# Content Security Policy (CSP) Bypass
## What is CSP
Content Security Policy or CSP is a built-in browser technology which **helps protect from attacks such as cross-site scripting (XSS)**. It lists and describes paths and sources, from which the browser can safely load resources. The resources may include images, frames, javascript and more. Here is an example of allowing resource from the local domain (self) to be loaded and executed in-line and allow string code executing functions like `eval`, `setTimeout` or `setInterval:`
Content Security Policy is implemented via **response headers** or **meta elements of the HTML page**. The browser follows the received policy and actively blocks violations as they are detected.
Implemented via response header:
Content-Security-policy: default-src 'self'; img-src 'self' allowed-website.com; style-src 'self';
Implemented via meta tag:
### Headers
* `Content-Security-Policy`
* `Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only`This one won't block anything, only send reports (use in Pre environment).
## Defining resources
CSP works by restricting the origins that active and passive content can be loaded from. It can additionally restrict certain aspects of active content such as the execution of inline javascript, and the use of `eval()`.
default-src 'none';
img-src 'self';
script-src 'self' https://code.jquery.com;
style-src 'self';
report-uri /__cspreport__
font-src 'self' https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net;
frame-src 'self' https://ic.paypal.com https://paypal.com;
media-src https://videos.cdn.mozilla.net;
object-src 'none';
### Directives
* **script-src**: This directive specifies allowed sources for JavaScript. This includes not only URLs loaded directly into elements, but also things like inline script event handlers (onclick) and XSLT stylesheets which can trigger script execution.
* **default-src**: This directive defines the policy for fetching resources by default. When fetch directives are absent in CSP header the browser follows this directive by default.
* **Child-src**: This directive defines allowed resources for web workers and embedded frame contents.
* **connect-src**: This directive restricts URLs to load using interfaces like fetch, websocket, XMLHttpRequest
* **frame-src**: This directive restricts URLs to which frames can be called out.
* **frame-ancestors**: This directive specifies the sources that can embed the current page. This directive applies to , , , and tags. This directive can't be used in tags and applies only to non-HTML resources.
* **img-src**: It defines allowed sources to load images on the web page.
* **font-src:** directive specifies valid sources for fonts loaded using `@font-face`.
* **manifest-src**: This directive defines allowed sources of application manifest files.
* **media-src**: It defines allowed sources from where media objects like , and can be loaded.
* **object-src**: It defines allowed sources for the \