wywo艂ania maj膮 na celu sprawdzenie i przyznanie (dziesi膮tek) **uprawnie艅** zdefiniowanych w [**bsd/sys/priv.h**](https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/xnu/blob/94d3b452840153a99b38a3a9659680b2a006908e/bsd/sys/priv.h).\
Niekt贸re kody j膮dra wywo艂aj膮 `priv_check_cred()` z [**bsd/kern/kern\_priv.c**](https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/xnu/blob/94d3b452840153a99b38a3a9659680b2a006908e/bsd/kern/kern_priv.c) z po艣wiadczeniami KAuth procesu oraz jednym z kod贸w uprawnie艅, kt贸re wywo艂aj膮 `mac_priv_check`, aby sprawdzi膰, czy jakakolwiek polityka **odmawia** przyznania uprawnienia, a nast臋pnie wywo艂uje `mac_priv_grant`, aby sprawdzi膰, czy jakakolwiek polityka przyznaje `uprawnienie`.
### proc\_check\_syscall\_unix
Ten hak pozwala na przechwytywanie wszystkich wywo艂a艅 systemowych. W `bsd/dev/[i386|arm]/systemcalls.c` mo偶na zobaczy膰 zadeklarowan膮 funkcj臋 [`unix_syscall`](https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/xnu/blob/94d3b452840153a99b38a3a9659680b2a006908e/bsd/dev/arm/systemcalls.c#L160C1-L167C25), kt贸ra zawiera ten kod:
if (__improbable(proc_syscall_filter_mask(proc) != NULL && !bitstr_test(proc_syscall_filter_mask(proc), syscode))) {
error = mac_proc_check_syscall_unix(proc, syscode);
if (error) {
goto skip_syscall;
#endif /* CONFIG_MACF */
Kt贸ry sprawdzi w wywo艂uj膮cym procesie **bitmask**, czy bie偶膮cy syscall powinien wywo艂a膰 `mac_proc_check_syscall_unix`. Dzieje si臋 tak, poniewa偶 syscalls s膮 wywo艂ywane tak cz臋sto, 偶e warto unika膰 wywo艂ywania `mac_proc_check_syscall_unix` za ka偶dym razem.
Zauwa偶, 偶e funkcja `proc_set_syscall_filter_mask()`, kt贸ra ustawia bitmask syscalls w procesie, jest wywo艂ywana przez Sandbox w celu ustawienia masek na procesach w piaskownicy.
## Ekspozycja syscalli MACF
Mo偶liwe jest interakcja z MACF za pomoc膮 niekt贸rych syscalli zdefiniowanych w [security/mac.h](https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/xnu/blob/94d3b452840153a99b38a3a9659680b2a006908e/security/mac.h#L151):
* Extended non-POSIX.1e interfaces that offer additional services
* available from the userland and kernel MAC frameworks.
int __mac_execve(char *fname, char **argv, char **envv, mac_t _label);
int __mac_get_fd(int _fd, mac_t _label);
int __mac_get_file(const char *_path, mac_t _label);
int __mac_get_link(const char *_path, mac_t _label);
int __mac_get_pid(pid_t _pid, mac_t _label);
int __mac_get_proc(mac_t _label);
int __mac_set_fd(int _fildes, const mac_t _label);
int __mac_set_file(const char *_path, mac_t _label);
int __mac_set_link(const char *_path, mac_t _label);
int __mac_mount(const char *type, const char *path, int flags, void *data,
struct mac *label);
int __mac_get_mount(const char *path, struct mac *label);
int __mac_set_proc(const mac_t _label);
int __mac_syscall(const char *_policyname, int _call, void *_arg);
#endif /*__APPLE_API_PRIVATE*/
## References
* [**\*OS Internals Volume III**](https://newosxbook.com/home.html)
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